

Din sökning på "*" gav 530798 sökträffar

Cytoreduction and HIPEC in the Netherlands : nationwide long-term outcome following the Dutch protocol

PURPOSE: This nationwide study evaluated results of cytoreductive surgery (CRS) combined with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) for peritoneal metastasis of colorectal origin in the Netherlands following a national protocol.METHODS: In a multi-institutional study prospective databases of patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC) from colorectal cancer and pseudomyxoma peritonei

Effect of preservation of the right gastro-epiploic artery on delayed gastric emptying after cytoreductive surgery and HIPEC : a randomized clinical trial

BACKGROUND: Delayed gastric emptying (DGE) is a main complication with unknown origin after a cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intra-peritoneal chemotherapy (CRS-HIPEC). The aim of this study was to investigate if preservation of the right gastro-epiploic artery (GEA) during standard omentectomy would have a positive effect on gastric emptying after CRS-HIPEC.METHODS: Forty-two patients subj

Okunnig kritik mot vår rapport om att lockdowns hade liten effekt

Joacim Rocklövs angrepp på rapporten som jag och två medarbetare har publicerat som visar att nedstängningarna inte har haft nämnvärd effekt på dödligheten i corona, är okunnigt, alldeles för snävt och missvisande, skriver Lars Jonung, professor emeritus i nationalekonomi.

Rekonstruktion av paleomiljön för området kring den Mesolitiska stenåldersboplatsen vid Sammakko, Norrbotten

En större mängd kvartsavslag och brända ben, upptäckta vid rekognosering (Norrbottens Museum) av hyggesberedda ytor norr om byn Sammakko, c. 40 km SO Gällivare, har tolkats att indikera ett kortvarigt använt boplatsområde. Platsen, liggande c. 100 meter norr Linaälven och i kanten av en nästan igenväxt göl, genomgick arkeologisk förundersökning sommaren 2019. Insamlat material av brända ben och trA large number of quartz fragments from knapping andburnt bone, discovered during reconnaissance (NorrbottensMuseum) of forest-cleared areas north of the villageSammakko, c. 40 km SE of Gällivare, have been interpretedto indicate a short-term used dwelling site. Th esite, located c. 100 meters north of the Linaälven Riverand at the edge of an almost overgrown pond, underwentarchaeological prelimin

What role for social science research in transformative justice?

Transformative justice has emerged in recent years as both a critical response to transitional justice and a new practice agenda for addressing structural and systemic violence. This chapter aims to set out a clear role for social scientific research in transformative justice. It argues in favour of a critical social science that assists practice by rendering transparent the structural and relatio


Introducerar governmentality som ett teoretiskt perspektiv på offentlig förvaltning.

Seasonal variations in sleep duration and sleep complaints : A Swedish cohort study in middle-aged and older individuals

Subjective sleep reports are widely used research tools in epidemiology. Whether sleep reports can differ between seasons is less clear. Using multivariable binary or multinomial logistic regression analyses, in the present Swedish cross-sectional two-centre cohort study (N = 19,254; mean age 61 years), we found that participants surveyed during the summer (June–August) were more likely to report

Thrombotic Risk Determined by Protein C Receptor (PROCR) Variants among Middle-Aged and Older Adults : A Population-Based Cohort Study

Background The protein C (PC) anticoagulant system has a key role in maintaining hemostatic balance. One missense (Ser219Gly) variant in the PC receptor (PROCR) was associated with venous thromboembolism (VTE) in genome-wide association studies. Objectives This study aimed to determine the thrombotic risk of rare and common PROCR variants in a large population-based cohort of middle-aged and older

N-terminus DUX4-immunohistochemistry is a reliable methodology for the diagnosis of DUX4-fused B-lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma (N-terminus DUX4 IHC for DUX4-fused B-ALL)

B-lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma (B-ALL) is the most common pediatric malignancy and the most commonly diagnosed adult lymphoblastic leukemia. Recent advances have broadened the spectrum of B-ALL, with DUX4 gene fusions implicated in a subclass occurring in adolescents and young adults and harboring a favorable prognosis. DUX4 fusions have been challenging to identify. We aimed to determine wheth

