

Din sökning på "*" gav 529364 sökträffar

Stereotype Content at the Intersection of Gender and Sexual Orientation

According to the Stereotype Content Model (SCM), the content of stereotypes differs on two dimensions: communion and agency. Research shows that for stereotypes about the general gender categories of “women” and “men,” there is an ambivalent pattern of communion and agency, where high levels on one dimension are associated with low levels on the other. For sexual minority stereotypes, a gender inv

Towards Fully Pipelined Decoding of Spatially Coupled Serially Concatenated Codes

Having close-to-capacity performance and low error floor, even for small block lengths, make spatially coupled serially concatenated codes (SC-SCCs) a very promising class of codes. However, classical window decoding of SC-SCCs either limits the minimum block length or requires a large number of iterations, which increases the complexity and constrains the degree to which an SC-SCC decoder archite

Developing understandings of occupational (in)justice with occupational therapy students in a transnational project

This article describes an innovative transnational education project involving three European universities, funded through ERASMUS+. One of its aims was to develop and provide a curriculum to facilitate students’ understanding and identification of occupational (in)justice by exposing them to marginalised people living in three European communities with differing cultural, social, and political sy

Political polarization as a media narrative: the Swedish case, 2011-2020.

Although findings yield differing conclusions, there is a consensus that the US political system has polarized in the last few decades (Mason 2018). Outside of the US, empirical results have been scarce and mixed. Political polarization tends to be easier to measure in a two-party system, whereas multiparty systems might not be as conducive to clear cases of polarization. Media effects are one of

Evolution of conventional communication : A cross-cultural study of pantomimic re-enactments of transitive events

This study addresses the postulate of non-conventionality of pantomime, inherent in pantomimic scenarios of language origin. Since lack of semiotic conventions does not preclude micro-conventions resulting from cultural differences, pantomimes should be easier to interpret when the actor and recipient share the same culture than between two different cultures. In the study, Italian and Polish amat

Variants in BANK1 are associated with lupus nephritis of European ancestry

The genetic background of lupus nephritis (LN) has not been completely elucidated. We performed a case-only study of 2886 SLE patients, including 947 (33%) with LN. Renal biopsies were available from 396 patients. The discovery cohort (Sweden, n = 1091) and replication cohort 1 (US, n = 962) were genotyped on the Immunochip and replication cohort 2 (Denmark/Norway, n = 833) on a custom array. Pati

Ethnographic discoveries after fieldwork on troubled youth

The cultivation of ethnographic discovery is not only about being insightful in the field by paying attention to unexpected events and unforeseen social processes. We should also search for potentially surprising or disturbing findings after the fieldwork. This can provide additional ways to create an original and sustainable understanding of research material. In this chapter, we discuss a study

Quantitative proteomic analysis of human peripheral nerves from subjects with type 2 diabetes

AIMS: Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) is a common and severe complication to type 2 diabetes (T2D). The pathogenesis of DPN is not fully known, but several pathways and gene polymorphisms contributing to DPN are described. DPN can be studied using nerve biopsies, but studies on the proteome of the nerve itself, and its surrounding tissue as a whole, are lacking. Studies on the posterior inter

Inga drastiska förändringar när Irans nye president installeras

Irans nye president har starka kopplingar till landets högste ledare Ali Khamenei, och Iran kommer att fortsätta på den inslagna vägen av diktatur och förtryck, hävdar debattörerna Arvin och Ardavan Khoshnood i en analys av den nye presidenten och Irans framtid under honom.Iran’s new president has strong ties to the country’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei, and Iran will continue on the path of dictatorship and oppression, argue debaters Arvin and Ardavan Khoshnood in an analysis of the new president and Iran’s future under him.

Identification and characterization of the CCoAOMT gene family in apple, Chinese white pear, and peach

Lignin is one of the main components of plant cell walls, which provides mechanical support for plants and also contributes to resisting against plant pathogenic fungi. In the fruit industry, the lignin content can affect the quality of fruit. The biosynthesis of lignin involves a variety of enzymes, of which caffeoyl-CoA 3-O-methyltransferase (CCoAOMT) is a class of methyltransferases that plays

Weak endpoint bounds for matrix weights

We prove quantitative, matrix weighted, endpoint estimates for the matrix weighted Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator, Calderon-Zygmund operators, and commutators of CZOs with scalar BMO functions, when the matrix weight is in the class A1 introduced by M. Frazier and S. Roudenko. Even in the scalar case, our estimates are sharper than the results implicit in the literature.