

Din sökning på "*" gav 529723 sökträffar

Engagera på social media. Vilka faktorer driver den svenska konsumenten till Customer Engagement på Instagram?

Syfte: Denna studie syftar till att undersöka vilka attribut som påverkar “customer engagement” positivt för svenska butikskedjor på Instagram. Metod: Författarna har använt sig av en kvantitativ forskningsmetod där 121 svenska butikskedjor har undersökts. Utifrån sekundärdata som behandlat svenska konsumenters uppfattning kring diverse attribut beträffande företagen har korrelationer genomförts Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine what attributes that drive the Swedish consumer to CE in Instagram for Swedish chain stores. Methodology: The authors used a quantitative methodology and examined 121 Swedish retailers. The study is based on secondary data in terms of a survey where Swedish consumers responded to questions about their attitudes towards the brands. The collected score w

Återbruk och återbrukbarhet inom byggbranschen – En studie av hinder och utvecklingsmöjligheter med fokus på korslimmat trä

Den klimatpåverkan, resursförbrukning och avfallsgenerering som byggbranschen står för idag är omfattande, till exempel står sektorn för 25–35 % av Europas avfall. Det råder en situation där resurseffektiviteten är låg och värdet av de råvaror som används inte tillvaratas. Förbrukningen av naturresurser är stor och möjligheterna att begränsa detta genom återbruk, där både resurser och inbyggd enerThe building industry is responsible for a substantial climate impact, resource consumption and waste generation. As an example, the sector produces 25-35 % of all the waste in Europe. Currently, the resource value is not captured as the resource efficiency is low. The consumption of natural resources is extensive and the opportunity to limit this through reuse, where both resources and the embodi

Is the Eurozone an Optimal Currency Area? An investigation from a financial market´s perspective

The purpose of this study is to examine if the Eurozone is an Optimal Currency Area (OCA) or not. To do this we have examined if the European Central Banks monetary policy announcements have a significant impact on the equity markets and on the 10-year government bond yields in the Eurozone. We examine this by looking at eleven different countries in the Eurozone. These are: Germany, France, Belgi

Green Portfolio: Optimization under environmental constraints

The aim of this thesis is to compare traditionally optimized equity portfolios to an alternative which takes the economic effects of environmental damage in to consideration. The comparison between the portfolios are made by their composition, in terms of economic sectors, and their characteristics, such as performance, size and risk. As climate considerations have increasingly become a given them

High-Level Synthesis for Efficient Design and Verification

Designing hardware using High Level Synthesis automates parts of the digital hardware design process. By automating the process control is passed from the designer to the tool, thus it is highly important that the tool generates high performance hardware in terms of area and speed. This thesis explores the tool performance of Vivado HLS using two designs implemented anew with High Level Synthesis

Exploring the potential of [Fe(phtmeimb)2]+ in photoredox catalysis

The aim of this study was the investigation of the photocatalytic properties of Iron{phenyl[tris(3-methylimidazole-2-ylidine)]borate}2 ([Fe(phtmeimb)2]+) by optimising reactions previously established with ruthenium-based catalysts in good yields. For the first time in several decades of research on photochemistry of iron complexes a Fe complex has been made ([Fe(phtmeimb)2]+) that has photophysic

Sloppy, slab and slender: a comparative study of the phonaestheme sl- in English and Swedish

The primary aim of this essay is to add new insight as to the productivity and universality of phonaesthemes in general, and the sl-phonaestheme in particular. The data presented in this essay is generated in two ways: lexical analyses and an experiment. The lexical analyses show that the dominant semantic features of words beginning with the cluster sl- are the same in English and Swedish, namely

Motivationsfrämjande undervisning i trummor - en studie om lärarens roll i att påverka elevers motivation

The aim of this paper is to investigate how drum teachers working in music school reflect upon their own part in motivating their students and how this is represented in their practice. In the survey I interview four working drum teachers about how they apply motivational work in their teaching. The teachers point out several important aspects and argue the importance of making the student experie


The aim of this thesis is to provide useful framework for the design of the upcoming electric race car of Lund Formula Student Team. The thesis intends to find the different powertrain concepts on the state of the art. From the configurations, the thesis should provide outcomes of the performance, efficiency, complexity design and cost. Furthermore, the best concept should be find and a simple pre

Nagu Kyrkbacken 365 - En framtidsvision för en livskraftig skärgårdsstad

Det här är ett resultat av många års visioner. Visioner om hur Kyrkbacken kunde utvecklas till ett skärgårdscentrum, visioner om hur man förtätar en sådan typ av miljö, visioner om hur framtiden ser ut för skärgårdsstäder och visioner om hur man skapar skärgårdsmiljöer som är livskraftiga och levande, året runt. Min målsättning med examensarbetet är att utgående ifrån en noggrann analys och kartlThe purpose of this thesis is to create a vision of the future Nagu. Nagu consists of two main islands and 3000 smaller islands located south of Turku in Parainen. Todaythe small town of Kyrkbacken, Nagu, is among the biggest service and tourism centres of the archipelago region – but only during summertime. The aim of the thesis is to create a living Kyrkbacken, throughout the year. The thesis

An Investigation of the Adhesive Interaction between Polyethylene and Silicone with DMA and AFM

