

Din sökning på "*" gav 534442 sökträffar

Distrust in the end-of-life care provided to a parent and long-term negative outcomes among bereaved adolescents : A population-based survey study

Purpose Previous research shows that the death of a parent places children at risk for a number of negative outcomes. The role of trust in health care at the end of life has been acknowledged as crucial for patients and adult family members. However, the consequences of children’s distrust in the care provided to their parents remain unknown. Therefore, we investigated the negative long-term outco

Multinational Corporations in Indonesia and Thailand : Wages, Productivity, and Export

Understanding the economic effects of foreign multinational corporations (MNCs) is a priority for academics, policymakers and business professionals alike. In this volume, a number of international economists use factory-level data to analyze the effects of MNCs on wages, productivity and exports in Indonesia and Thailand, in unprecedented detail.

Denmark as the Big Satan : Projections of Scandinavia in the Arab World and the Future of Multiculturalism

During the winter and spring of 2006, Denmark and Scandinavia faced its most serious crisis since World War II. The conflict started as a Danish newspaper published a number of cartoons, some of which portrayed the prophet Muhammad. After the Danish government rejected their requests to censor the media, Danish Islamists distributed these pictures to some senior political and religious figures in

Making Research Matter More—Working with Action Research and Film in Sustainability Science

Advocacy for both critical analysis of social and environmental change and a more solutions-oriented agenda has been a central mission of sustainability science since its inception [1]. To this end, integration of knowledge across disciplinary divides and inclusion of non-academic actors into the research process have been widely promoted (e.g. [2–4]). Aspirations to link knowledge to action do no

The Potentials of Feicui : Indeterminacy and Determination in Human-Jade Interactions in South-West China

Based on fieldwork among jade traders and carvers in Ruili, this chapter discusses the realization of economic and spiritual potentials of a type of jade called feicui翡翠 as determination of a partially indeterminate material. Some traders posit feicui as an empty container for economic value, while the material constitutes spiritual fullness especially for carvers. An opaque layer of surface skin

A rotating-slit-collimator-based gamma radiation mapper

For situations with radioactive material out of control where it may be physically difficult or prohibited to access areas close to the source, measurements from distance may be the only way to assess the radiation environment. Using collimated detectors will provide means to locate the direction of the radiation from the source. To investigate the possibilities of mapping gamma emitting radioacti

Biopython Project Update 2017

The Biopython Project is a long-running distributed collaborative effort, supported by the Open Bioinformatics Foundation, which develops a freely available Python library for biological computation [1]. We present here details of the Biopython releases since BOSC 2016, namely Biopython 1.68, 1.69 and 1.70. Together these had 82 named contributors including 51 newcomers which reflects our policy o

Trade Liberalization and the Geography of Production : Agglomeration, Concentration and Dispersal in Indonesia’s Manufacturing Industry

The effect of the liberalization of trade on the spatial concentration of economic activities is not straightforward. It has been widely argued that protectionism increases spatial concentration as firms locate close to the main domestic markets. However, it has also been argued that an expansion of international trade primarily favors existing industrial centers and therefore leads to increased r

The Macroeconomic Effects of Banking Crises : Evidence from the United Kingdom, 1750-1938

This paper investigates the macroeconomic effects of UK banking crises over the period 1750 to 1938. We construct a new annual banking crisis series using bank failure rate data, which suggests that the incidence of banking crises was every 32 years. Using our new series and a narrative approach to identify exogenous banking crises, we find that industrial production contracts by 8.2 per cent in t

Circular Business Models : Defining a Concept and Framing an Emerging Research Field

To aid companies in transitioning towards a circular economy and adopting strategies such as reuse, repair, and remanufacturing, the concept of circular business models has been developed. Although the concept draws on contributions from various academic disciplines, and despite its increasingly frequent use, few scholars clearly define what a circular business model is. Understanding about what m

Serous retinal detachment after panretinal photocoagulation for proliferative diabetic retinopathy : A case report

Background: Proliferative diabetic retinopathy is a major cause of visual impairment in working-age adults worldwide. Panretinal photocoagulation is a cornerstone in its management; however, it may include a range of side effects and complications, one of these being serous retinal detachment. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of the use of intravitreal injection of bevacizuma