

Din sökning på "*" gav 533385 sökträffar

Chaos Untold : The Use of Gnosticism in the Misanthropic Luciferian Order (MLO)

This article analyzes the utilization of the concept “Gnosticism” in a form of Satanism that has come to be known as “Chaos Gnosticism,” or “Gnostic Satanism.” The topic of the study is the Swedish expressions of this phenomenon attached to Current 218 and the Temple of Black Light, previously named the Misanthropic Luciferian Order (MLO). The group is known as one of the more radical and violent This article analyzes the utilization of the concept “Gnosticism” in a form of Satanism that has come to be known as “Chaos Gnosticism,” or “Gnostic Satanism.” The topic of the study is the Swedish expression of this phenomenon attached to Current 218 and the Temple of Black Light, previously named the Misanthropic Luciferian Order (MLO). The group is known as one of the more radical and violent f

”Vad fan är det där? Det är ju för fan bögsnus!” En antropologisk studie om identitet kring vitt snus och tobakssnus

Denna uppsats ämnar att besvara frågan hur unga vuxna ser på identitetsskapande kring det vita snuset respektive tobakssnuset. Genom intervjuer och deltagande observationer som gjordes under våren 2023 framkom det hur klass- och genusprocesser skapades samtidigt som identiteten. Genom att bearbeta det insamlade materialet sammanvävt med teorier och tidigare forskning framkom det att snuset blir en


This edited volume discusses the emergence and development, and in some cases also the disappearance, of social movements and activism in the Swedish 1980s. The introductory chapter gives the background and aim of the volume and discusses why the Swedish case is interesting from a European perspective. The 1980s have often been described as a decade when the radical social movements of the 1960s a

Side effects of low-dose tamoxifen : results from a six-armed randomised controlled trial in healthy women

Background: Adherence to adjuvant tamoxifen therapy is suboptimal, and acceptance of tamoxifen for primary prevention is poor. Published results indicate effect of low-dose tamoxifen therapy. Using questionnaire data from a randomised controlled trial, we describe side effects of standard and low-dose tamoxifen in healthy women. Methods: In the KARISMA trial, 1440 healthy women were randomised to

The Curious Concept of Employment Salvage in Chinese Law The Case of Archangelos Gabriel

This work is primarily a legal commentary on the final appeal judgment of the Supreme People’s Court of China on the Archangelos Gabriel case. In the opinion of the author, the judgment is sound and reasonable and brings to light a measure of judicial activism into the arena of salvage litigation in China. Basically, the apex Court held that the case did not fall within the purview of salvage in t

Antioxidant Nutrients and Risk of Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults and Type 2 Diabetes : A Swedish Case-Control Study and Mendelian Randomization Analysis

Antioxidant vitamins C and E are inversely associated with type 1 diabetes (T1D). We investigated if antioxidants are also associated with latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA), with low (LADAlow) and high (LADAhigh) autoantibody levels, type 2 diabetes (T2D), and estimates of beta cell function (HOMA-B) and insulin resistance (HOMA-IR). We used Swedish case-control data with incident cases

Not All Girls: Addressing Sexual and Violence-related Stigmatisations Of Former Female Child Soldiers and Children Born of War in Sahelian Crisis Mali

Non-state armed groups in Mali have recruited female child soldiers for the past 12 years in its Central and Northern regions. Some of these now-former female child soldiers (FFCS) have given birth to children of these combatants, so-called “Children Born of War” (CBOW). Both mothers and their children may experience sexual (ex. gender-based violence) and violence-related (ex. fear) stigmas in the

Trade and the transnational cleavage in European party politics

Theorists of the transnational cleavage, defined as a political reaction against European integration and immigration, also regularly conceptualise international trade preferences as a component of this contemporary societal divide. Yet empirical analyses of this cleavage focus on the former two topics, while trade and the transnational cleavage has not been systematically investigated. Making use

Ten-year trends of immediate sequential bilateral cataract surgery (ISBCS) as reflected in the Swedish National Cataract Register

