

Din sökning på "*" gav 531351 sökträffar

Undisturbed theatre dressing during the first postoperative week. A benefit in the treatment by external fixation: a cohort study.

In the literature, there are several different suggestions as to when the first postoperative pin-site care should be carried out to best prevent pin-site infections during the treatment by external fixation. In a cohort study, we compared the use of antibiotics and complications in patients where the theatre dressing was changed during the first postoperative week with patients where the theatre

Distinct and overlapping patterns of cytokine regulation of thymic and bone marrow-derived NK cell development.

Although bone marrow (BM) represents the main site for postnatal NK cell development, recently a distinct thymic-dependent NK cell pathway was identified. These studies were designed to investigate the role of cytokines in regulation of thymic NK cells and to compare with established regulatory pathways of BM-dependent NK cell compartment. The common cytokine receptor gamma-chain (Il2rg) essential

Statistical aspects of modeling panel data originating from smallholder household surveys in Sub-Saharan Africa and Vietnam

This thesis focuses on multivariate multilevel modeling of panel data originated from smallholder farm surveys in Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries and Vietnam to investigate driving forces in maize and rice production in SSA and diversification of farms in the rice sector in Vietnam. We also present and evaluate different tests for endogeneity in explanatory binary variables in multivariate lin

Biobank resources for future patient care: developments, principles and concepts

The aim of the overview is to give a perspective of global biobank development is given in a view of positioning biobanking as a key resource for healthcare to identify new potential markers that can be used in patient diagnosis and complement the targeted personalized drug treatment. The fast progression of biobanks around the world is becoming an important resource for society where the patient

Ultrasonographic anatomy of perineal structures during pregnancy and immediately following obstetric injury.

OBJECTIVES: To assess perineal anatomy using ultrasound before and immediately after delivery. METHODS: Structures in the perineum were studied by real-time two-dimensional transvaginal and endoanal ultrasound imaging using a combined linear and semicircular (up to 200 degrees sector) probe. We examined 45 nulliparous pregnant women and 44 primiparae immediately after delivery (40 with anal sphinc

Sense of Touch in Robots

This thesis discusses a number of robot touch perception systems. All these systems are self-organizing and model different aspects of human touch perception. The thesis starts out with introductions to the anatomy and the physiology of the human hand. It proceeds with an overview of the human touch perception from both a neurophysiological and a behavioural perspective. Then related robotic resea

Hyperdense middle cerebral artery sign in multidetector computed tomography: Definition, occurrence, and reliability analysis.

Background: The hyperdense middle cerebral artery sign (HMCAS) is one of the early changes seen on the computed tomography in acute ischemic stroke of MCA territory. Aims: To evaluate the reliability of subjective evaluation of HMCAS on CT performed at multidetector CT (MDCT) and evaluated in the Picture Archiving Communication Systems, to define objective criteria for HMCAS and to find out if the


From major protocols on dosimetry in mammography, there is no doubt that the incident air kerma should be evaluated without backscattered radiation to the dosemeter. However, forward-scattered radiation from the compression paddle is neglected. The aim of this work was to analyse the contribution of forward-scattered radiation for typical air kerma measurements. Measurements of forward-scatter wer

Shaping up a lineage-lessons from B lymphopoesis.

Even though the development of B lymphoid cells from hematopoietic stem cells is one of the most carefully investigated models of cell differentiation in adult mammalians, a set of recent findings has to a large extent increased our understanding for how B lymphoid commitment is achieved. These include the identification of IKAROS, PU.1 and E2A as transcription factors responsible for lymphoid lin

Time-resolved Spectroscopic Studies of the 7p 2p States of Neutral Silver Following Vuv Excitation

The radiative lifetimes of the 7 p2P3/2, 1/2 states of silver and the hyperfine structure of the 7 p2P3/2 state have been measured using pulsed laser excitation and direct observation of the induced fluorescence light decay. In order to excite this doublet, VUV radiation at 185 nm was applied, as generated by frequency tripling and anti-Stokes Raman shifting of the output of a Nd: YAG laser pumped

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Abstract in Spanish En “La parte de Fate”, la tercera parte de 2666 de Roberto Bolaño, la televisión no sólo constituye un elemento relevante de la realidad representada sino también influye en la estructura del texto. La tele se enciende muy a menudo y a veces la narración da detallada cuenta de lo que se ve —fragmentos de programas o películas, incluso con el sonido apagado. La estructura del fl