

Din sökning på "*" gav 534373 sökträffar

Aggressive pituitary tumors and pituitary carcinomas : from pathology to treatment

Aggressive pituitary tumors (APT) and pituitary carcinomas (PC) are heterogeneous with regard to clinical presentation, proliferative markers, clinical course and response to therapy. Half of them show an aggressive course only many years after the first apparently benign presentation. APT and PC share several properties, but Ki67 index ≥10% and extensive p53 expression are more prevalent in PCs.

Spacer cation engineering in Ruddlesden-Popper perovskites for efficient red light-emitting diodes with recommendation 2020 color coordinates

Ruddlesden-Popper perovskites (RPPs) have been demonstrated as a very promising approach for tuning the emission color of perovskite light-emitting diodes (PeLEDs). However, achieving high-performance red PeLEDs with recommendation 2020 color coordinates is still challenging due to the lack of reasonable control over the properties of RPP films. Here, we demonstrate that the judicious selection of

COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake and Associated Factors in Sub-Saharan Africa : Evidence from a Community-Based Survey in Tanzania

COVID-19 is a major public health threat associated with the increased global burden of infectious diseases, mortality, and enormous economic loss to countries and communities. Safe and efficacious COVID-19 vaccines are crucial in halting the pandemic. We assessed the COVID-19 vaccine uptake and associated factors among community members from eight regions in Tanzania. The interviewer-administered

A re-assessment of central banking during 1930s Swedish financial crisis

During the 1930s financial crisis, Central bank of Sweden (Riksbank) actively intervened the liquidity of banks and the market through a range of monetary operations. The monetary policies combined with the devaluation of currency, was regarded as a crucial factor that led to the quick and strong recovery of Sweden. By making use of the balance sheets of the whole banking system, this paper explor

Investigating and Modeling Uplink Processing in 5G NR Multisector Scheduler Simulator

5G NR är den senaste generationen mobilnät och är efterföljaren till Fourth Generation (4G) Long-Term Evolution Advanced (LTE-A). I mobilnäten kan användare koppla upp sig mot basstationer med sina enheter som kan vara en mobiltelefon eller dator. Basstationerna består av antenner som kan både skicka och ta emot information samt en radioenhet som hanterar trafik till och från stationen. Eftersom aAs the latest generation of wireless access technology called Fifth Generation (5G) New Radio (NR) evolves, computational efficiency is key to keep low cost and flexible deployments for vendors. Understanding how the Digital Signal Processing (DSP) load behaves in the digital units is one aspect to enable this efficiency. This thesis investigates how the DSP load in the base station behaves for a

Vi måste våga prata om peak plast

Vid ett möte i Uruguay den 28 november inleder FN en satsning på att minska mängden plast i naturen. Plastforskaren Karl Holmberg vill att Sveriges förhandlare tar med sig sju punkter till mötet.

Antisecretory factor is safe to use as add-on treatment in newly diagnosed glioblastoma

Purpose: Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common primary malignant brain tumor in adults. Despite the best available treatment, prognosis remains poor. Current standard therapy consists of surgical removal of the tumor followed by radiotherapy and chemotherapy with the alkylating agent temozolomide (TMZ). Experimental studies suggest that antisecretory factor (AF), an endogenous protein with propose

Embedded ECU dual CPU Emulator

This thesis project implements a virtual environment that emulates an em- bedded Electronic Control Unit (ECU) with a dual CPU in Quick EMUlator (QEMU). Hardware rigs are an expensive and time-consuming bottleneck in the development process. To obtain an edge over rig hardware, we need to execute software verication, which allows us to improve performance without compro- mising hardware. Emulation

Orienten i Köpenhamn: Hur Tivoli visualiserar Orienten

The Orient in Copenhagen: How Tivoli Gardens visualises the Orient This essay analyses the theme park Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen, and its use of Orientalism. The aim is to understand how Tivoli uses architectural and decorative elements to create an atmosphere of the Orient, as well as how the park’s visualisation of the Orient can be understood through a postcolonial perspective. The methodo

