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Mitt gränslösa forskande: Från omvändelser till kristen manlighet i litteraturens värld. Föreläsning vid invigningen av Språk- och litteraturcentrum Lunds universitet den 31 augusti 2004
Abstract not available.
Design and experimental experience of the terminal pumping in the Lund Pelletron tandem accelerator
Adaptive Control of Systems with Backlash Acting on the input
The Kurdish question 1941-1947
No title
Caught between the experienced and the present – an education for the future?
A glimpse into Axel Oxenstierna's diplomatic correspondence
Elis Eriksson – Uppfinnare av egna världar
In honour of the diseased Swedish artist Elis Eriksson (1906-2006)
Christina Svens: Regi med feministiska förtecken
Carbon-14 generated by nuclear power reactors : investigations including ion exchange resins and environmental samples
[abstract missing]
Strindbergs Inferno som omvändelseroman. Föreläsning för Strindbergsföreningen i Lund den 22 september 2002
Abstract not available.
A Workbench for Multibody Systems ODE and DAE Solvers
During the last three decades, a vast variety of methods to numerically solve ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and differential algebraic equations (DAEs) has been developed and investigated. Few of them met industrial standards and even less are available within industrial multibody simulation software. Multibody Systems (MBS) offer a challenging class [5] of applications for these methods,
Predictive design analysis utilizing ansys in an internet environment
During recent years the increasing power of computers and communications has led to the development and use of more advanced analysis techniques. Design of Experiment (DOE) has been used together with Finite Element (FE) analysis software such as ANSYS, see e.g. Johnson and Heald (1998) and Eriksson et al. (1998). Predictive Design Analysis (PDA) is an mechanical engineering design, or design for
A Nonparametric GARCH Model of Crude Oil Price Return Volatility
The use of parametric GARCH models to characterise crude oil price volatility is widely observed in the empirical literature. In this paper, we consider an alternative approach involving nonparametric method to model and forecast oil price return volatility. Focusing on two crude oil markets, Brent and West Texas Intermediate (WTI), we show that the out-of-sample volatility forecast of the nonpara