

Din sökning på "*" gav 528290 sökträffar

Thermal Acoustic Flow inside an Ultrasound Resonator

This thesis aims at investigating the interaction between thermal gradients and acoustic fields in microfluidic devices. In the research branch of Acoustofluidics, which bridges together acoustics and fluid dynamics, inhomogeneity in the medium has gained great interest due to the novel physics behind and the potential in manipulating submicrometer particles. Concentration gradients of solute mole

Rankinglogikens påverkan på universitetsvärlden : en kvalitativ studie av samhällets kvantifiering

Denna uppsats heter ”Rankinglogikens påverkan på universitetsvärlden” och är skriven av Emma Helton och Lisa Truedsson på Institutionen för kommunikation och medier vid Lunds universitet. Samhällets digitalisering har underlättat insamlingen av data, och därmed skapat bättre förutsättningar för kvantifiering och ranking. Detta leder till att vi rankar fler områden som formar hur vi förstår och vär

The Association between Residential Segregation and Educational and Labour Market Outcomes

This thesis analyzes the association between MSA-level segregation and labour market and educational outcomes in the US for individuals belonging to the three largest racial minorities in the US, namely blacks, Hispanics, and Asians. Five different measurements of segregation are included in the analysis and the results are compared across outcomes and minority groups. Data is collected from the I

National Innovation Systems in Developing Countries

NIS concepts are increasingly being utilised to inform public policy, both in the developed and developing world. This paper attempts to add to the discourse on how it is being applied within a developing context, particularly within a country aiming to transition into one developing its own innovation capabilities. By examining Malaysia as a case study, utilising NIS literature, domestic innovati

Volatility spillover between electricity, carbon emissions and green certificates: A Nordic case study

This study investigates volatility spillover between the prices of electricity at Nord Pool, carbon emission allowances in the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) and tradable green certificates (TGC) in the Swedish-Norwegian TGC market. ETS and TGC schemes are market-based policies with the overlapping goals of mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and stimulating sustainable energy investments. A

Kvalitetssäkring vid produktion av värmepumpar

Nibe Industrier har vuxit från att vara ett lokalt svenskt bolag till en global koncern med dotterbolag runt om i hela världen. Företaget värnar om sina rötter och har således kvar huvudkontoret i Markaryd där de investerar mycket i produktion lokalt. Examensarbetet utfördes på dotterbolaget Nibe AB i Markaryd inom affärsområdet Climate Solutions med specialinriktning på värmepumpar. Nibe är ett fNibe Industries has grown from being a local Swedish company to a global group with subsidiaries around the world. Nibe has protected its roots and still retains the head office in Markaryd, where they invest heavily in production locally (Nibe Industrier AB, 2020). The master thesis was conducted at the subsidiary Nibe AB in Markaryd within Climate Solutions” business area with a special focus on

Frostavallen Konstnärsresidens

Utifrån vandringar och undersökningar skapas ett lokalt förankrat konstnärsresidens i vilket man som konstnär och besökare har goda möjligheter att bygga vidare på den karaktär som mittskåne erbjuder. Inspiration har hämtats från lokala författare och diktare men också från bygden i sig. Frostavallen, vilket valet av site föll på, har ett rikt förflutet och en unik historia. Genom det här projekteBased on hikes and research an artist residency is created where one as a visitor or artist have a good prospect of creating something within the unique character of mittskåne. Inspiration has been found in local authors and poets but also from the area itself. Frostavallen, which became the site of this project, has a rich and very interesting past. Through this project I hope to revitalise the a

Individualism and Co-Operation in Thought: Co-Cognitivism as a Defence of Anti-Individualism

Social anti-individualists suggest that the social environment enters into the individuation of psychological contents. This is defended by the now-famous arthritis thought experiment. Nevertheless, counterarguments have been proposed that aim to undermine the thought experiment. We identify two intuitions that underlie the thought experiment and evaluate five counterarguments in relation to these

Towards the control of photo-ionization with electron wave-packet interferences

In this work the photoelectric effect is explored through simulations of the phase shift that an IR-field can induce into an electron wave packet and the photoelectron distribution over frequency components that is produced in the photoionization of an atom with a attosecond pulses made of XUV photons. The IR-field is sent along two attosecond pulses made of XUV photons towards a 3D momentum spect

Analysis of the Interactions Between Extracellular Vesicles Extracted From Milk and Various Colloidal Surfaces

Extracellulära vesiklar (EVs) är en typ av vesiklar som finns i olika typer och storlekar som utsöndras från en cell. En vesikel består av en omslutning där det yttersta lagret utgörs av ett dubbellager av lipider. Storleken varierar mellan 20-5000 nm i diameter, och en funktion som vesiklar har är att möjliggöra kommunikation mellan olika celler. Vesikeln bär då på information såsom DNA, RNA, amiThe purpose of this thesis was to investigate how extracellular vesicles extracted from cows milk interacts with the surfaces hydrophilic surface, DOPC bilayer surface, 95% DOPC and 5% DOTAP mixture bilayer surface and 1:1 ratio of DOPC and DOTAP mixture bilayer surface, and colloidally characterize EVs by determining the hydrodynamic radius and zeta potential. To determine the size and zeta poten

