

Din sökning på "*" gav 529662 sökträffar

Har konsumtionen av rött kött förändrats i svenska grundskolor de senaste åren?

Pupils have gotten school meals in Sweden since the late 1800´s. The school meal has of course changed over the years. In the beginning the pupils only got porridge and milk. Since then they serve both meat-, fish- and chicken dishes. In recent years, many schools around the country are more concerned about the environment and therefore started to serve more plant-based diets and less red meat. Re


In this thesis, a magnetic study of two dierent arrangements of Fe3O4 nanoparticles is presented. The nanoparticles are generated using an aerosol technique and guided onto a substrate. The rst sample was produced by guiding the nanoparticles onto the substrate using an electric eld, resulting in large clusters of randomly oriented Nanoparticle (NP). The second sample was created by also applying

A Study of the Relationship between Crude Birth Rate and Population Density in Xinjiang Uyguhur Autonomous Region of China

Recently, the urbanization in China caused much social problem in China, and one of the distinctive features of urbanization is the increasing population density. This thesis aims to discover the relationship between population density and fertility in China by choosing Xinjiang region as an example, other determinants of fertility in Xinjiang region were also examined, such as average income, emp

183 dagar eller sex månader? - Svensk beskattning av tjänsteresenärer med ett formellt respektive ekonomiskt arbetsgivarsynsätt i ett EU-rättsligt perspektiv

Regeringen ämnar införa synsättet ekonomisk arbetsgivare i Sverige från och med den 1 januari 2021. Förändringen innebär att personer som tidigare kunde åberopa skattefrihet i Sverige till följd av den så kallade 183- dagarsregeln nu i vissa fall blir skattskyldiga i Sverige. Detta gäller arbetstagare som är anställda utomlands men som arbetar i Sverige och anses uthyrda till Sverige. En sådan uthThe Swedish government has proposed introducing the concept of economic employer in Swedish tax law. The changes are proposed to take effect on 1 January 2021 and entail that some individuals, whose income was previously tax exempt due to the so called 183-day rule, now will be subject to Swedish income tax. This applies to situations of hiring-out of labour. A hiring-out of labour situation occur

Hemlig dataavläsning - Ett viktigt verktyg i kampen mot allvarlig brottslighet, eller en alltför långtgående inskränkning av individens rättigheter?

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka lagen (2020:62) om hemlig dataavläsning samt att jämföra den med tidigare tvångsmedelslagstiftningar och utvärdera tillämpningen av dem. Detta görs för att få möjlighet att analysera lagens lämplighet och den avvägning som lagen aktualiserar i dess införande och tillämpning, nämligen intresset av en effektiv brottsbekämpning å ena sidan och intresset av den peThis essay will investigate the Swedish Act of 2020:62 Regarding Secret Reading of Data in an attempt to gain an understanding of the law itself as well as create a comparative and evaluative matrix to older acts concerning governmental coercive measure. By doing so, it will be possible to analyze the suitability of the act and the prioritization between effective crimefighting measures and privac

Att skapa familj – En queerteoretisk närläsning om kön och sexualitet i svensk familjerätt

När föräldrar inte själva kan komma överens i frågor om vårdnaden om, boendet för eller umgänget med sitt barn, kan frågorna tas upp hos socialtjänsten eller i domstol. När beslut om barn ska fattas, ska barnets bästa vara den slutligt bestämmande faktorn, en aspekt i bedömningen om barnets bästa är barnets behov av en nära och god kontakt med båda föräldrarna. En (radikal)feministisk utgångspunkWhen parents are unable to agree on questions about custody of, housing for or visitation of their child, the questions can be sorted out with help from the social services or in court. In all decision-making regarding children, the best interests of the child should be the final determining factor, i.e. the child's need for a close and good contact with both its parents. A radical feminist n

The history of European hemp cultivation

Människan och hampan (Cannabis sativa) har en gemensam historia som går långt bak i tiden, denna historia är dock omgiven av kontroverser. Idag är Cannabis mest känt för sina psykoaktiva egenskaper och narkotika klassificering i många länder, men hampa har historiskt sett främst odlats för fiberproduktion. Denna studie undersöker historisk hampaodling i Europa och är baserad på redan publicerade dHumans and hemp (Cannabis sativa) have an ancient relationship, dating back to the beginning of recorded history. Nevertheless, controversy surrounds the antiquity of the plant. Today Cannabis is probably most famous for its psychoactive properties and illicit status in numerous countries, however hemp has primarily been cultivated as a fibre crop in the past. This study examines the European hist

E-bike Simulator – a virtual reality application that evaluates user interfaces in an urban traffic environment

När man utvecklar ett användargränssnitt (UI), är det viktigt att kunna testa designen i det eftersökta användningsområdet. Att Testa UI i trafikmiljöer kan vara både svårt och riskabelt. Avhandlingen syftar till att lösa problemet genom att utveckla en VR-applikation där användargränssnitt kan jämföras och utvärderas i en kontrollerad miljö. Detta utfördes genom att följa principerna för en använWhen developing a User Interface (UI), testing the design in a designated area of use is of the utmost importance. However, Testing a UI for a bike in a traffic environment can be both difficult and risky. This thesis aims to solve this problem by developing a VR application in which UIs can be compared and evaluated in a controlled environment. This was completed by following the principals of a

