

Din sökning på "*" gav 531351 sökträffar

Har du leg eller? : En kvalitativ studie gällande frågan om legitimation för kuratorer inom hälso- och sjukvården

The aim of this study was to examine the concept of authorization of hospital social workers in Sweden. More specifically with reference to the relationship between hospital social workers and psychologists relative to psychosocial work. The study was based on a document analysis of several different document types from different source categories. Additionally a semi-structured interview with one

Hur påverkas bedömningarna? : En kvalitativ vinjettstudie om socialsekreterares resonemang kring sina bedömningar av insatser för klienter med missbruksproblematik.

The aim of this study was to examine what factors that affect social workers, at the social services in Sweden, assessments regarding support for clients having problems with drug abuse. More specifically the aim was to find out how the social workers own perceptions regarding clients who use narcotics affect their assessments in relation to their depth of discretion and the clients motivation for

Arbetsrelaterad svenska : en studie av sfi-studerandes språkliga miljö på praktikplatsen

Det har länge funnits en samhällsdebatt kring svenska för invandrare (sfi) och dess möjligheter att stödja de sfi-studerande så att de utvecklar rätt svenska för arbetslivet, där det krävs att man kan kommunicera både i och om arbetet och för mer sociala ändamål. Effektiviteten av praktik som medel för detta är omdebatterad. I denna studie undersöks därför den språkliga miljön runt två sfi-studera

"Att finnas till i ur och skur" : En studie om familjehemssekreterares upplevelser och föreställningar om avbrott i familjehemsplaceringar

The aim of this study was to examine family home social workers experience and conception of unplanned as well as planned disruptions in family foster care. We also wanted to investigate the main reasons of disruption identified by family home social workers, and how they are managed. Another aim was to investigate how family home social workers work with children, biological parents and foster pa

Prioriterat snabbcykelstråk

In pursuit of a sustainable society, the bike possesses a central importance. It is important that the bike lanes meet the needs in terms of accessibility and safety. In the Netherlands, the UK and Denmark already exists so-called super cycle routes, which have proven to be very successful, as they contributed to the increased cycling, and at same time improved accessibility and comfort for the cy

Reimagining sustainability science for life beyond the Anthropocene : multispecies conviviality, meaningful postmodernity and politics of ‘otherwise-than-power’

Sustainability Science (SS) is known for aspiration to support societies towards ecologically sound trajectories – a fabulously reflexive, ultimately critical and deeply self-aware field with a diverse community of highly skilled and creative researchers of noble goals, rigorous training and active engagement with ‘real life’ (so we claim, or at least aspire for). We try hard to alter extinction o

Prefabricerade betongbroar - vad hindrar dess användning i Sverige?

Sammanfattning Titel: Prefabricerade betongbroar – vad hindrar dess utveckling i Sverige? Författare: Sean Kelly Handledare: Katja Fridh, Institutionen för bygg- och miljöteknologi, Byggnadsmaterial, LTH Lars Persson, NCC Problemställning: NCC Montagebro har haft svårt att få ett genomslag på marknaden och detta kan bero på flera olika anledningar. En av de saker som ofta omnämns är att de inte är

Abbas Rezai som hjälte eller offer? : En kvalitativ textanalys av dagspressens beskrivningar om pojkar som utsätts för hedersrelaterat våld

It is a big challenge for social work to catch up on all the victims of honor-related violence and oppression. A group that isn´t usually mentioned in the media are boys. The aim of this study is to understand how the Swedish newspapers construct honor related violence, and oppression, against boys from a genus perspective, in the case of Abbas Rezai during the period 2006-2014. The study is based

Läsfrämjande på skolbibliotek : Vilka faktorer är viktiga för att läsfrämjande ska ge önskad effekt?

The purpose of this Master’s thesis is to find out which measures for reading promotion are used by school libraries and how these can have an effect in terms of increased reading. This is of interest since surveys have shown that Swedish pupils read less and that their reading abilities have decreased. In order to become good at reading one needs to read a lot and this is why promoting reading is

Valuing Credit Default Swaps with a Structural Approach

Valuing single-name Credit Default Swaps (CDS) is a dicult task since in order to make a fair valuation, one needs to assess the credit risk of the corresponding company. Many dierent models exist when it comes to modelling the credit risk, this report specically focuses on the branch of models named structural models. The aim of this thesis is to, for a number of companies, model the CDSspreads g

"Ingen kropp vill vara överviktig" : En kvalitativ textanalys om kvällstidningars framställning av övervikt och kroppsideal