Ethical vs unethical minded consumer groups: Effects through the mediation of the Theory of Planned Behaviour on the Intention to Purchase during price promotion periods in the United Kingdom

Title: Ethical vs unethical minded consumer groups: Effects through the mediation of the Theory of Planned Behaviour on the Intention to Purchase during price promotion periods in the United Kingdom. Date of the Seminar: 4th June 2020 Course: BUSN39 Degree project in Global Marketing Authors: Agathe Dugleux and Puteri Nur Najwa Megat Husni Supervisor: Javier Cenamor Keywords: Consumer behavio


The textile product industry has many challenges and all designers creating products using textiles will have an impact on the environmental sustainability in the world. The project investigates state of the art textile product design today, the challenges of environmental sustainability in the future and how the designer plays a role in making a positive difference. Qualitative research was done


Visste du att många läkemedel tillverkas av genmodifierade bakterier? Också ofta i genmodifierade celler från däggdjur, till exempel från kinesiska hamstrars äggstockar. Läkemedel producerade i celler är de snabbast växande på marknaden, och kan till exempel användas för att producera insulin eller ett COVID-19 vaccin. I denna studie har en ny metod utvecklats för att säkerställa att sådana läkemeHost cell protein (HCP) is quantified in the purification steps of biopharmaceutical production and is part of ensuring the purity of the final drug product. The gold standard method for HCP quantification is enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), but a new approach is proposed here with fully customized bio-layer interferometry assays for yeast and chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. The new

Reaching for the Stars: An exploratory study to conceptualize product iconicity

Background/Problematization: Iconic brands are the gold standard of branding and have established a central role in the consumers’ lives. Behind every iconic brand, we can find iconic products. Despite the importance of these products, iconic products are overlooked in academia. Few studies have explored the concept and there is no common definition or comprehensive framework. This is restrictive

Stars Eating Planets

In a phase of instability during the dynamical evolution of some multiple exoplanetary systems, exchange of angular momentum and/or energy through gravitational interactions between planets will lead to alterations of their orbital properties. In some cases, planetary orbits end up crossing, which leads to close encounters between two planets. In turn, they undergo a planet--planet scattering even

Link performance measurement and improvement using Bluetooth mesh network

Bluetooth is a short-range technology, it helps with wireless communication between many electronic devices. Bluetooth low energy (BLE) is the advanced version of Bluetooth which uses low energy compared to the standard Bluetooth. Bluetooth mesh technology play a crucial role in the Internet of things (IoT). The IoT mesh technology enables many-to-many and one-to-many communication. This project d

Reuse of white goods components - An interview study on drivers, barriers, and the future outlook

Utarmningen av resurser är ett växande problem som har påskyndat behovet att förändra våra konsumtionsmönster. Gamla, linjära modeller för produktion måste ersättas av nya tillvägagångssätt som minskar mängden avfall och maximerar värdet genom hela produktens livscykel. Denna strategi förkroppsligas av den Cirkulära Ekonomin (CE). En viktig del av CE är återbruk, det vill säga att gamla produkter The growing threat of resource depletion has spurred on the need to change how we consume. Old, linear modes of production must be replaced by an approach that reduces waste and maximizes value throughout the product’s entire life cycle. This strategy is embodied by the Circular Economy (CE). A key aspect of CE is reuse, referring to the repurposing of old products to avoid generating waste and de

Supplier Evaluation System in the Food Industry

Leverantörsutvärdering är något som väldigt många företag måste genomföra och som ofta är ett komplext problem med många parametrar och variabler inblandade. Detta arbete har tagit fram ett framework för hur attribut och prestandamått bör vara konstruerade för att ge en så representativ poängsättning som möjligt, samt en modell för övervakning och kontroll av leverantörens produkter baserat på speEvaluating suppliers is something that the majority of companies has to do and is something that often is a complex problem with many parameters and variables involved. This is especially true for a company like Kiviks Musteri that purchases a variety of different products from all over the world from different types of suppliers that come from different cultures and backgrounds. It is also essent

EU:s intentioner till en utvidgning av unionen: En teoriprövande fallstudie av EU:s utvidgningsstrategi på västra Balkan

In recent years, the idea of the EU and membership of the union is meeting growing resistance across Europe. This despite the fact that the multi billion EU apparatus is gaining influence in new geographical areas, is becoming a more integrated institution and, most recently, having a strong influence on the member states’ Covid-19 vaccine policy. This paper seeks to explain the unions’ expanding

Murarna som inte skulle byggas

In a speech at the demonstration for refugees at Medborgarplatsen in Stockholm on September 6, 2015, the Social Democrats’ party leader and Sweden’s Prime Minister Stefan Löfven made it clear that his Europe does not build walls when the need is great. However, the autumn that followed the number of refugees seeking asylum in Sweden reached record highs. Shortly after Löfven’s speech, the governin