Planering för ny tillgänglighet : Resultat från litteratur- och intervjustudie

Rapporten är en sammanfattning av en litteratur- och intervjustudie som behandlar nya aspekter av tillgänglighet, nämligen den digitala tillgängligheten. Rapporten består av en del som behandlar så kallad grå litteratur, det vill säga rapporter, utredningar och policydokument från olika aktörer som berör den digitala tillgängligheten. Denna litteratur kopplas till viss del också till vetenskaplig

Tankar kring att medverka i en vänbok, och klimaträttsforskning

Den här festskriften är tillägnad Jan Darpö, professor i miljörätt vid Uppsala universitet. Författarna bakom boken vill uppmärksamma Darpös stora betydelse för såväl miljörätten som den rättsvetenskapliga forskningen i stort. Vid tiden för överlämnandet av denna festskrift har Jan Darpö, eller Janne som hans vänner och kollegor brukar kalla honom, uppnått pensionsålder. Trots det fortsätter han a

Dietary fatty acids and endometrial cancer risk within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition

Background: Diet may impact important risk factors for endometrial cancer such as obesity and inflammation. However, evidence on the role of specific dietary factors is limited. We investigated associations between dietary fatty acids and endometrial cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). Methods: This analysis includes 1,886 incident endometrial ca

Den koloniala historieskrivningen : en innehållsanalys av samers representation i två landsarkiv

This Master’s thesis deals with the representation of the Sami people in two swedish regional archives in archival material from the 20th century until now. In the content analysis, I notice if the archive holder belongs to the Sami minority or not, in which context the Sami minority appears in the archives, and to which extent the negative label ”lapp” appears. I have examined 255 volumes in Nati

Bristly versus juicy : Phylogenetic position and taxonomy of Sphaerocoma (Caryophyllaceae)

The phylogenetic position of the Afro-Asian genus Sphaerocoma is investigated using DNA sequences from plastid rps16 and ndhF, as well as from nuclear ITS and RPB2. Seven accessions of Sphaerocoma, representing all three currently recognized taxa, are analyzed along with sequences from genera that have been found to be closely related to Sphaerocoma in broader studies of Caryophyllaceae. The Afro-

Bypassing the animal : Plant-based meat and the communicative constitution of a moral market

The food industry occupies a large portion of the plate in the study of moral markets. Moral markets for food include fair trade goods, organic products, family farmers initiatives, as well as plant-based meat alternatives, the focus of this paper. Driven by a growing concern for animal welfare, sustainability and the responsible use of resources, various companies launched products that successfu

På befintliga lager - Förslag på hur Sundhammars barnkoloni kan anpassas och gestaltas för framtiden

Detta arbete berör ämnet återbruk och återanpassning av en befintlig byggnad i en nutida kontext. Byggnaden som jag valt att studera är Sundhammars barnkoloni, byggd år 1937, belägen invid kusten i södra Bohuslän. Trots att byggnaden bedöms vara en av de bäst bevarade barnkolonibyggnaderna så saknar den skydd, varpå den vid flertalet tillfällen hotats av rivning. Målet med detta examensarbete äThis work concerns the topic of reuse and readaptation of an existing building in a contemporary context. The building I have chosen to study is Sundhammars barnkoloni, built in 1937, located next to the coast in the southern part of Bohuslän. Although the building is considered to be one of the best preserved children’s colony buildings, it lacks protection, whereupon it has been threatened with

Adolescent and Family-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Pediatric Bipolar Disorders : An Open Trial and Individual Trajectories Study in Routine Psychiatric Care

Psychosocial treatments improve outcome in Pediatric bipolar disorder (PBD), but few are developed specifically for adolescents and none has been evaluated in Europe. This study evaluates family-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy for adolescents (ages 13-18) with PBD in routine psychiatric care in Sweden, adapted for teenagers in a European setting from the Child and Family-Focused Cognitive Beh