

Din sökning på "*" gav 534275 sökträffar

Exception Handling in Recipe-Based Batch Control

Exception handling constitutes a large part of the design and implementation effort in batch production, but so far little work has been carried out to specify this area. This paper proposes an internal model approach for unit supervision using Grafchart. It also discusses exception handling at the recipe level.

Om konstkritik. Studier av konstkritik i svensk dagspress 1990-2000

The book is a part of the result of a project, funded by HSFR (The Swedish Council for Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences). In general it comprises the art criticism in the Swedish daily press from 1990-2000. The studies have a common focus on the text of the art criticism, in contrast to older research on art criticism, which uses the text primarily as a source of knowledge about the

The Oxygen Evolving cycle in Photosystem II studied with EPR Spectroscopy at different pH and Temperature

Popular Abstract in Swedish Fotosyntesen är nödvändig för vårt liv på jordklotet. Fotosyntes utförs huvudsakligen av gröna växter och dessutom av vissa bakterier. Dessa organismer absorberar energin i solljuset och omvandlar den till kemisk energi i form av till exempel kolhydrater och fett som vi människor och djur sedan kan förbränna och utvinna energi ifrån. Fotosyntesen utförs av ett flertal pPSII catalyses the light-induced water splitting process which leads to electron transfer through the thylakoid membrane and formation of energy rich molecules. Several redox components including a Mn4Ca, an amino acid residueYZ, two special Chl molecules P680, two Pheo and two quinone molecules participate in this process. Another component of PSII which interacts magnetically with Mn4Ca is D2-Ty

Footwear for cold weather conditions

In cold climates all user requirements for footwear (insulation, waterproof, vapour permeability, drying etc.) can’t be met easily due to their conflicting nature. Defining user conditions is important. Cold may be roughly divided into the three ranges (>+5; +5 to 10; < 10 °C). The choice of proper footwear may be based on this approach. It also reduces some of the conflicting user requirements. U

Combining assessment elements into a holistic assessment concept

Many courses within higher education are assessed by “faculty standards” sometimes based on the implicit assumption that “it has always been like this, therefore it is the best”. Selecting and combining different assessment modes in an effective manner for a particular course are central issues. The process does not always entail a simple and straight-forward decision making. The main purpose of t

Redovisningsmått, påkopplade system och ekonomiska konsekvenser

Popular Abstract in Swedish Redovisningsmått används som underlag för beslut och beräkningar och tas i sådana sammanhang ofta för givna. Det reflekteras inte alltid över måttens värde för den beslutssituation eller beräkning i vilken de används. I denna avhandling behandlas redovisningsmåtts användning i kontrakt och lagstiftning. I avhandlingen studeras framförallt användning av redovisningsmåttAccounting measures are often used as a basis for decisions and computations. In these capacities, accounting measures are often taken for granted. This thesis concerns the use of accounting measures in contracts and in legislation. The main focus of the thesis is the use of accounting measures in contracts for performance compensation. In this capacity, the usefulness of the measures derives fro

Comparing the effects of two treatments on two ordinal outcome variables

When evaluating whether the effect of one treatment is larger than that of another the first step in the comparison is to decide what should be understood by the statement that one patient has achieved a greater effect than has another patient. When the outcome variable is quantitative, measured on a ratio scale, absolute or relative effects are the most commonly used effect measures; however, suc