Din sökning på "*" gav 532856 sökträffar
Deglaciation history and subsequent lake dynamics in the Siljan region, south-central Sweden - LiDAR evidence and sediment records
The Siljan region hosts Europe´s largest impact structure. The high-relief landscape, with a central granite dome bordered by lake basins, contains an array of glacial and shore-level landforms. We investigated its deglaciation history by mapping and analysing landforms on high resolution LiDAR-based Digital Surface Models coupled with well-dated sediment successions from peat and lake sediment co
The role of extracellular vesicle fusion with target cells in triggering systemic inflammation
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) play a crucial role in intercellular communication by transferring bioactive molecules from donor to recipient cells. As a result, EV fusion leads to the modulation of cellular functions and has an impact on both physiological and pathological processes in the recipient cell. This study explores the impact of EV fusion on cellular responses to inflammatory signaling. O
Is the EU ‘cheating’ on its net-zero emissions plan? Here’s what the science says
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Exploring Gender Differences in Adolescent Executive Functions: The associations of Depression, Anxiety, and Perception Discrepancies between Self-Ratings and Teacher Ratings.
Forskning om Exekutiva Funktioner (EF) gällande ungdomar har varit otydlig angående huruvida det existerar könsskillnader i denna åldersgrupp. När könsskillnader påvisats i tidigare forskning har få försök att förklara dessa skillnader gjorts. Denna tvärsnittsstudie hade som mål att undersöka om det existerade könsskillnader i EF, genom att använda både självskattningar och lärarskattningar av EF,Research on Executive Function (EF) has revealed diverging results regarding gender differences among adolescents. Moreover, when differences have been identified, few attempts to explain these differences have been made. This cross-sectional study aimed to examine potential gender differences in EF, considering both self-rated and teacher-rated EF measures, and if differences in mental health bet
How well you do at school depends on how much your teachers know : insights from 14 French-speaking countries in Africa
Uyghur Community Matters in Light of Governmental White Papers
This chapter aims to demonstrate the normative constraints and governmental strategies towards the various aspects of Uyghur community matters by analysing the Chinese government’s white papers. Content analysis of white papers presents the official Chinese narrative and illustrates the gradual shift in Beijing’s policy towards the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR). It further illuminates t
Varje sandkorn har ett nummer: Paul Bowles, existentalier och Heideggers spöke
En undersökning av Paul Bowles debutroman The Sheltering Sky utifrån filosofen Martin Heideggers tankar om existensens skarpskurna konturer, hämtade ur Sein und Ziet. Detta för att blotta romanens underliggande tendenser. Uppsatsen driver också en allmän diskussion om litteraturens och filosofins släktskap som pekar tillbaka till försokraterna och som kulminerar i 1900-talets idéhistoriska kuliss.
Vem skymmer kvinnan? Kvinnliga respektive manliga huvudkaraktärers framställning i svenska, samtida detektivromaner
Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka på vilket sätt huvudkaraktärens kön påverkar framställningen av romankaraktärer i svenska, samtida detektivromaner. Uppsatsen avser besvara följande frågeställning: ”På vilket sätt påverkar faktorn kön huvudkaraktärens framställning i svenska, samtida detektivromaner?” De romaner som är föremål för analys är Denise Rudbergs "Ett litet snedsprång" (
Vernacular constructions of the relationship between freedom of speech and (potential) hate speech: The case of Finland
The blurred distinction between freedom of expression and hate speech in ever more polarised public debates across Europe and beyond has prompted research on hate speech, particularly focusing on right-wing populist politicians. Little is known, however, about how this distinction is construed by ordinary citizens. Deploying the concept of retrogressive mobilisation, this study examines how cases
Paweł Markiewicz. Unlikely Allies : Nazi German and Ukrainian Nationalist Collaboration in the General Government During World War II West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, 2021. Pp. 366.
Performance of the 2023 Duke-ISCVID diagnostic criteria for infective endocarditis in relation to the modified Duke criteria and to clinical management- reanalysis of retrospective bacteremia cohorts
BackgroundRevised diagnostic criteria for infective endocarditis (IE), the 2023 Duke-ISCVID criteria, were recently presented and need validation. Here, we compare the 2000 modified Duke criteria for IE with Duke-ISCVID among patients with bacteremia and relate the diagnostic classification to IE-treatment.MethodsWe reanalyzed patient cohorts with Stapylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus lugdunensis,
Autonomy of Community and Complementary Currencies in relation to State Law. : The Eusko, the Ekhi and the Txantxi in the Basque Country
The emergence of complementary and community currencies (CCCs) at a global and local scale manifests the normative innovation that characterizes these initiatives. Based on three case studies of CCCs in the Basque Country (the Ekhi, the Eusko and the Txantxi) the present paper explores the normative order of the CCCs and their processes of institutionalization through tactics of legal convergence.
The evolution of wetland restoration policy - A case study of Kristianstad Vattenrike
Våtmarker är en egen kategori av naturens egna superhjältar. Våtmarker av olika slag erbjuder ökad biologisk mångfald, naturnära besöksplatser med unik flora och fauna samt möjligheter att lagra koldioxid i jorden. Men att hantera och skydda dessa områden är en utmaning, framförallt när det gäller att skapa en smart naturvårdspolitik. Denna studie ger oss en närmare titt på ett framgångsrikt exempWetlands are vital for biodiversity, socio-ecological systems, and carbon sequestration, but they present a complex challenge in crafting effective conservation policies. This study investigates a successful case of wetland conservation policy, focusing on the notable achievements of Kristianstad Vattenrike. Utilizing a comprehensive research approach, encompassing semi-structured interviews, surv
Liposomal formulation of a new antifungal hybrid compound provides protection against Candida auris in the ex vivo skin colonization model.
The newly emerged pathogen, Candida auris, presents a serious threat to public health worldwide. This multidrug-resistant yeast often colonizes and persists on the skin of patients, can easily spread from person to person, and can cause life-threatening systemic infections. New antifungal therapies are therefore urgently needed to limit and control both superficial and systemic C. auris infectio
''The string between our lives''. The healing power of a cello’s music in The Cellist of Sarajevo.
The essay is an analysis of the intermediality of literature and music with an emphasis on music psychology and the poetic and cultural representations of the cello. The research is applied on Steven Galloway's ''The Cellist of Sarajevo'', in order to interpret the characters' experience of music and examine its therapeutic value.
På spaning efter agensen hos den artificiella existensen. En genusundersökning hos humanoider i Shelleys och Hoffmanns verk med en posthumanistisk touche.
Fysioterapeutiska behandlingsinsatser vid stressrelaterad ohälsa inom primärvården i Region Skåne.
Bakgrund Sjukskrivning på grund av stressrelaterad ohälsa ökar och fysioterapeuter har en viktig roll då forskning visat att fysioterapeutiska insatser har positiv påverkan på dessa tillstånd. Trots detta saknas det kunskap om vilka behandlingsinsatser som används kliniskt och det finns inte några riktlinjer för fysioterapeuter att följa inom primärvården. Syfte Syftet med studien var att kartlägg
Perturbation and stability of PAM50 subtyping in population-based primary invasive breast cancer
PAM50 gene expression subtypes represent a cornerstone in the molecular classification of breast cancer and are included in risk prediction models to guide therapy. We aimed to illustrate the impact of included genes and biological processes on subtyping while considering a tumor’s underlying clinical subgroup defined by ER, PR, and HER2 status. To do this we used a populationrepresentative and cl