Purpose: To analyse trends of ISBCS reported to the Swedish National Cataract Register (NCR) over a 10-year period. Methods: Since 2010 the NCR contains social security number of all individuals in the list of parameters reported to NCR after each cataract procedure. Bilateral surgeries were mapped out using social security numbers. When dates of both-eye surgeries are identical for an individual

Structuring Intra-Party Politics : A Mixed-Method Study of Ideological and Hierarchical Factions in Parties

Scholars acknowledge the existence of intra-party divisions and the potentially negative electoral effects of disunity. Some assume that intra-party divides are between professional politicians and grassroots members, others highlight the importance of ideological blocs. Yet, precisely mapping factional structures, especially ideological factions, is difficult because of the “black box of intra-pa

Perturbations of embedded eigenvalues for self-adjoint ODE systems

We consider a perturbation problem for embedded eigenvalues of a self-adjoint differential operator in L2(R;Rn). In particular, we study the set of all small perturbations in an appropriate Banach space for which the embedded eigenvalue remains embedded in the continuous spectrum. We show that this set of small perturbations forms a smooth manifold and we specify its co-dimension. Our methods invo

The Swedish childhood tumor biobank : systematic collection and molecular characterization of all pediatric CNS and other solid tumors in Sweden

The Swedish Childhood Tumor Biobank (BTB) is a nonprofit national infrastructure for collecting tissue samples and genomic data from pediatric patients diagnosed with central nervous system (CNS) and other solid tumors. The BTB is built on a multidisciplinary network established to provide the scientific community with standardized biospecimens and genomic data, thereby improving knowledge of the

Hur skiljer sig synen på flyktingar i svenska nyhetstidningar mellan åren 2015-2016 och 2022-2023? En kritisk diskursanalys av hur flyktingar diskuteras i media beroende på deras ursprung

Som ett resultat av den ryska invasionen av Ukraina har miljontals människor flytt till andra europeiska länder, varpå en andel tog sig till Sverige. Under 2015 tog Sverige också emot många flyktingar, varav majoriteten var från Syrien och Afghanistan. Media rapporterar ofta om ukrainska flyktingar och därför syftar denna uppsats till att jämföra och analysera hur diskurserna för de ukrainska och Title: How does the view of refugees in Swedish newspapers differ between the years 2015-2016 and 2022-2023? A critical discourse analysis of how refugees are discussed in the media depending on their origin. As a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, millions of people have fled to other European countries, whereupon a proportion made their way to Sweden. In 2015 Sweden also received many r

Manipulating phloem transport affects wood formation but not local nonstructural carbon reserves in an evergreen conifer

How variations in carbon supply affect wood formation remains poorly understood in particular in mature forest trees. To elucidate how carbon supply affects carbon allocation and wood formation, we attempted to manipulate carbon supply to the cambial region by phloem girdling and compression during the mid- and late-growing season and measured effects on structural development, CO2 efflux and nons

Vaccine-induced correlate of protection against fatal COVID-19 in older and frail adults during waves of neutralization-resistant variants of concern : an observational study

BACKGROUND: To inform future preventive measures including repeated vaccinations, we have searched for a clinically useful immune correlate of protection against fatal COVID-19 among nursing homes residents.METHODS: We performed repeated capillary blood sampling with analysis of S-binding IgG in an open cohort of nursing home residents in Sweden. We analyzed immunological and registry data from 16

Towards a global sustainable development agenda built on social-ecological resilience

Non-technical summary The United Nations' sustainable development goals (SDGs) articulate societal aspirations for people and our planet. Many scientists have criticised the SDGs and some have suggested that a better understanding of the complex interactions between society and the environment should underpin the next global development agenda. We further this discussion through the theory of soci

Separating Si phases from diagenetically-modified sediments through sequential leaching.

Silicon (Si) phases such as biogenic silica, lithogenic silicate and authigenic silica/silicate in marine sediments provide valuable information about past Si cycling. Wet-chemical sequential leaching methods are often applied to extract different Si phases from marine sediments to study Si diagenetic processes in shallow subsurface. The potential of this method to separate Si phases from deeply-b