Din sökning på "*" gav 532987 sökträffar
The Holocaust, Communist Terror and the Activation of Swedish Historical Culture
Economies in Transition (EiTs) exemplified by countries such as Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova etc. face many socio-economic and environmental challenges – energy security, high unemployment, poor transportation and municipal service infrastructure, and rural depopulation are common themes. Agricultural biofuel production offers a number of socio-economic co-benefits that can contribute to the
Comorbidity in heavy drug abuse
Improving OFDM: Multistream faster than Nyquist signaling
Mazo's concept of Faster Than Nyquist signaling is extended to pulse trains that modulate adjacent subcarriers, in a manner similar to orthogonal frequency division multiplex (OFDM) transmission. Despite pulses that are faster than the Nyquist limit and subcarriers that significantly overlap, the transmission system achieves the isolated pulse error performance. Systems with at least twice the spe
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Förebyggande arbete
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Handlingsoffentlighet och sekretess, 10. uppl.
Simulation of gain in quantum cascade lasers
The gain profile of a quantum cascade laser is strongly influenced by the lifetime of the carriers in the upper and lower laser state. The quantitative description of gain within the concept of nonequilibrium Green's functions allows for a detailed understanding of various features affecting the gain spectrum: Compensation effects between scattering processes in the upper and lower laser level, re
Photon mapping of single quantum dots by scanning tunneling microscopy induced luminescence spectroscopy
Scanning tunneling microscopy induced luminescence (STML) has been used to investigate individual self-assembled InP quantum dots overgrown with GaInP. We will present results correlating the surface morphology with the optical properties of single dots. In particular, the strain induced energy-shift of the dot emission with increasing cap layer thickness and its relation to the overgrowth will be
Samverkan som konflikt: om förhållandet mellan rättsliga strukturer och organisatoriskt handlande
Den blå klänningen. Om privat och offentligt i gruppboenden för dementa
Risker i landskapet
Fastigheter i bolag: Steg för steg i bolagisering av kommunal fastighetsförvaltning
Passive in Icelandic – compared to Mainland Scandinavian
Abstract not available
Picture-elicited written narratives, process and product, in 18 children with cochlear implants
Non-visual effects of light and colour. Annotaded bibliography
Swedish Case Study : Indian Migration and Population in Sweden
The Indian migration to Sweden began in the twentieth century with students, labour migrants, and asylum seekers settling in the country and children being adopted from India by Swedish parents. In the beginning of the twenty-first century the Indian population in Sweden has increased considerably as an effect of family reunification, natural increase, and an intensified immigration of students an
Individen i den globala kapitalismen – Om empatikern Kristian Lundberg
Essän diskuterar författaren Kristian Lundbergs skildringar av det samtida arbetslivet med utgångspunkt i olika centrala sociologiska begrepp och problemställningar. Essän slår fast att Lundberg skönlitterärt ger gestalt åt flera viktiga och återkommande erfarenheter för det som kommit att kallas prekariatet, en ny, uppkommande, sammansatt social klass vars liv kännetecknas av ovisshet, utsatthet,
Experiences of a User-Centred Research Approach involving Old People in Early Phases of Design; Reflections from Furniture Manufacturers
The paper concerns the furniture industry’s increased interest in opportunities and challenges to respond to demographic shifts and to meet future senior markets. A central issue discussed is how a user-centred approach in a collaborative design research project benefited the industrial partners. The paper focuses on the perspectives of the participating furniture manufacturers. The most involved