

Din sökning på "*" gav 531169 sökträffar

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En matière de proximité, la gouvernance des déchets ménagers en Suède repose sur un enchevêtrement de logiques politique, administrative, géographique, économique, juridique, organisationnelle et pratique. Ces logiques sont parfois complémentaires, parfois contradictoires. Selon que le déchet relève ou non d’un système de responsabilité élargie des producteurs, selon qu’il est produit ou non dans

Microdata evidence on rent-sharing

We examine the effect of firm profits on wages for individual workers while focusing on the empirical complications associated with estimating the extent of rent-sharing. Controlling for worker and firm fixed-effects and using several instruments to deal with the endogeneity of profits, we report results indicating that Ordinary Least Square (OLS)-estimates strongly underestimate the effects of pr

Two-dimensional graphene paper supported flexible enzymatic fuel cells

Application of enzymatic biofuel cells (EBFCs) in wearable or implantable biomedical devices requires flexible and biocompatible electrode materials. To this end, freestanding and low-cost graphene paper is emerging among the most promising support materials. In this work, we have exploited the potential of using graphene paper with a two-dimensional active surface (2D-GP) as a carrier for enzyme

Emi2 Is Essential for Mouse Spermatogenesis

The meiotic functions of Emi2, an inhibitor of the APC/C complex, have been best characterized in oocytes where it mediates metaphase II arrest as a component of the cytostatic factor. We generated knockout mice to determine the in vivo functions of Emi2—in particular, its functions in the testis, where Emi2 is expressed at high levels. Male and female Emi2 knockout mice are viable but sterile, in

The influence of the major histocompatibility complex (H-2) on experimental diabetes in mice

Mice with different histocompatibility loci on an identical background genome (congenic resistant lines of mice) were used to study the possible influence of the histocompatibility complex on experimental diabetes. The major histocompatibility complex (H-2) was not found to influence the diabetogenic effect of encephalomyocarditis (EMC) virus. In contrast the glucose intolerance following heterolo

5′-AMP hydrolysis by suspensions and homogenates of pancreatic islet cells from normal and cortisone-treated rats

Suspensions of endocrine pancreas cells were prepared by shaking collagenase-isolated rat islets of Langerhans in calcium-free buffer. When incubated with 1.0 mM substrate at pH 7.4, the cells split, Pi from 5′-AMP at a rate of 87 nmol/h per μg DNA, and from β-glycerophosphate at a rate of 25 nmol/h per μg DNA Km for 5′ AMP was about 54 μM. Adenosine or theophylline inhibited the 5′-AMP hydrolysis

Potassium ion-activated hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl phosphate in pancreatic islet-cell membranes

Hydrolysis of p nitrophenyl phosphate was measured in a fraction enriched in plasma membranes from pancreatic islets of non inbred ob/ob mice. Hydrolysis was stimulated by K+ (10mM) in the pH range 5-10; a small peak of K+ induced activation was observed between pH 7.5 and 8. Both the K+ induced activation and the hydrolysis in the absence of K+ were Mg2+ dependent; maximum activation was obtained

Migrant Entrepreneurship Beyond Place and Space: A Call to Explore the Roles of Family Across Borders and Contexts

Migration is an important global phenomenon fostering entrepreneurship. Migrants are individuals who are moving or have moved across an international border, or nationally across different regions or provinces, away from their habitual place of residence (UN Migration Agency, 2019). These individuals are considered migrants regardless of what their legal status is, whether the movement is voluntar

Alla mäns prästadöme : Homosocialitet, maskulinitet och religion hos Kyrkobröderna, Svenska kyrkans lekmannaförbund 1918-1978

The aim of this study is to contribute to the understanding of how gender constructions have been shaped and renegotiated in the modern history of the Church of Sweden. This is achieved through the dissertation’s two general approaches, which are to account for the establishment and development of the Swedish lay movement called the Brethren of the Church (Kyrkobröderna) up until women were allowe

Flow injection fluorescence microscopy applied to a rapid cell surface immunoassay

A perfusion system for fluorescence microscopy that utilized a flow injection system was developed and used to study cell surface antibody binding on viable cells grown in monolayer cultures on coverslips. A polyclonal cell‐specific antiserum used to probe the cell surface was monitored by indirect immunofluorescence. The flow injection system was completely automatic and allowed controlled perfus

Radioimmunoassays for glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65) and GAD65 autoantibodies using 35S or 3H recombinant human ligands

Autoantibodies are an important marker of human autoimmune diseases and the development of simple, precise and reproducible immunoassays to detect autoantibodies is important to our understanding of human autoimmunity. GAD65 autoantibodies occur frequently in insulin-dependent diabetic patients and is a useful marker for IDDM. A RIA to detect immunoreactive GAD65 has not been described. In the pre

Insulitis and diabetes are preceded by a decrease in β cell volume in diabetes-prone bb rats

Immunocytochemistry combined with morphometry was used to test the hypothesis that insulitis and diabetes are preceded by quantitative changes in the pancreas of diabetes-prone BB (DPBB) rats. Diabetes-resistant BB (DRBB) rats of the w-subline served as controls. In the first part of the study rats aged 15, 30,45, and 60 days were studied. At 60 days preceding both insulitis and onset of diabetes,

Performance Estimation of a Traction Machine with Direct Cooled Hairpin Winding

Hollow and profiled conductors, which can be categorized as direct cooled conductors, are selected to develop a design proposal of an electrical machine with direct cooled hairpin type of winding. The objectives of this work are 1) investigating the benefits of direct heat removal when using hollow and profiled conductors, and 2) analyzing high frequency capability of these types of windings. Firs

Immunoglobulin from insulin-dependent diabetic children inhibits glucose-induced insulin release

Immunoglobulin was separated from islet cel antibody positive plasma of six children with newly diagnosed insulin-dependent (type I) diabetes mellitus. The dynamics of insulin release in response to glucose and partially purified antibodies were determined in dispersed rat islet cells perifused on small columns of Biogel P-2 beads. After perifusion at 5.5 mmol/L D-glucose in the presence of health