

Din sökning på "*" gav 534164 sökträffar

Integration of Ferroelectric HfxZr1-xO2 on Vertical III-V Nanowire Gate-All-Around FETs on Silicon

We demonstrate a successful process scheme for the integration of a CMOS-compatible ferroelectric gate stack on a scaled vertical InAs nanowire gate-all-around MOSFET on silicon. The devices show promising device characteristics with nanosecond write time and large memory window of >1.5 V. In the current implementation, the device performance is mainly limited by access resistance, which is attrib

How Neuroscience Changes, Complicates, and Complements Contemporary Film Studies

As a result of recent research discoveries and technological advancements within neuroscience, a growing interest in the brain and its functions permeates not only film studies, but also the field of humanities as a whole. Yet, the neuroscientific influence on contemporary film studies is not easily defined; on the contrary, film scholars with different starting points identify fundamentally diver

Sustainable Business Model Design – Patterns to Make Sustainability Work

Businesses are an essential driver for sustainability, yet managers struggle to make decisions about their business model that actually improve their sustainability performance. In this episode, we meet Florian Lüdeke-Freund, Henning Breuer, and Lorenzo Massa, authors of the new book called ‘Sustainable Business Model Design’. They introduce the concept of sustainable business model patterns, to s

Income Inequality and Carbon Emissions in the United States 1929–2019

This paper studies the relationship between income inequality and carbon emissions in the United States between 1929 and 2019. We contribute to the literature by taking a long-term perspective, which allows us to study how the relationship has varied over time. Our results show that higher inequality was associated with lower emissions during the early part of the sample and higher emissions towarThis paper studies the relationship between income inequality and carbon emissions in the United States between 1929 and 2019. We contribute to the literature by taking a long-term perspective, which allows us to study how the relationship has varied over time. Our results show that higher inequality was associated with lower emissions during the early part of the sample and higher emissions towar

Experiences of Muslims in Western Europe

The chapter provides an overview of the development of the Muslim presence in Western Europe focussing on the period after World War II. The discussion deals with the experiences of Muslims in 19 countries which were located West of the “iron curtain” during the Cold War era (1946/1947–1989) and were therefore integrated in the capitalist world order and politically aligned with the USA. Beginning

Yearbook of Muslims in Europe : Volume 11

The Yearbook of Muslims in Europe is an essential resource for analysis of Europe's dynamic Muslim populations. Featuring up-to-date research from forty-six European countries, the reports provide cumulative knowledge of on-going trends and developments around Muslims in different European countries. In addition to offering a relevant framework for original research, the Yearbook of Muslims in Eur

A criterion for when an emulsion drop undergoing turbulent deformation has reached a critically deformed state

Turbulent breakup in emulsification devices is a dynamic process. Small viscous drops undergo a sequence of oscillations before entering the monotonic deformation phase leading to breakup. The turbulence-interface interactions prior to reaching critical deformation are therefore essential for understanding and modeling breakup. This contribution uses numerical experiments to characterize the critiTurbulent breakup in emulsification devices is a dynamic process. Small viscous drops undergo a sequence of oscillations before entering the monotonic deformation phase leading to breakup. The turbulence-interface interactions prior to reaching critical deformation are therefore essential for understanding and modeling breakup. This contribution uses numerical experiments to characterize the criti

Compounding composites from raw materials with extrusion directly on 3D printer

The materials most commonly used in 3D-printers are in a filament form. This is a barrier for users who want to have new types of filaments with different material compositions. A 3D-printer which can extrude and print directly from the raw material was assembled. Compounding with the common additive types; fibres, and metal powders was performed. The key contribution is that scaling down the size

Accurately Measured Wavelengths of Zn I and Zn II Lines of Astrophysical Interest

Zinc is an element of importance in many research fields within astronomy and astrophysics, from cosmology to stellar atmosphere dynamics. With the aim of improving three decades old measurements of zinc lines of astrophysical interest, emission spectra of Zn I and Zn II have been recorded using a Fourier Transform Spectrometer with a hollow cathode light source. Revised energies for previously kn

Morphological characteristics of pollen from triploid watermelon and its fate on stigmas in a hybrid crop production system

Hybrid crop production is more reliant on pollinators compared to open-pollinated crops because they require cross-pollination between a male-fertile and a male-sterile line. Little is known about how stigma receipt of pollen from male-sterile genotypes affects reproduction in hybrids. Non-viable and non-compatible pollen cannot fertilise plant ovules, but may still interfere with pollination succ

Luminescence characteristics of Scandinavian quartz, their connection to bedrock provenance and influence on dating results

The success of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating relies to a large extent on suitable characteristics of the analysed mineral, in this case quartz. Previous OSL dating of Quaternary sediments in Scandinavia has shown that quartz characteristics vary widely across the region, resulting in dating studies with varied success. The aim of this study is to provide an overview of quartz lumi

A Conceptual Framework for Understanding the Purpose of Change Initiatives

This paper develops a conceptual framework for understanding how organizations create an accepted purpose for organizational change initiatives related to business processes. The framework is based on a longitudinal study related to an Action Research project and the ‘higher level learning’ from using a performance measurement system for change initiatives. Over more than four years, we followed a

Conference equity in global health : A systematic review of factors impacting LMIC representation at global health conferences

Introduction Global health conferences are important platforms for knowledge exchange, decision-making and personal and professional growth for attendees. Neocolonial patterns in global health at large and recent opinion reports indicate that stakeholders from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) may be under-represented at such conferences. This study aims to describe the factors that impact

The Neuroinflammatory Acute Phase Response in Parkinsonian-Related Disorders

Background: Neuroinflammation is implicated in the pathophysiology of Parkinson's disease (PD) and related conditions, yet prior clinical biomarker data report mixed findings. Objectives: The aim was to measure a panel of neuroinflammatory acute phase response (APR) proteins in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of participants with PD and related disorders. Methods: Eleven APR proteins were measured i