

Din sökning på "*" gav 533447 sökträffar

Antenna design using characteristic modes for arbitrary materials

Characteristic mode analysis has traditionally been constrained to problems which utilize only perfect electric conductors (PEC). Through forced symmetry of a method of moments surface integral equation and newly proposed post-processing, characteristic modes can be solved for any material in a computationally efficient manner. As an example, the characteristic modes are solved for a mobile termin

Post-processing removal of non-real characteristic modes via basis function perturbation

For more than 30 years since it was first proposed by Harrington et al., the Theory of Characteristic Mode (TCM) has only been applied to perfect electric conductors (PEC), and more recently lossless dielectric materials. One key challenge in computing the characteristic modes (CMs) of non-PEC materials using the PMCHWT surface integral equation is the presence of internal resonances in the soluti

Spring staging of Eiders Somateria mollissima in some Swedish east coast archipelagos and at Gotland 2009 and 2010.

The Eider Somateria mollissima is a commonbreeding species in the Baltic. In 2008, Ottossonet al. (2012) estimated that the breeding populationof Eiders in the archipelagoes of the four Swedishcounties of Kalmar, Östergötland, Södermanlandand Stockholm was in the order of 103 000 pairs,whereas the breeding population around Gotlandwas about 6000 pairs. The distribution of breedingEiders in several

Interaction gestures for a wearable device defined by visually impaired children

This paper reports results from two workshops organized with children with visual impairments ranging from blindness to low vision. The aim of the workshops was to suggest gestures for the interaction with a small wearable audio-bracelet. Results show a preference for mechanical buttons and touch-based gestures on the device (mainly tapping and sliding), while only one tentative suggestion is made

Fluctuations and trends in numbers of staging waterbirds in South Sweden 1973-2013.

Regular September counts of staging waterbirds havebeen undertaken annually in south Sweden since 1973as a complement to the International Midwinter Countsundertaken in January each year since 1967. The Septembercounts aim to cover the population development ofstaging waterbirds, especially relating to species that arenot wintering in the country. Between 150 and about 200sites have been included

Extracellular Matrix Remodelling In COPD

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic inflammatory disease that involves major remodelling of cells and tissue in the lung. There has been much focus on the inflammatory response, while less attention has been paid to structural changes and alterations of the extracellular matrix (ECM). In this review we revisit some of the latest findings on what is currently known about ECM a

Submerged vegetation and the variation in the autumn waterfowl Community at lake Tåkern, Southern Sweden.

We analysed data from 25 years of standardised mid-September counts of waterfowl at eutrophic Lake Tåkern, southern Sweden. For eight species, counts were compared with a national index constructed from similar counts at numerous lakes and coastal sites. For Crested Grebes and Mute Swans there was a correlation between counts at Lake Tåkern and the national index, suggesting that they simultaneous

Characterizing the Structure Tensor Using Gamma Distributions

The structure tensor is a powerful tool describing the local intensity structure of an image or image sequence. In this paper we give a model for the noise distribution of the components of the tensor. In order to do so we have also investigated some properties of the gamma distribution. We show that, given an input image corrupted with Gaussian noise, the noise in the structure tensor can be modeThe structure tensor is a powerful tool describing the local intensity structure of an image or image sequence. In this paper we give a model for the noise distribution of the components of the tensor. In order to do so we have also investigated some properties of the gamma distribution. We show that, given an input image corrupted with Gaussian noise, the noise in the structure tensor can be mode

All one-loop scalar vertices in the effective potential approach

Using the one-loop Coleman-Weinberg effective potential, we derive a general analytic expression for all the derivatives of the effective potential with respect to any number of classical scalar fields. The result is valid for a renormalisable theory in four dimensions with any number of scalars, fermions or gauge bosons. This result corresponds to the zero-external momentum contribution to a gene

Mass spectrometry and site-directed mutagenesis identify several autophosphorylated residues required for the activity of PrkC, a Ser/Thr kinase from Bacillus subtilis

We have shown recently that PrkC, which is involved in developmental processes in Bacillus subtilis, is a Ser/Thr kinase with features of the receptor kinase family of eukaryotic Hanks kinases. In this study, we expressed and purified from Escherichia coli the cytoplasmic domain of PrkC containing the kinase and a short juxtamembrane region. This fragment, which we designate PrkCc, undergoes autop

Everyday Online Participation : Strategies and Practices in a Multi-Platform Media Landscape

This chapter addresses potential political implications of social media by looking into everyday appropriations of the political opportunities offered to active citizens. It presents and analyses data from interviews with 33 Swedish online participating citizens to gain insight into how they work both with separate and in-between (cross) internet applications as part of their political participati

Models of Mechanics and Growth in Developmental Biology: A Computational Morphodinamics approach

Recent evidence has revealed the role of mechanical cues in the development of shapes in organisms. This thesis is an effort to test some of the fundamental hypotheses about the relation between mechanics and patterning in plants. To do this, we develop mechanical models designed to include specific features of plant cell walls. These are heterogeneous stiffness and material anisotropy as well as

Designing monoclonal antibody fragment-based affinity resins with high binding capacity by thiol-directed immobilisation and optimisation of pore/ligand size ratio

Monoclonal antibody (mAb) based affinity resins usually suffer from low binding capacity, most probably as a result of steric hindrance by the large 150 kDa size of the mAb and a random immobilisation approach. The present work investigates the influence of a variety of factors on dynamic binding capacity (DBC) such as pore/ligand size ratio, accessibility of ligand and ligand density. The effect

Convergence of chromogranin and amyloid metabolism in the brain.

Background: Much is unknown regarding the regulation of amyloid precursor protein (APP) processing in the human central nervous system. It has been hypothesized that amyloidogenic APP-processing preferentially occurs in the regulated secretory pathway of neurons. To test this hypothesis we looked for correlations of APP-derived molecules in CSF with chromogranin (Cg) derived peptides, representing

Focus on the impact of climate change on wetland ecosystems and carbon dynamics

The renewed growth in atmospheric methane (CH4) since 2007 after a decade of stabilization has drawn much attention to its causes and future trends. Wetlands are the single largest source of atmospheric CH4. Understanding wetland ecosystems and carbon dynamics is critical to the estimation of global CH4 and carbon budgets. After approximately 7 years of CH4 related research following the renewed g

MeV Neutron Production from Thermal Neutron Capture in 6Li Simulated with Geant4

Various Li compounds are commonly used at neutron facilities as neutron absorbers. These compounds provide one of the highest ratios of neutron attenuation to y- ray production. Unfortunately, the usage of these compounds can also give rise to fast neutron emission with energies up to almost 16 MeV. Historically, some details in this fast neutron production mechanism can be absent from some modeli