Din sökning på "*" gav 534638 sökträffar
Financial journeys : Reasoning about debt and money among young adults in Sweden
Unga vuxna nämns ofta som bland de mest ekonomiskt utsatta grupperna och Sverige karakteriseras ofta som ett av de länder i EU som har de mest skuldsatta hushållen. Även om hushållens skuldsättning främst är kopplad till bostadslån, har även andra former av kreditanvändning blivit allt vanligare. Mot bakgrund av en ökande tillgången till lättillgängliga konsumentkrediter, en tuff bostadsmarknad meYoung adults are often mentioned as among the most financially vulnerable groups, and Sweden is often characterized as being one of the countries in the EU with the most indebted households. While this houshold indebtedness mainly is linked to home loans, also other forms of credit usage have become increasingly common. Given the increasing access to readily availabe consumer credits, a difficult
Congestion Management in Distribution Systems with Large Presence of Renewable Energy Sources
Congestion is a major limiting factor preventing expansion of renewable energy production in distribution networks. However, with large shares of connected power electronic-interfaced generators in combination with new types of controllable loads, such as electric vehicles (EVs), there is a potential to greatly increase network operation flexibility. Utilising these available flexible resources ef
Mammographic density and interval cancers in mammographic screening : Moving towards more personalized screening
Purpose: The European Society on Breast Imaging has recommended supplemental magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) every two to four years for women with mammographically dense breasts. This may not be feasible in many screening programs. Also, the European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer suggests not implementing screening with MRI. By analyzing interval cancers and time from screening to diagn
On force, territory, and independence: how (not) to narrow down a rule
AI-Prepared Autonomous Freshwater Monitoring and Sea Ground Detection by an Autonomous Surface Vehicle
Climate change poses special and new challenges to inland waters, requiring intensive monitoring. An application based on an autonomous operation swimming vehicle (ASV) is being developed that will provide simulations, spatially and depth-resolved water parameter monitoring, bathymetry detection, and respiration measurement. A clustered load system is integrated with a high-resolution sonar system
Gary Alan Fine, The Hinge: Civil Society, Group Cultures, and the Power of Local Commitments
Valgarður : a database of the petrophysical, mineralogical, and chemical properties of Icelandic rocks
The Valgarður database is a compilation of data describing the physical and geochemical properties of Icelandic rocks. The dataset comprises 1166 samples obtained from fossil and active geothermal systems as well as from relatively fresh volcanic rocks erupted in subaerial or subaqueous environments. The database includes petrophysical properties (connected and total porosity, grain density, perme
Rättsfall från EU-domstolarna
Informationstäthet på engelska och svenska
Detta arbete är en översättningsvetenskaplig analys som baseras på översättningen av ett utdrag ur Simon Winchesters Atlantic: A Vast Ocean of a Million Stories, utgiven 2010. Första delen utgörs av en inledning, där boken och författaren presenteras översiktligt. Andra delen består av en källtextanalys efter analysmodellen i Lennart Hellspong och Per Ledins Vägar genom texten (1997). Tredje delen
Exploring the network activity of human derived cortical organoids
Överdrivet synkroniserade urladdningar i mänskliga hjärnkulturer Under flera decennier har forskare försökt förklara vad det är som sker i hjärnan under ett epileptiskt anfall. Detta tillstånd kännetecknas av att små eller stora populationer av hjärnceller överaktiveras i synkroni under förloppet av sekunder eller flera timmar. En obalans mellan inhibitoriska hjärnceller, som stänger av celler ocHigh synchronicity within cortical circuits resulting from imbalance between excitatory and inhibitory activity is a key feature of epileptiform seizures and different neuronal development stages. The exact mechanism contributing to this activity is still debated but multiple receptors expressed by cortical cells such as Glutamatergic, GABAergic neurons and astrocytes could be involved. With the r
Modeling Various Drought Time Scales via a Merged Artificial Neural Network with a Firefly Algorithm
Drought monitoring and prediction have important roles in various aspects of hydrological studies. In the current research, the standardized precipitation index (SPI) was monitored and predicted in Peru between 1990 and 2015. The current study proposed a hybrid model, called ANN-FA, for SPI prediction in various time scales (SPI3, SPI6, SPI18, and SPI24). A state-of-the-art firefly algorithm (FA)
Intragranuloma Accumulation and Inflammatory Differentiation of Neutrophils Underlie Mycobacterial ESX-1-Dependent Immunopathology
The conserved ESX-1 type VII secretion system is a major virulence determinant of pathogenic mycobacteria, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium marinum. ESX-1 is known to interact with infected macrophages, but its potential roles in regulating other host cells and immunopathology have remained largely unexplored. Using a murine M. marinum infection model, we identify neutrophils
The First Practical Guide to Inflation Targeting
When Sweden left the gold standard on September 27, 1931, the Swedish government declared that the aim of monetary policy should be to stabilize the domestic purchasing power of the Swedish currency, the krona. With this step, price level targeting officially became for the first time the goal for a central bank. Soon after, the Riksbank (Bank of Sweden) sent a questionnaire to three prominent eco
Dygnsvila tillkommer utöver veckovila även om veckovilan är extra lång
Handlingarnas sken : om litterär slitning i det dramatiska
The subject of this thesis is what I call a literary friction in the dramatic. In my research project, my aim has been to deepen the understanding of this friction and to make it productive in transforming my own dramatic writing. This has resulted in two dramatic works, which are presented in the thesis. I distinguish two different qualities in my writing – the dramatic and the literary – that I The subject of this thesis is what I call a literary friction in the dramatic. In my research project, my aim has been to deepen the understanding of this friction and to make it productive in transforming my own dramatic writing. This has resulted in two dramatic works, which are presented in the thesis. I distinguish two different qualities in my writing – the dramatic and the literary – that I
Ekonomiska och sociala konsekvenser av och risker med en koncentration av fiskemöjligheter till ett mindre antal aktörer
Havs- och vattenmyndigheten har föreslagit att svenskt demersalt fiske (fiske efter bottennära arter som räka, kräfta, torsk) ska regleras med överlåtbara fiskerättigheter. En förväntad effekt av detta är en koncentration av fisket till färre men större företag. Illustrativa exempel från isländskt fiske och det svenska pelagiska fisket (sill, skarpsill, makrill) som förvaltas med liknande system v
Abnormal cerebral hemodynamics and blood-brain barrier permeability detected with perfusion MRI in systemic lupus erythematosus patients
Objective: Dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has previously shown alterations in cerebral perfusion in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). However, the results have been inconsistent, in particular regarding neuropsychiatric (NP) SLE. Thus, we investigated perfusion-based measures in different brain regions in SLE patients with and without NP invo
Investigating vector memory and navigation in bumblebees (Bombus terrestris)
Bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) are central place foragers, that have been shown to use path integration based vectors to navigate their environment. They also have remarkable learning and memory abilities, and can readily learn different cues. Recently, a behavioural assay has been developed that allows for rigorous testing of these mechanisms in a laboratory setting. This thesis aimed to use this
Adverse childhood experiences as a risk factor for non-suicidal self-injury and suicide attempts in forensic psychiatric patients
BACKGROUND: Exposure to adverse childhood experiences (ACE) have been found to have profound negative consequences on an individuals' health. Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) is a clinically complex and serious global health issue and is closely related to suicide attempts. Previous research has found associations between ACE and NSSI and suicide attempts in clinical samples. However, this associat