Din sökning på "*" gav 529632 sökträffar
Dendrokronologisk analys av arkeologiska fynd vid kvarteret Traktören i Enköping, Uppland
Dendrokronologisk analys av Grimmatorpet i Skåne
A novel immunosuppressive pathway involving peroxynitrite-mediated [corrected] nitration of platelet antigens within antigen-presenting cells
BACKGROUND: Studies have demonstrated that immunity against platelet (PLT) transfusions is dependent on recipient antigen-presenting cells (APCs) and their ability to produce nitric oxide (NO). To further analyze this, we focused on NO's major metabolite peroxynitrite (ONOO(-)) and its ability to affect PLT immunity.STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: To address how NO and its major metabolite may mediate P
Dendrokronologisk analys av timrade stockar i en källare i södra delen av Nora, Västmanland
Delayed traumatic intracranial haemorrhage : The prevalence is very low in patients on oral anticoagulation
Dendrokronologisk analys av två prover från Bokhållaregatan i Linköping
Satellite Remote Sensing of Savannas: Current Status and Emerging Opportunities
Savannas cover a wide climatic gradient across large portions of the Earth’s land surface and are an important component of the terrestrial biosphere. Savannas have been undergoing changes that alter the composition and structure of their vegetation such as the encroachment of woody vegetation and increasing land-use intensity. Monitoring the spatial and temporal dynamics of savanna ecosystem stru
Dendrochronological analysis of wood samples from Kongens Nytorv (KBM 3829), fase 4B, Copenhagen, Denmark
Dendrokronologisk analys av brygghuset på Nääs gård i Torpa församling, Ydre, Östergötland
Dendrokronologisk och vedanatomisk analys av takspån samt en taktrobräda i Torpa kyrka, Ydre kommun, Östergötland
Dendrokronologisk analys av en evenuell kavelbro i Myre, Njurlunda socken, Medelpad
Nitrophobic ectomycorrhizal fungi are associated with enhanced hydrophobicity of soil organic matter in a Norway spruce forest
In boreal forests an important part of the photo assimilates are allocated belowground to support symbiosis of ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF). The production of EMF extramatrical mycelium can contribute to carbon (C) sequestration in soils, but the extent of this contribution depends on the composition of the EMF community. Some species can decrease soil C stocks by degrading soil organic matter (SOM
Optimal Landfill Site Selection for Solid Waste of Three Municipalities Based on Boolean and Fuzzy Methods: A Case Study in Kermanshah Province, Iran
In recent decades, population increase and urban development have led to catastrophic environmental consequences. One of the principal objectives to achieve “sustainable development” is to find suitable landfills. Due to their physical characteristics, which have led to a lack of landfill sites and closeness to water bodies, agricultural fields, and residential areas, the cities of Javanrood, Pave
Genes and proteins controlled by cGMP-PKG during retinal degeneration
prevalence was reported as 1:3000-4000 worldwide, making it the main reason for blindness in the working population in industrial countries. The mutations of over 70 genes have been related to this genetic disorder, and there is generally no effective treatment, except for gene therapy for the RPE65 mutations. Hence, new molecular targets are required for novel treatment development. The signaling
Living with Late Effects of Polio from a Salutogenic Perspective
Methods to study glymphatic system in the rodent brain during physiological and pathological processes
Over the past decade, our understanding of brain-waste clearance underwent a revolution after the discovery of the so-called glymphatic system. The glia-lymphatic (abbreviated, glymphatic) system was first described in 2012 as a paravascular macrosystem involved in the distribution of nutrients and clearance of metabolic waste from the brain parenchyma. The main actor of the system is the cerebros
Home, Sweet Home: Returns to Returning in the Age of Mass Migration
Studying migrants from Sweden to the United States, we provide new evidence on return migration during the Age of Mass Migration. Focusing on a sample of migrants and stayers observed in childhood, we document limited effects on income and occupational upgrading, but large effects on wealth. Male returnees held about twice as much wealth as stayers and about 40 percent more than staying brothers.
Joint management of marine mammals and a fish species: The case of cod and grey seals in the Nordic-Baltic Sea countries
In this paper, we present a simple theoretical, steady-state equilibrium, predator-prey model for the joint management of marine mammals and a fish species. As an empirical case, we choose cod and grey seals in the Nordic-Baltic Sea countries, and several benefits and costs related to the latter are considered. We show that the optimal grey seal population is much lower than the actual population,
Investigating Ancient Agricultural Field Systems In Sweden From Airborne Lidar Data By Using Convolutional Neural Network
Today, the advances in airborne LIDAR technology provide high-resolution datasets that allow specialists to detect archaeological features hidden under wooded areas more efficiently. Still, the complexity and large scale of these datasets require automated analysis. In this respect, artificial intelligence (AI)-based analysis has recently created an alternative approach for interpreting remote sen