

Din sökning på "*" gav 533338 sökträffar

Shikei - En empirisk studie om dödsstraffet i Japan.

This thesis tries to clarify why Japan still uses the death penalty even though there have been radical norm changes throughout the 20th century. This essay, through using a comparative case study method, concludes there are three main reasons for why Japan still possesses the capital punishment, which are all connected to each other. First, Japan has not signed nor ratified the international tre

Den kreativa (över)klassen?

In the last decades regions have become increasingly important as actors in the global challenge for economic growth. To be a strong competetor you need to have the right skills and in an era where knowledge-based industry is the key for economic growth the right skills is identified as the right knowledge. The keepers of this knowledge is known by Richard Florida as the “the creative class” and b

Kampen om Afrika : en komparativ studie av Kinas och Europa Unionens riktlinjer avseende handel och mänskliga rättigheter

The purpose of this essay is to discuss whether the occidental approach to human rights, namely the importance of civil and political rights, in Africa is disappearing with the Chinese influence and its oriental viewpoint with focus on economic, cultural and social rights. China has lately chosen to ”Go Global” and now they officially promote their perspective on human rights. The intensified coop

Ska man vinna matchen kan man inte ha inbördeskrig - En studie av gränsregional auktoritetsproblematik i Haparanda-Tornio och Öresundsregionen

Cross-border regionalism has changed the preconditions for power. The traditional nation-state term of power has changed, and as new cross-border regions are created, so are new interests and actors. This essay is a comparative analysis of the organization and the actors in Haparanda-Tornio and Öresund, with the aim to answer the question: Who “owns” a cross-border region? To understand the how th

E-demokratin är död - länge leve e-demokratin!

Studien tar sin början i hur e-demokratin – en demokrati byggd på informationstekniska verktyg – sägs vara död och försvunnen i Sveriges kommuner. Ända sedan denna digitala demokrati i mitten av nittiotalet anammades som den kommande räddningen för en förmodat krisande demokrati, har dess förespråkare kommit att eftersöka den med ljus och lykta. Studien frågar sig om e-demokratin verkligen försva

VITRYSSLAND Demokratiseringsprocessen sedan självständighet fram till idag. - Hur stat, civilsamhälle och president verkar för demokratisering.

Syftet är att analysera och undersöka verkan hos tre faktorer inom demokratiseringsprocessen i Vitryssland. Uppsatsens tre förklaringsfaktorer är stat, civilsamhälle och president. Analysen av dessa förklaringsfaktorer behandlar tiden från självständighet 1991 fram till idag. Materialet i uppsatsen består av böcker främst hämtade från kursen democratization vid lunds universitet och vetenskapliga

Energy efficient buildings in warm climates of the Middle East

Fast development of energy efficient buildings is necessary to deal with growing and high levels of energy consumption and related environmental impacts in the Middle East countries including Iran and Israel. Design for climates such as hot arid and Mediterranean climates entails facing challenges regarding both heating and cooling energy demands in buildings. Since the late 70s, research has been

What could be in store for carbon capture?

European power generators are facing a powerful suite of drivers to engage in carbon capture and storage (CCS). However, the future for CCS is uncertain. The type and level of engagement will depend on how CCS develops. This work, based heavily on primary data, collected thoughts and opinions of 37 stakeholders in Northern Europe in the CCS field today encompassing power companies, NGOs, academics

Uncertainty in financing of the Clean Development Mechanism projects

The research investigates the market and policy conditions that inhibit energy efficiency in the household sector in the context of the CDM undermining its financial and environmental performance and creating uncertainties in the CDM project financing. The contribution to the practical illustration of the uncertainty impact on the project performance is undertaken by the economic and barrier analy

Kustöversvämningar och GIS : en studie om skånska kustnära kommuners arbete samt interpolationsmetodens betydelse av höjddata vid översvämningssimulering

Den globala uppvärmningen orsakar stigande havsnivåer till följd av avsmältning av landis samt termisk expansion av vattnet. Allvarliga konsekvenser befaras till följd av detta, stora landarealer kan komma att svämmas över vilket bland annat kan bidra till klimatflyktingar. Om havsnivån ökar drastiskt står vi i Sverige inför väldiga utmaningar eftersom stora delar av befolkningen är bosatta längs Global warming is causing rising sea levels due to melting of land ice and thermal expansion of water. This could lead to serious consequences around the world, such as environmental refugees. In case of a radical sea level rise, Sweden faces big challenges because many people live along the coasts. This thesis includes a study on how the Scanian coastal municipalities attack the problem of preven

