

Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar

FindMe Tag - Facilitate rescue efforts during disasters through culture-sensitive design

Over the last decade, 1.8 billion people worldwide have been affected by disasters triggered by natural hazards and 740 000 lives have been lost. Due to climate change, these numbers are predicted to rise dramatically in the upcoming years. In disaster prone areas, remote communities and lower income countries are disproportionately affected and often lack the resources to prepare. Locating victim

Bilpool - en hållbar mobilitetslösning för landsbygder? En fallstudie av bilpoolspiloten i Brösarp

The purpose of this essay is to study the potential of a carpool as a sustainable mobility solution in rural areas, by studying the usage of the carpool pilot in Brösarp, Tomelilla municipality. The essay seeks to answer the following research questions: how is the carpool being used today? Which are the barriers for using the carpool? What can be done to motivate an increased use of the carpool?

Outage of Meta-owned Social Network Sites (SNS) - University students' experiences and insights for strategic communication practice and its relevance for social acceleration

This thesis explores the socially constructed phenomenon that has arisen as a result of the proliferation of social network sites that has penetrated our daily lives. The qualitative study analysed how university students experienced the global outage of Facebook, Instagram and, WhatsApp on October 4th, 2021, because of the Meta-owned ecosystem of social media. Moreover, the study examined how 2 g

Coloniality in Intellectual Property Rights Legitimations: A Critical Discourse Analysis of The Pharmaceutical Industry’s Legitimation of Intellectual Property Rights During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic sparked a global debate on intellectual property rights involving various actors including nation states, civil society, and business. In October 2020, South Africa and India proposed that certain intellectual property rights on COVID-19 health products should be temporarily waivered for the remainder of the pandemic invoking strong opposition from the pharmaceutical industry

Development of a post-processing pipeline for Myelin Water Imaging at 7 T

Myelin water imaging, MWI, is a non-invasive method used for quantifying the amount of myelin in the brain that can aid the understanding of brain plasticity and neurodegenerative diseases, such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Conventional MWI is done at a field strength of 3 T, though there are indications that higher field strength may lead to higher resolution images. We investigate the use of isot

Förmågan att hantera översvämningar – identifiering av avgörande faktorer

The purpose of this thesis is to systematically identify which factors connected with flooding incidents that has the biggest impact on the municipalities capability to minimize the consequences connected to this type of phenomenon. Two methods were used in the process of identifying the factors in question. The first method was a study of journalistic articles in which articles related to Swedish

“Be a man”: Working with Masculinities as a Strategy to Prevent Gender-Based Violence in Bolivia

The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how social constructions of masculinities are connected to the high prevalence of gender-based violence (GBV) in the Bolivian context. Moreover, the thesis aimed to uncover why a growing number of organizations in Bolivia have chosen to incorporate a “masculinity approach” in their GBV interventions, and to analyse the challenges and opportunities pres

Den moderna franska revolutionen

After the dust had settled from the second world war, western Europe experienced increased levels of material wellbeing. Education, income, and security were on the rise. This led to a wave of new values of self-expression and a shift away from security, economic and class based political conflict. As this also coincided with a rise of mass communications and increased education more people than e

Vaccinationsintyg och Europakonventionens artikel 8:s skydd för hälsa

Under Covid-19-pandemin uppstod många frågor i relation till medicinsk rätt och mänskliga rättigheter. Sverige valde en väg som hade frivillighet och rekommendationer i fokus och senare valde regeringen att införa vaccinationsbevis för att få delta på allmänna sammankomster och offentliga tillställningar. Uppsatsen behandlar relationen mellan vaccinationsintyg och Europakonventionens skydd för hälDuring the Covid-19 pandemic, many questions arose in relation to medical law and human rights. Sweden chose a path that focused on voluntariness and recommendations, and later the government chose to introduce proof of vaccination in order to participate in public gatherings and public events. The essay deals with the relationship between vaccination certificates and the European Convention's

Villkorade avtal för att hantera trängsel i nätet - En kvalitativ intervjustudie av nätägarens möjligheter att villkora elleverans vid anslutning av uttagskunder

Den pågående energiomställningen har gett upphov till ett växande behov av elanslutningar och aktualiserat behovet av att anpassa elnätet genom att införa flexibilitetslösningar. Elnätsföretag har med anledning av nätkapacitetsutmaningen redan svårt att ansluta nya kunder vilket gett upphov till diskussioner kring möjligheterna att tillämpa så kallade villkorade avtal. Till skillnad från traditionGrid modernisation is a key enabler in the ongoing transition to a more sustainable energy system. As both grid connections and power consumption are foreseen to increase, the introduction of flexibility solutions is an essential supplement to network deployment. Due to the current risk of grid congestion, power utilities are experiencing difficulties in connecting new customers which has given ri

Cash-based programming – a catalyst for change in humanitarian aid? Exploring cash-based programming’s effects on humanitarian aid, the humanitarian-development nexus & the localisation agenda

Humanitarian crises are becoming more frequent- and increasingly protracted, causing humanitarian actors to be under mounting pressure in their attempts to respond to the increasing amount of people in need. Among else, cash-based programming has been highlighted as part of the solution to this and has been rapidly on the rise as an aid modality among humanitarian actors in the past few years. Whi

Are you threatening me?: Exploration of generalised anxiety and social anxiety’s influence on responses to social and non-social threats.

Anxiety disorders are some of the most prevalent disorders in modern times and often seriously impact the daily lives of sufferers. Although there is an abundance of research investigating potential links between anxiety and threat response, there is a lack of study into the nuanced relationships between different anxiety types and threat types. In addition, there are considerable limitations to m

Ideological Impacts on Educational Discourse: Ramifications for Germany

Education, as one of the most important issues in society, can be understood rather differently. How various governments construct education can have a major impact on the discourse and with that on the actual education. Through the German federal system, each federal state is in charge of their educational system. Different governments mean different parties with different objectives, which are a

Being Minority and Majority - Chinese Muslims in Malaysia

This paper examines the identities of Chinese Muslims who are simultaneously an ethnic minority and a religious majority in the Malaysian social context. The research questions how their identities shape their festival practices and social environments. As the research question in this paper is highly relevant to identity, identity theories serve as the theoretical framework for this paper to supp

Integration av WMS och ERP: En studie av hur lagerpersonal påverkas av integrering av lagerhanteringssystem med affärssystem

Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) är specialiserade på lagerhantering och har en stor mängd alternativ till funktionaliteter, allt från det grundläggande till avancerad automatisering. Många lager använder denna typ av lagerhanteringssystem. Vidare har många lager även ett ERP-system som bland annat hanterar fakturering och ekonomi. Dessa brukar i någon mån vara integrerade med varandra, vilket k

Kartläggning av effekterna av preventiva åtgärder för hamstringsskador hos idrottare - en semi-systematisk litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Hamstringsskador (HSI) är en av de vanligaste idrottsrelaterade skadorna och incidensen har ökat de senaste årtiondena. Idrottare som ofta drabbas är fotbollsspelare: 22% av alla fotbollsspelare drabbas av en HSI per säsong. Studier visar att tidigare HSI är den absolut största riskfaktorn för att drabbas igen och preventiva interventioner är därför en viktig komponent för att minska inc