Din sökning på "*" gav 535476 sökträffar
Flying Carpets, Les Abattoirs, Toulouse
Psych-Out, Holstebro Kunstmuseum, Holstebro, Denmark
A form is simply something which allows something else to be transported from one site to another. Murray Guy Gallery, New York
Del jardin secreto del suerño, Tamayo Contemporary Art Museum, Mexico City
Away and Boil your Head, Della Biennale de Athene, Istanbule Marakech, Risso
There is Always a Cup of Sea to Sail In, The 29 th Sao Paulo Biennale, Brasil
The Storyteller, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid
Dance with the Camera, Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelpihia
Teaching practices and cognitive skills
National Teaching Standards by various educational organizations in the United States call for a decrease in the use of traditional teaching practices (such as learning by rote) and an increase in the use of modern teaching practices (such as working in small groups) in schools. Yet a small literature in economics has consistently found that traditional teaching raises test scores, while the effec
Vi har fler lärarledda timmar än HTS visar
The Metallofullerene Field-Induced Single-Ion Magnet HoSc2N@C80
Haemophilia : strategies for carrier detection and prenatal diagnosis
In 1977 WHO published in the Bulletin a Memorandum on Methods for the Detection of Haemophilia Carriers. This was produced following a WHO/WFH (World Federation of Haemophilia) Meeting of Investigators in Geneva in November 1976, and has served as a valuable reference article on the genetics of haemophilia. The analyses discussed were based on phenotypic assessment, which, at that time, was the on
Interkulturella perspektiv : Pedagogik i mångkulturella lärandemiljöer
Reptile embryos lack the opportunity to thermoregulate by moving within the egg
Historically, egg-bound reptile embryos were thought to passively thermoconform to the nest environment. However, recent observations of thermal taxis by embryos of multiple reptile species have led to the widely discussed hypothesis that embryos behaviorally thermoregulate. Because temperature affects development, such thermoregulation could allow embryos to control their fate far more than histo
Distribution and surface enrichment of radionuclides in lead-bismuth eutectic from spallation targets
With the development of new high-power neutron spallation sources --both for scientific application and as neutron production tool for accelerator-driven systems-- the demand for experimentally obtained nuclear data on the residue nuclei production in the target is constantly increasing. In the present work, we examined two lead-bismuth-eutectic targets, irradiated with high-energy protons, concer
Hymn to Pan (with Karl Holmqvist) Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe
It’s a set-up, Kiasma, Museum of Contemporary Art Helsinki
Then the Work Takes Place, Camera Austria, Graz
Nonvortical Rashba Spin Structure on a Surface with C1h Symmetry
A totally anisotropic peculiar Rashba-Bychkov (RB) splitting of electronic bands was found on the Tl/Si(110)-(1×1) surface with C1h symmetry by angle- and spin-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy and first-principles theoretical calculation. The constant energy contour of the upper branch of the RB split band has a warped elliptical shape centered at a k point located between Γ and the edge of the