Din sökning på "*" gav 534601 sökträffar
Global Disequilibrium and the Race for Inward FDI
Bröllopsnojja: Kulturell osäkerhet i upplevelsepåbudets tid
Universities and Regional Advantage: Higher Education and Innovation Policies in English regions
Extreme rainfall events in Southern Sweden: Where does the moisture come from?
Coalition Strategy-Proofness and Fairness
Inverse Form Finding for Incompressible Electroelasticity
Social ekonomi ger kreativitet
Leda i turbulens
Effects of Early Life Conditions on Social Mobility in Southern Sweden 1766-1894
Framing the Problem: Knowledge Brokers in the Multiple Streams Approach
A lot of attention has been focused on the policy stream of the multiple streams framework (MSF). John Kingdon used the role of the policy entrepreneur to theorize what was going on when problems become political issues. In order to fully grasp this process we need to further theorize also the problem stream. What is going on in the problem stream is defining the conditions for coupling done by po
Life-history traits and population differentiation in a clonal plant: implications for establishment, persistence and weediness
Clonality is wide-spread among plants, and clonal plants dominate many habitats and include many highly invasive species. Clonal growth incurs both advantages and costs and clonal plants often have reduced sexual reproduction compared to non-clonal plants which could be expected to lower genetic variation and hence evolutionary potential. However, clonal plants have revealed similar levels of gene
Regional and spatial patterns of the Pentad Rainfall Data in the semi arid area of Tunisia
Quaternary binary trilinear forms of norm unity
Att känna sig hemma på många ställen
Folkhälsoarbetets historia i socialmedicinsk belysning
Social medicine and public health have through history had a common and contemporary development and therefore shared common beliefs about what population health is and how it ought to be handled. It is with Industrialization that social medicine has its roots, when dramatic society changes contribu- ted to an interest towards causes in the social environment or in the political economic structure
Reversed fortunes in Victorian governess novels
Computationally Efficient Robust Adaptive Beamforming for Passive Sonar
Recent work has highlighted the benefits of exploiting robust Capon beamformer (RCB) techniques in passive sonar. Unfortunately, the computational requirements for computing the standard RCB weights are cubic in the number of adaptive degrees of freedom, which may be computationally prohibitive in practical situations. Here, we examine recent computationally efficient techniques for computing the