Ensamhetsproblematik hos människor med svåra psykiska problem Kuratorers upplevelser och erfarenheter inom specialistpsykiatrin

The aim of this study was to examine what kind of experience and knowledge counselors in psychiatric units have about issues of loneliness among their patients. This study also examines how counselors work to help socially isolated individuals with severe mental health problems to increase their participation in society. Six qualitative interviews have been conducted with counselors in psychiatri

Vying for victimhood : subtextual moral judgements and news organisation standpoints reporting Gaza 2014

In the summer of 2014, a violent conflagration erupted in the isolated Palestinian enclave of Gaza. Whilst the fighting was between Hamas and Israel, Palestinian civilians paid the price. The stark disparity in deaths triggered a debate in the West about Israeli tactics, and the media was accused of ‘bias’ by both Israelis and Palestinians. What this controversy reveals is that the argument is abo

Exploring sustainability reporting – The case of Brazil

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to describe sustainability reporting practices in Brazilian corporations listed on B3. Methodology: The investigation for thesis was based on a content analysis. Sustainability information was defined according to the GRI standards provided by the Global Reporting Initiative and measured through the number of pages, words, tables, figures and diagrams. Theore

Co-movements between Renewable Energy, Oil & Gas, and Technology in Europe: Implications for Investment Decisions

In this study, the relationship between the returns of stock indices for renewable energy, oil & gas and technology is analysed in a European context with the use of a DCC GARCH model. Results show that conditional correlations peaked during four years following the 2008 financial crisis but has since then reverted to pre-crisis levels. Hedge ratios imply that renewable energy stocks can be sh

Brothers and Arms: How Two Brothers Reflect the Abandonment of Past Heroic Ideals and the Development of Future ones in J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings

The literary heroic ideal changed with the Great War, as the Victorian hero ideal was no longer plausible in a post-war world. The new ideal was pacifist and non-heroic but not everyone who had been through the Great War agreed that there was no heroicism. This essay discusses the development of the heroic ideal in the mid twentieth century in relation to the two brothers Boromir and Faramir in J.

Spegel, spegel på skärmen där … Hur tre författare framställer sig själva genom digitala plattformar

This essay is concerned with three authors' projection of self and their personal trademarks within various digital platforms. The authors' posts on social media are examined on the basis of how they relate to the authors' trademarks. Viveca Sten and Katarina Wennstam’s websites and Denise Rudberg’s podcast participation are analysed based on how these platforms present a projection of

Numerical solution for derivative models using finite difference methods and how this can be used with Monte Carlo simulation

Derivative models often come in the form of stochastic differential equations. From these equations a partial differential equation (PDE) can be derived. By discretizing the PDE the numerical solution is obtained on a form where the value of the derivative can be seen as a probabilistic weighting of future values. These probabilities can be used to simulate trajectories of the under- lying assets.

Securitizing the Environment? A discourse analysis of key United Nations documents on climate change

Over the course of the last few years climate change has been increasingly framed in terms of security, frequently featuring in discussions and publications of various security actors and institutions. This development generated a vigorous debate within academia as to whether a securitization of climate change in global politics has occurred. By drawing upon Copenhagen School’s Securitization Theo

Applicering och utvärdering av en konsekvensanalysmetod för beroenden

Enligt svensk lag är kommuner skyldiga att identifiera potentiella hot och säkerställa samhällets motståndskraft mot dessa hot. En viktig del av arbetet är att beakta samhällsviktiga verksamheter och de beroenden som finns mellan dem. Framförallt är det viktigt att identifiera vilka av beroendena som är kritiska. Ett kritiskt beroende mellan verksamheter innebär att om en verksamhet slutar fungeraDependencies between critical infrastructures are often complex by nature, which makes it hard to assess both their criticality and their impact level. These are the overarching reasons behind the development of a newly proposed KE-method at Lund University (at CenCIP) in cooperation with the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) in 2018/19. The purpose of the method is to map, analyze and visu

Do emission reduction targets limit our shopping alternatives? An accessibility case study of two Swedish shopping centres with CO2 as a travel cost indicator

År 2030 ska Sveriges utsläpp från dess transportsystem ha minskat med 70% enligt nationella mål, exklusive flyg. Av dagens utsläppsnivåer står biltrafiken för mer än 60%. Externa köpcentrum har ökat i antal och i marknadsandelar av detaljhandeln sedan 1970-talet och resor till dessa etableringar står för en betydande del av biltrafikens utsläpp, en del studier visar på upp mot 10%. Lokaliseringen This thesis analyses how the location of peripheral shopping centres impact accessibility from a CO2 emissions point-of-view, and how analyses can affect future decisions on localisation of facilities. Different accessibility measures are presented to find a feasible measure. The foundation of the analysis is a case study of two shopping centres in southern Sweden, using GIS software. To perform t

I protest mot konsumtionslivet - En kvalitativ uppsats om återbrukare och deras attityder till samhället

Denna uppsats, I protest mot konsumtionslivet, har som syfte att se hur människor lever utanför dessa ramar och hur deras verkligheter ser ut samt olika attityder och åsikter. Vad är det egentligen som gör att människor väljer att leva ”utanför” samhället? I uppsatsen har en kvalitativ studie gjorts där fem personer intervjuats och delat med sig av sina erfarenheter av återbruk samt attityder till