Saker klistrar, klibbar och fäster till varandra. Det har nog alla varit med om i olika aveseenden och situationer. Men vad är det egentligen som ger upphov till att visa saker, som lim eller klister, fäster mot varandra medan andra inte gör det? Och hur påverkar olika faktorer som temperatur, ytstruktur eller typ utav material hur mycket det fäster? Det här exjobbet är byggt runt ett fenomen somStickiness between materials can be a challening task when dealing with the complex interactions and processes related to packaging engineering. Part of the problem is that many factors like temperature, pressure, surface treatment as well as surface roughness all could play a part in contributing to the stickiness between materials. In this thesis a literature study has been done to map out poten


We are constantly interacting with UI/UX in different shapes, forms or applications, which is very important especially when using electronic interfaces. Therefore, we need to design well-thought-out and user-friendly interfaces that elevate the user’s experience. When it comes to fantasy sports games, statistics is a big factor for understanding fantasy sport which might be at most times overwhel

Phase Studies of Complex Polyelectrolyte Mixtures

Polymerer är långa molekyler bestående av identiska repeterande enheter som antingen produceras på konstgjord väg eller naturligt av exempelvis bakterier. Plast, socker och cellulosa är exempel på polymerer som man kommer i kontakt med i sin vardag. Fortsättningsvis, kan polymerer bära positiva eller negativa laddningar och kallas då istället för polyelektrolyter. Om sådana molekyler av motsatt lComplex coacervation is a type of liquid-liquid phase separation, that occurs when oppositely charged macroions are mixed in aqueous solution under certain conditions. It has been proven to have applications within many different industries including the food and pharmaceutical industries. For example, protein/polysaccharide coacervates have been used for their emulsifying and foaming properties.

Skadeinsekters populationsdynamik i ett heterogent jordbrukslandskap

Behövs kemiska bekämpningsmedel inom jordbruket? I Sverige finns ekologiska jordbruk, detta betyder bland annat att kemiska bekämpningsmedel inte används för att bespruta grödorna inom dessa jordbruk. Ekologiska lantbrukare använder sig istället av biologisk kontroll, vilket betyder att naturliga rovdjur till skadeinsekter introduceras i jordbrukslandskapet för att äta skadeinsekterna. För att unChemical pesticides have long been used to keep crops free from pests, but in modern agriculture biological control is viewed as a viable alternative to pesticides. The concept of biological control is to implement predators that feed upon the pests. It can however be difficult to follow the effects of the biological control in the field, which is why a theoretical mathematical model has been desi

Putting out Fires. The situation of undocumented migrants in Sweden and the role of civil society activism.

The migration politics in Sweden have changed drastically within the past years as it has introduced stricter asylum policies and higher securitisation of borders. As a result, an increased number of people are forced to live as undocumented migrants, meaning without a legal permit to stay in the country. This thesis aims to contribute to the analysis of this development by investigating the role

„Panik erzeugt Trotz-Panik” : En komparativ diskursanalys av Fridays for Future i svensk och tysk media

This study is centred around Fridays for Future, a youth movement which has rippled across the world from its first sparks in the fall of 2018 to the spring of 2019, and has given rise to countless pieces about the movement in both traditional and social media. According to critical discourse theory, the discourses that we read in the media both affect us and how we see things, but the context in

Ett bra erbjudande? – När riskerar kampanjer att aktualisera reglerna om underprissättning?

Förbudet mot missbruk av dominerande ställning, och därigenom förbudet för dominerande bolag att vidta underprissättning, återfinns i EU:s grundläggande fördrag samt i svensk rätt. Förbudet är tydligt formulerat och det indikerar inte att det finns någon form av tillåten underprissättning för dominerande bolag. I svensk doktrin har det dock vuxit fram en uppfattning om att vissa former av underpThe prohibition against abuse of a dominant position, and thereby the prohibition against predatory pricing, is regulated in both the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and in the Swedish Competition Act. The prohibition is clearly formulated and it does not indicate that there is any form of undercutting that is allowed for companies in a dominant position. In Swedish literature of

Political Policy Narratives

As a consequence of the Green New Deal and its refraining from carbon pricing policies, this study aims to examine further why actors supporting the new policy framework are taking a distance from all previous carbon pricing methods such as taxations och cap and trade systems. The study has been conducted through the methodology of an idea analysis, where arguments gathered from four election camp

Laglotten och pliktdelen - en studie av svensk och norsk arvsrätt

Laglottens funktion och existens har länge diskuterats i riksdagen. Trots årliga motioner och flera framstående rättsvetares ställningstagande mot laglotten tycks inte riksdagen benägen att rösta igenom ett sådant förslag i dagens läge. Denna uppsats undersöker därför laglottens funktion och vilka argument som har presenterats för dess fortsatta existens i den svenska rättsordningen. Laglottens There is an ongoing debate in the Swedish parliament regarding the purpose and existence of the reserved part (laglotten) within the Swedish inheritance law. The parliament does not seem to notice any major difficulties within the existing regulations despite yearly motions from parliament members and opinions from prominent legal researchers, practitioners, and debaters. This study will examine

Can education bring democracy to Cambodia? A case study of the potential of Sweden’s and the European Union’s development assistance to Cambodia’s education sector

This thesis utilises congruence analysis to investigate if education can be expected to contribute to democratisation in Cambodia, and if Sweden’s and the EU’s development assistance to Cambodia’s education sector can be considered to contribute to democratisation. The study identifies six causal mechanisms in current literature that links education to democratisation. The conditions for each mech