

Din sökning på "*" gav 534694 sökträffar

Pulmonary blood volume measured by cardiovascular magnetic resonance : influence of pulmonary transit time methods and left atrial volume

Background: Increased pulmonary blood volume (PBV) is a measure of congestion and is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events. PBV can be quantified using cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging as the product of cardiac output and pulmonary transit time (PTT), the latter measured from the contrast time-intensity curves in the right and left side of the heart from first-p

Peak shifts and extinction under sex-specific selection

A well-known property of sexual selection combined with a cross-sex genetic correlation (rmf) is that it can facilitate a peak shift on the adaptive landscape. How do these diversifying effects of sexual selection + rmf balance with the constraints imposed by such sexual antagonism, to affect the macroevolution of sexual dimorphism? Here, I extend existing quantitative genetic models of evolution

Spatial resolution and sensitivity of the eyes of the stingless bee, Tetragonula iridipennis

Stingless bees are important pollinators in the tropics. The tremendous variation in body size makes them an excellent group to study how miniaturization affects vision and visual behaviours. Using direct measurements and micro-CT, we reconstructed the eye structure, estimated anatomical spatial resolution and optical sensitivity of the stingless bee Tetragonula iridipennis. T. iridipennis is simi

Experimental comparison of Q-fog and residential sprinklers in a residential fire scenario

In this report, the effectiveness of a detector-activated water mist system, Q-fog, has been compared to traditional residential sprinklers. In total, eight tests were performed with a realistic fuel (bed with pillow and duvet) based on the test procedure described in LPS 1655. The bed was placed at different locations in the room and was ignited at the pillow and below the bed, also according to In this report, the effectiveness of a detector-activated water mist system, Q-fog, has been compared to traditional residential sprinklers. In total, eight tests were performed with a realistic fuel (bed with pillow and duvet) based on the test procedure described in LPS 1655. The bed was placed at different locations in the room and was ignited at the pillow and below the bed, also according to

Green chemistry production of codlemone, the sex pheromone of the Codling Moth (Cydia pomonella), by metabolic engineering of the oilseed crop Camelina (Camelina sativa)

Synthetic pheromones have been used for pest control over several decades. The conventional synthesis of di-unsaturated pheromone compounds is usually complex and costly. Camelina (Camelina sativa) has emerged as an ideal, non-food biotech oilseed platform for production of oils with modified fatty acid compositions. We used Camelina as a plant factory to produce mono- and di-unsaturated C12 chain

Decentralization and Regionalization of Surgical Care: A Review of Evidence for the Optimal Distribution of Surgical Services in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Background: While recommendations for the optimal distribution of surgical services in high-income countries (HICs) exist, it is unclear how these translate to resource-limited settings. Given the significant shortage and maldistribution of surgical workforce and infrastructure in many low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), the optimal role of decentralization versus regionalization (centraliza

New difunctional fluoro-epoxide monomers : Synthesis, photopolymerization and characterization

New difunctional fluoro-epoxide monomers were synthesized starting by allylation of the corresponding fluorinated diols and subsequent epoxidation. The new products were photocured, in the presence of triphenylsulphonium hexafluoroantimonate as photoinitiator; a higher reactivity of the fluorinated monomers was evidenced with respect to a typical UV curable diepoxy resin, hexanedioldiglycidyl ethe

Beam-based characterization of higher-order-mode driven coupled-bunch instabilities in a fourth-generation storage ring

Longitudinal coupled-bunch instabilities are driven by monopole higher-order modes (HOMs) in the active and passive radio-frequency (rf) cavities at the MAX IV 3 GeV electron storage ring. By combining different beam and rf-based techniques, we have performed a systematic survey of the properties of these resonant modes as a function of cavity temperatures and fundamental mode frequency. This info

Hybrid model for the damped transient response of giant dipole resonances

We suggest the hybrid model for the description of the dipole spreading widths, in which the strength function is built on the one-phonon strength distribution folded with the energy-dependent Lorentzian. Its energy dependence is brought about by (i) the energy-dependent smearing parameter and (ii) the energy-dependent shift of the one-phonon states. These variables are estimated by means of the t

Evaluation of the region-specific risks of accidental radioactive releases from the European Spallation Source

The European Spallation Source (ESS) is a neutron research facility under construction in southern Sweden. The facility will produce a wide range ofradionuclides that could be released into the environment. Some radionuclides are of particular concern such as the rare earth gadolinium-148. In this article, the local environment was investigated in terms of food production and rare earth element co

Promethean beasts

Far from being hardwired to flee fire, some animals use it to their own ends, helping us understand our own pyrocognition

Protein co-expression network-based profiles revealed from laser-microdissected cancerous cells of lung squamous-cell carcinomas

No therapeutic targets have been identified for lung squamous cell cancer (SqCC) which is the second most prevalent lung cancer because its molecular profiles remain unclear. This study aimed to unveil disease-related protein networks by proteomic and bioinformatic assessment of laser-microdissected cancerous cells from seven SqCCs compared with eight representative lung adenocarcinomas. We identi

Predictors of painkiller dependence among people with pain in the general population

Objectives: Self-medication with painkillers is widespread and increasing, and evidence about influences on painkiller dependence is needed to inform efforts to prevent and treat problem painkiller use. Design: Online questionnaire survey. Participants: People in the general population who had pain and used painkillers in the last month (N=112). Measurements: Pain frequency and intensity, use of o

Portuguese version of the PTSD checklist-military version (PCL-M) – II : Diagnostic utility

Objective: War veterans are at high risk of developing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and the development of brief self-report instruments that enable screening for PTSD in this population is crucial. The PTSD Checklist-Military Version (PCL-M) is widely used for this purpose. This study sought to explore the diagnostic utility of the Portuguese version of the PCL-M. Methods: The participan

Gamma-Ray Imaging with Spatially Continuous Intensity Statistics

Novel methods for the inference of radiation intensityfunctions defined over known surfaces are proposed, intendedfor use in surveying applications with mobile spectrometers.Previous approaches, based on the maximum likelihoodexpectation maximization (ML-EM) framework with Poissonlikelihoods, are extended to better handle spatially continuousintensity statistics using ideas from Gaussian filtering

Patients With Microscopic Colitis Have Altered Levels of Inhibitory and Stimulatory Biomarkers in Colon Biopsies and Sera Compared to Non-inflamed Controls

Introduction: Microscopic colitis (MC) is an inflammatory bowel condition with two subtypes, lymphocytic colitis (LC) and collagenous colitis (CC). Unlike patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) and non-inflamed individuals, MC patients have reduced risk of developing colorectal cancer, possibly due to increased immune surveillance in MC patients. Aim: To examine differences in levels of immunomodul

Brain injury after cardiac arrest : pathophysiology, treatment, and prognosis

Post-cardiac arrest brain injury (PCABI) is caused by initial ischaemia and subsequent reperfusion of the brain following resuscitation. In those who are admitted to intensive care unit after cardiac arrest, PCABI manifests as coma, and is the main cause of mortality and long-term disability. This review describes the mechanisms of PCABI, its treatment options, its outcomes, and the suggested stra

RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, dihydrocarvyl acetate, CAS Registry Number 20777-49-5

The existing information supports the use of this material as described in this safety assessment. Dihydrocarvyl acetate was evaluated for genotoxicity, repeated dose toxicity, reproductive toxicity, local respiratory toxicity, phototoxicity/photoallergenicity, skin sensitization, and environmental safety. Data from read-across analogs dihydrocarveol (isomer unspecified) (CAS # 619-01-2) and aceti