

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

Residential exposure to transportation noise in Denmark and incidence of dementia : national cohort study

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association between long term residential exposure to road traffic and railway noise and risk of incident dementia.DESIGN: Nationwide prospective register based cohort study.SETTING: Denmark.PARTICIPANTS: 1 938 994 adults aged ≥60 years living in Denmark between 1 January 2004 and 31 December 2017.MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Incident cases of all cause dementia and dementi

Molecular characteristics of lung adenocarcinoma with respect to patient age at diagnosis

Lung cancer is primarily a disease of the elderly, with a median age at diagnosis around 70 years. In our study we sought to address the question of whether and how clinical characteristics, molecular alterations and molecular phenotypes differ between patient populations with early-stage lung adenocarcinoma (AC) with respect to age at diagnosis. Patients were stratified based on age at diagnosis

Telepresence robots to reduce school absenteeism among children with cancer, neuromuscular diseases, or anxiety—the expectations of children and teachers : A qualitative study in Denmark

BackgroundThis study explores expectations for telepresence robots as a tool to reduce absence in education as school absence negatively influences children's academic advancement and psychosocial wellbeing.DesignA qualitative semi-structured interview study.Method and populationUsing convenience sampling, we interviewed 11 children aged 8–17 years with cancer (n = 4), neuromuscular diseases (n =

Evaluating the affinity and kinetics of small molecule glycomimetics for human and mouse galectin-3 using surface plasmon resonance

Galectin-3 is a beta-galactoside-binding mammalian lectin that is one of a 15-member galectin family that can bind several cell surface glycoproteins via its carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD). As a result, it can influence a range of cellular processes including cell activation, adhesion and apoptosis. Galectin-3 has been implicated in various diseases, including fibrotic disorders and cancer,

Bringing Morality Back : Three Interviews

This chapter presents three interviews with three influential voices in the field of social movement and civil society studies, namely, those of Doug McAdam, Jeffrey Alexander, and Nina Eliasoph. They all share their perspectives on social movements’ role in society’s moral development, the role of morality internally in social movements, and the role of morality for social science as a practice.

Gradient-based optimization of non-linear structures and materials

Gradient-based optimization is a potent tool in many design processes today. It is particularly useful in industries where weight considerations are crucial, such as aerospace, but can also be exploited in for example civil engineering applications to reduce the material use and thereby the environmental impact. With the advent of advanced manufacture methods, it even possesses the potential to de

Effects of local and landscape-scale permanent grassland on flower-visiting insects specialisation and body size

Betesmarker kan rädda våra pollinatörer Pollinatörer gör att vi får mat i form av frukt, grönsaker, vilda växter och frön. Det senaste århundrandet har jordbruket blivit allt mer intensivt vilket gjort att pollinatörer minskat, framförallt de med specifika karaktärsdrag. Små pollinatörer, och de som har specialiserad diet och boplats har pekats ut som särskilt utsatta för intensivt jordbruk. En aIn the last century, agricultural intensification has led to loss of permanent pastures in the landscape which has been correlated with a loss in biodiversity. Specifically, small specialist species are more negatively affected. Often because they have a higher demand on suitable complementary habitats, larger home-range requirements of a high quality. Small species also have a lower mobility and

Can Artificial Intelligence Enhance Syncope Management?: A JACC: Advances Multidisciplinary Collaborative Statement : State-of-the-Art Review

Syncope, a form of transient loss of consciousness, remains a complex medical condition for which adverse cardiovascular outcomes, including death, are of major concern but rarely occur. Current risk stratification algorithms have not completely delineated which patients benefit from hospitalization and specific interventions. Patients are often admitted unnecessarily and at high cost. Artificial

Sustainable consumption and individual responsibility

The more urgent the climate crisis become, the more responsibility is placed on individuals to reduce their carbon emissions and become ‘sustainable consumers’. If individuals are given such a responsibility, it is important to examine whether they perceive that they can fulfill it. This thesis main aim is therefore to qualitatively examine how and to what degree income impacts people’s perceived

Kampen on klassifikationerne : Økonomernes virke i den moralske elite

Økonomer har fra den statsvidenskabelige uddannelses oprettelse i 1848 udgjort en central del af den danske moralske elite, forstået som den del af eliten, der har bl.a. uddannelsesmæssige og organisatoriske ressourcer til at påvirke samfundets normative fundament. I artiklen gennemføres en karrierenetværksanalyse af data fra Kraks Blå Bog i perioden 1910-1923 til at skitsere en prosopografi (koll

Hanteringen av hela resan-perspektivet - En analys av strategihandlingars bidrag att påverka hållbart resande i Lunds kommun och Malmö stad

Hållbart resande är idag viktigare än någonsin att ta hänsyn till. Det är inte längre fossildrivna motorfordon som allmänt anses vara vägen framåt i samhället. Resor bör helst ske med hjälp av transporter vars miljöpåverkan är så liten som möjligt, där gång, cykel och kollektivtrafik förväntas användas mer. I Lunds kommun och Malmö stad är fokus på hållbara transporter starkt närvarande i deras stTo travel sustainable means more than using sustainable transportation; it is important to ensure that the entire journey is sustainable for one to go from one destination to another. The purpose of the study is to investigate how the entire journey is addressed by municipalities' Master Plan and traffic and mobility documents. Specifically, the study analyzed the municipality of Lund and the

Achieving 100 climate neutral cities in Europe : Investigating climate city contracts in Sweden

The European Commission has established a mission to achieve 100 climate neutral cities by 2030. A key element in the process is for municipalities to develop a Climate City Contract (CCC). Simultaneously, Viable Cities, a national strategic innovation program in Sweden, is also focusing on the transition to climate neutral cities where CCCs are being developed. Viable Cities is at the forefront o

Train Delays due to Extreme Weather Events in Sweden 2001-2020

Railways are vulnerable to extreme weather events. Some of these are expected to increase in frequency and severity in a warming world, prompting adaptation efforts. To inform these efforts, we have analysed railway operations data from Sweden in the period 2001-2020 to learn more about the past effects of extreme weather events on train delays. We have used a database containing some 1.6 billion