Funktionsgarantier - vid konsumentköp

En funktionsgaranti är en utfästelse om varans funktion och hållbarhet under en viss angiven garantitid. Om varan försämras i det eller de avseenden som garantin omfattar ska den anses vara felaktig oavsett om den var felfri vid avlämnandet. Utan garanti ansvarar säljaren för fel bland annat enligt 16 § Konsumentköplagen (KKL). Det innebär bland annat att varan ska vara avtalsenlig samt att den in

Assessing the level of implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action in Kabokweni location, South Africa; using a bottom-up approach

This thesis assesses the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action at local level of Kabokweni location, South Africa. The Hyogo Framework for Action is a framework, adopted by the United Nations, focuses on promoting proactive disaster management rather than reactive. This fairly new approach reached South Africa as early as in 2003, when the Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002 was launched

Proportionalitetsprincipen En inskränkning i den grundlagsskyddade stridsrätten och en påverkan på den svenska modellen

Den svenska modellen bygger på att arbetsmarknadsparterna reglerar anställnings- och lönevillkor genom kollektivavtal med minimal inblandning från staten. Detta system uppstod ur det gamla industrisamhället där arbetet på fabrikerna var standardiserat och arbetstagarna utgjorde ett kollektiv. Idag är arbetsuppgifterna mer individuella och arbetstagarna fyller en nyckelfunktion på företagen. Förhål

Att arbete som gräsrotsbyråkrat i den svenska äldreomsorgen - En studie i kommuners sätt att bemöta äldre i behovsbedömningen.

The study aims to examine how social workers experience mental health disorders among older people with lighter problems with their mental health. What do they think that elderly people worry about and how can they help them. One big problem is the question: who feels responsible for these problems and does our society services allow older citizens to speak about anxiety if the elderly people feel

Economic Growth in India and Bangalore

The goal of this paper is to investigate the changing nature of India’s and Bangalore’s economy. This study will assess India’s change in the allotment of resources between different sectors within the state and country. To investigate the shifts, this paper will disaggregate the economy into three broad sectors, primary secondary and tertiary. It is expected that the much of the success of India

Disasters, formal education and adaptive capacity - Does people’s level of formal education influence their risk from climate-related disasters? A case study of an informal settlement in Rio de Janeiro

With a worldwide increase in climate-related disasters and the global temperature on the rise, the effects of climate change are already being felt. Among those most at risk are the poor in developing countries, often living in informal settlements or „slums‟. In order to reduce associated risks and strengthen people‟s own coping capacities, there is an urgent need for knowledge about the factors

Relating soil properties to biomass consumption and land management in semiarid Sudan : a minor field study in North Kordofan

I Sudan och många andra delar av Afrika är biomassa den huvudsakliga energikällan. Ved används för att göra upp eld till matlagning och uppvärmning av hus och mycket biomassa går också åt till att bygga hus, staket, verktyg och annat. Bönderna på den sudanesiska landsbygden är väl medvetna om att Acacia-träden som växer och förökar sig naturligt på deras marker hjälper till att öka bördigheten ochIn rural Sudan, as in many parts of Africa, biomass is the most important source of energy. Besides the use as fuelwood for cooking and heating of houses, biomass is also used for construction of houses and fences amongst other things. Among farmers in semiarid Sudan it’s a known fact that the Acacia trees that grow and regenerate naturally on their lands help improve soil fertility and crop yield

Material supply to assembly stations - A study at Nederman, Helsingborg

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to improve the material supply to assembly stations at Nedermans and identify parameters and principles that determine if the components should be stored at the assembly station or in the warehouse. The improvement should reduce the floor space used for assembly, increase the assembly utilization rate and reduce waste of time in the material handling. Method:

”Gemensam lägesbild” – Ur flera perspektiv

This report is a study on the notion of 'shared situation awareness' (SSA) and other similar concepts in a crisis managment environment. Its purpose is to contribute to a broader, more comprehensive understanding of various points of view on the subject. This is achieved through interviews with different kinds of users as well as a study of relevant literature and Swedish legislation. It i

En undersökning av samband mellan förändringar i fenologi och temperatur 1982-2005 med hjälp av GIMMS datasetet och klimatdata från SMHI

Utsläppen av växthusgaser, som till exempel koldioxid, i atmosfären leder till ökade temperaturer runt om på jorden. I tidningarna kan man läsa att den ökande temperaturen leder att glaciärer och polarisar smälter. Men ett annat problem med klimatförändringarna som ofta hamnar i skymundan i media är hur ekosystemen påverkas av de ökande temperaturerna. I det här arbetet försöker jag visa hur den öThe earth’s climate is undergoing vast and rapid chages due to the increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. These changes in the atmosphere are affecting life on earth in many different ways. This degree thesis attempts to quantify the changes in vegetation phenology in Europe during the last 23 years and link these changes to changes in temperature. The phenological parameters that were stud