Din sökning på "*" gav 534638 sökträffar
Iftar hos familjen al-Baghdadi
Tusan till folk, det här, ha de redan kommit så här långt! En samling artiklar ur svensk dagspress 1889-1910
Dumma, feta och otäckt desperata. Kulturella förställningar om överviktiga män.
Stress Test Of Vehicular Communication Transceivers Using Software Defined Radio
Förra årets modell. Catwalking och coolhunting
Grannen vet bäst - Faktorer som påverkar hushållens val av energiformer
In today’s society people are overwhelmed with information about different kinds of heating systems. The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that impact households when they make decisions on heating systems, and also how households value different types of information on the subject. Four Swedish municipalities were chosen for closer examination. Municipal energy advisors and represe
Finns det en marknad för hemarbete?
Computer Control of Sucrose Concentration in a Fermentor with Continuous Flow
Håller språket ihop Norden? : en forskningsrapport om ungdomars förståelse av danska, svenska och norska
Haitian Coffee Marketing Revisited
Exkluderad, inkluderad eller både och?
Att styra i organisationer
The evolution of sex determination
Control of Complex Systems
The world of artificial systems is reaching hitherto undreamed-of levels of complexity. Surface traffic, electricity distribution, mobile communications, etc., demonstrate that problems are arising that are beyond classical scientific or engineering knowledge. In order that our ability to control such systems should not be hindered by lack of comprehension, there is an on-going effort to understan
A Preliminary Study of Kopundol Women’s Educational Needs
New Trellis source codes based on linear congruential recursions
We evaluate a new class of rate-distortion codes based on simple linear congruential recursions. Codes are demonstrated for the uniform and Gaussian sources, whose performance exceeds that so far reported in the literature, including that reported for TCQ codes. The results also point to a new correlation relationship that apparently must exist for trellis codes.
Precarity at Work. Asylum rights and paradoxes of labour in Sweden.
Prediction of instability in people with Parkinson’s disease - clinical balance and gait tests.
Objective: To explore whether clinical balance and gait tests can predict instability (falls and/or near falls) in people with Parkinson’s disease (PD).Background: Current PD-studies suggest that multiple balance tests should be used in order to predict falls. However, few studies have included near falls when investigating falls prospectively as recommended.Methods: The study included 74 people w