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Acid Hydrolysis of Tetrabromoplatinate(II) and Bromide Anation of Tribromoaquaplatinate(II)
A rapid method for analysis of fermentatively produced D-xylonate using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography and evaporative light scattering detection
An ultra-high performance liquid chromatogra-phy (UHPLC) based method for the analysis of D-xylonate was developed using an amide column in combination with an evaporative light scattering (ELS) detector. Separation of D-xylonate from other components of the fermentation medium was achieved. The dynamic range of the method was 0.2–7.0 g/L.
Resistivity inversion software comparison
The application of geophysics may assist in solving environmental, geotechnical and exploration problems. One commonly used method in such applications is electrical resistivity tomography (ERT). In order to interpret the results, inversion is needed to create models estimating distribution of resistivity in the ground. Several inversion programs are available for geophysicists to use. It is there
Direct Electron Transfer of Cellobiose Dehydrogenase on Positively Charged Polyethyleneimine Gold Nanoparticles
Efficient conjugation between biomolecules and electrode materials is one of the main challenges in the field of biosensors. Cellobiose dehydrogenase (CDH) is a monomeric enzyme, which consists of two separate domains: one catalytic dehydrogenase domain (DHCDH) carrying strongly bound flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) in the active site and a cytochrome domain (CYTCDH) carrying a b-type heme conne
Osmotic pressures of lysozyme solutions from gas-like to crystal states
We obtained osmotic pressure data of lysozyme solutions, describing their physical states over a wide concentration range, using osmotic stress for pressures between 0.05 bar and about 40 bar and volume fractions between 0.01 and 0.61. The osmotic pressure vs. volume fraction data consist of a dilute, gas-phase regime, a transition regime with a high-compressibility plateau, and a concentrated reg
Visible light-driven water oxidation with a subporphyrin sensitizer and a water oxidation catalyst
A new subporphyrin was synthesized for use as a molecular sensitizer in electrochemical and dye-sensitized photoelectrochemical water oxidation. A photoelectrochemical cell with a TiO2 electrode modified with the sensitizer and a molecular water oxidation catalyst generated higher photocurrent than reference cells that have electrodes modified with either the photosensitizer or the catalyst under
Inclusive and exclusive processes with a leading neutron in ep collisions
The inclusive and exclusive processes associated with a leading neutron in ep collisions at high energies are described using the color dipole formalism. We demonstrate that the available experimental HERA data on the xL (Feynman momentum) distribution of leading neutrons can be very well described taking into account the nonlinear (saturation) effects in the QCD dynamics. Moreover, we present our
A computer-assisted systematic quality monitoring method for cervical hip fracture radiography
BACKGROUND: A thorough quality analysis of radiologic performance is cumbersome. Instead, the prevalence of missed cervical hip fractures might be used as a quality indicator.PURPOSE: To validate a computer-based quality study of cervical hip fracture radiography.MATERIAL AND METHODS: True and false negative and positive hip trauma radiography during 6 years was assessed manually. Patients with tw
The Noel Kempff project in Bolivia: Gender, power, and decision-making in climate mitigation
Governing the Clean Development Mechanism: Global rhetoric versus local realities in carbon sequestration projects
Exploring socioeconomic impacts of forest based mitigation projects: Lessons from Brazil and Bolivia
Planet Formation Imager (PFI) : Science vision and key requirements
The Planet Formation Imager (PFI) project aims to provide a strong scientific vision for ground-based optical astronomy beyond the upcoming generation of Extremely Large Telescopes. We make the case that a breakthrough in angular resolution imaging capabilities is required in order to unravel the processes involved in planet formation. PFI will be optimised to provide a complete census of the prot
Avian migration and the distribution of malaria parasites in New World passerine birds
Aim: Migrating birds transport their parasites, often over long distances, but little is known about the transfer of these parasites to resident hosts in either the wintering or breeding ranges of the migratory host populations. We investigated the haemosporidian parasite faunas of migratory and resident birds to determine connections among distant parasite faunas, plausibly brought about by migra
The End of the Deterrence Paradigm? Future Directions for Global Refugee Policy
Editorial comments about the proceedings of EMRS Symposium C: In situ studies of functional nano materials at large scale facilities: From model systems to applications, EMRS Spring Meeting.
Input Hedging, Output Hedging, and Market Power
We argue that commodity input hedging is different from commodity output hedging. Output hedging can be detrimental to "sector play." Furthermore, firms with market power that hedge outputs have incentives to over-produce and distort market prices. In rational markets, such hedging will be expensive and we expect to see a negative relationship between hedging and market power in "output industries
A smectic dodecagonal quasicrystal
We report a solid smectic phase that exhibits dodecagonal global order. It is composed of axially stacked hexagonally ordered particle layers, and its 12-fold rotational symmetry induced by the 30° rotation of adjacent layers with respect to each other. A quasicrystal was produced in a molecular-dynamics simulation of a single-component system of particles interacting via a spherically-symmetric p
Crossed immunoelectrophoresis and electroimmunoassay of IgM
Floodplain complexity and surface metrics : Influences of scale and geomorphology
Many studies of fluvial geomorphology and landscape ecology examine a single river or landscape, thus lack generality, making it difficult to develop a general understanding of the linkages between landscape patterns and larger-scale driving variables. We examined the spatial complexity of eight floodplain surfaces in widely different geographic settings and determined how patterns measured at dif