Risk of severe COVID-19 from the Delta and Omicron variants in relation to vaccination status, sex, age and comorbidities - surveillance results from southern Sweden, July 2021 to January 2022

We compared the risk of severe COVID-19 during two periods 2021 and 2022 when Delta and Omicron, respectively, were the dominating virus variants in Scania county, Sweden. We adjusted for differences in sex, age, comorbidities, prior infection and vaccination. Risk of severe disease from Omicron was markedly lower among vaccinated cases. It was also lower among the unvaccinated but remained high (

Climate-driven variation in biotic interactions provides a narrow and variable window of opportunity for an insect herbivore at its ecological margin

Climate-driven geographic range shifts have been associated with transitions between dietary specialism and generalism at range margins. The mechanisms underpinning these often transient niche breadth modifications are poorly known, but utilization of novel resources likely depends on phenological synchrony between the consumer and resource. We use a climate-driven range and host shift by the butt

Convergent Evolution, Evolving Evolvability, and the Origins of Lethal Cancer

Advances in curative treatment to remove the primary tumor have increased survival of localized cancers for most solid tumor types, yet cancers that have spread are typically incurable and account for >90% of cancer-related deaths. Metastatic disease remains incurable because, somehow, tumors evolve resistance to all known compounds, including therapies. In all of these incurable patients, de novo

Analysis of safe manual control by using Furuta pendulum

This paper focuses on the interaction of manual and automatic control in a demanding task where the process is unstable and has actuator limitation. The problem is inspired by control of high performance aircrafts but which is similar to controlling the arm of a Furuta pendulum while maintaining the stability of the pendulum. The task is to control the position of the pendulum arm manually while m

The Association Between Cancer and Dementia : A National Cohort Study in Sweden

Background: Previous studies have found that the incidence of dementia is lower in patients with cancer. However, the impact of survival bias, as well as the confounding by medical treatment, have not been fully addressed. We aimed to explore the subsequent risk of dementia in different follow-up intervals among patients with cancer, as well as the risk before the diagnosis of cancer. Methods: By

Concentrates of buttermilk and krill oil improve cognition in aged rats

Cognitive decline is one of the hallmarks of aging and can vary from mild cognitive impairment to dementia to Alzheimer's disease. In addition to some lifestyle interventions, there is room for the use of nutraceuticals/functional foods as pharma-nutritional tools to lessen the burden of cognitive decline before it worsens. We previously reported the promising molecular actions of milk fat globule

A Relative Bioavailability Study of Two Misoprostol Formulations Following a Single Oral or Sublingual Administration

Introduction: Misoprostol (Cytotec) was primarily made for treating gastric ulcers. However today it is mostly used for abortion, treating postpartum hemorrhage, and for induction of labor. The tablet contains 200 µg of misoprostol, yet the dosages used for induction of labor are much smaller (25–50 µg), leading to uncertainty of dosage in daily use. Aim: To evaluate and compare the relative bioav

Novel insights into the emerging roles of tRNA-derived fragments in mammalian development

ABTRACT: tRNA-derived fragments or tRFs were long considered merely degradation intermediates of full-length tRNAs; however, emerging research is highlighting unanticipated new and highly distinct functions in epigenetic control, metabolism, immune activity and stem cell fate commitment. Importantly, recent studies suggest that RNA epitranscriptomic modifications may provide an additional regulato

von Willebrand factor D and EGF domains is an evolutionarily conserved and required feature of blastemas capable of multitissue appendage regeneration

Regenerative ability varies tremendously across species. A common feature of regeneration of appendages such as limbs, fins, antlers, and tails is the formation of a blastema-a transient structure that houses a pool of progenitor cells that can regenerate the missing tissue. We have identified the expression of von Willebrand factor D and EGF domains (vwde) as a common feature of blastemas capable

Nonlinear plasmon-exciton coupling enhances sum-frequency generation from a hybrid metal/semiconductor nanostructure

The integration of metallic plasmonic nanoantennas with quantum emitters can dramatically enhance coherent harmonic generation, often resulting from the coupling of fundamental plasmonic fields to higher-energy, electronic or excitonic transitions of quantum emitters. The ultrafast optical dynamics of such hybrid plasmon–emitter systems have rarely been explored. Here, we study those dynamics by i