This thesis provides a study in how media construct overweight and body image. The study is also considering if there is any difference between male and female body image and overweight. The study is based on two different newspapers health sides and a qualitative research was made. The main result showed that most of the articles pointed towards women and not towards men. It was also found that w

Lost in Gairaigo

The Japanese language consists of a large number of loanwords, which derived from both China and the West. It is believed by many that influence by the English language began with the American occupation just after the Second World War. The loanwords from especially English increased vastly in number ever since. Today, the foreign loanwords from the West, gairaigo, makes up to approximately 10% in

Kinetics of Swelling Applied on Gelatine

Svällningsstudier med gelatin Av: Victor Norgren, Lunds tekniska högskola, 2015-06-15 Introduktion Gelatin är en genomskinlig proteinbaserad biopolymer, som tillverkas av kollagen. Kollagen är bindningsvävnaden som fäster musklerna till benen i kroppen. Genom att t.ex. koka benknotorna kan man utvinna kollagenet som blir gelatin när det tillåts sätta sig igen. Gelatintrådarna behåller den spiralThis report is about the measurements of swelling gelatine films of different thickness and at different temperature. The research has been mainly focused on finding a suitable model. Results have shown that the new Pseudo-Sigmoidal Model (PSM) is superior to previous quasi-second order models such as the Robinson and Ofner model. It has also been shown that gelatine’s swelling can be divided into

Judicial decision-making and extra-legal influences: Neurolinguistic Programming as a candidate framework to understand persuasion in the legal context

Jurister försöker påverka rättsliga beslutsprocesser med hjälp av övertalning, men den befintliga litteraturen om övertalning i rättssalen är förvånansvärt begränsad med fokus på enskilda tekniker i isolering; inga omfattande integrerade ramverk finns tillgängliga. Vi föreslår en populär kommersiell metod för övertalning, Neurolingvistisk Programmering (NLP), som startpunkt för att utveckla en modTrial advocates seek to influence the outcomes of judicial decision-making processes using persuasion, but the existing literature regarding persuasion in the courtroom is surprisingly piecemeal, focusing on individual techniques in isolation; no comprehensive frameworks for integrating these techniques, or for systematically analyzing advocates’ attempts to enact persuasion in the courtroom, have

Den exklusiva behörigheten vid talan avseende sakrätt i fast egendom - En analys av EU-domstolens tolkning av art. 24.1 Bryssel Ia-förordningen

Uppsatsen behandlar innebörden av fastighetslandets exklusiva behörighet vid talan avseende sakrätt i fast egendom, enligt art. 24.1 Bryssel Ia-förordningen (förordning 1215/2012), samt dess relation till svensk internationell privat- och processrätt. Närmare bestämt utreds förhållandet mellan EU-domstolens autonoma tolkning av bestämmelsen och de motiv som sägs ligga bakom den exklusiva behörigheThe essay deals with the meaning of the exclusive jurisdiction in proceedings concerning rights in rem in immovable property, according to article 24.1 of the Brussels I-regulation (recast) (regulation 1215/2012), and its relation to Swedish international private and procedural law. More specifically, the essay investigates the relationship between the autonomous interpretation of the provision, g


I FBL 3 kap. 1 och 5 §§ finns de allmänna lämplighetsvillkoren för en fastighet respektive de ekonomiska krav som ställs för jord – och skogsbruksfastigheter. Dessa villkor gäller vid ombildning eller nybildning av en fastighet och vid en servitutsåtgärd. Undantaget från dessa lämplighetsvillkor finns i FBL 3 kap. 9 § som säger att ”Fastighetsbildning får äga rum, även om fastighet som nybildas elIn the real property formation act 3 chap. 1 and 5 §§ you will find the general conditions of suitability for a property unit and the financial requirements for agricultural - and forestry property units. These conditions should be fulfilled in every conversion or the formation of a property unit and at an easement action. The exception to these conditions is in the real property formation act 3 c

Quality validation of PCB-mounted sensors to prevent counterfeit components

Counterfeiting of electronic components is a growing problem, leading to lost revenue for companies as well as unreliable products delivered to customers. There is no general way for small hardware companies to deal with the problem. Addressing counterfeiting is usually not a high priority for these companies, though it is still imperative for them to deliver products with guaranteed functionality

Conditional Cash Transfers and Gender Equality: Short-Term Effects on Female Empowerment

Conditional cash transfer (CCT) programs have become an increasingly popular policy approach in the fight against poverty. In addition to their main goal of reducing poverty, CCT programs are also often claimed to have positive short-term impacts on beneficiary women. This is an interesting claim to examine further since gender equality and female empowerment are generally seen as key issues in gl

Changes in availability to pharmacies in a post-monopoly market - A pre-post study of the distribution of pharmacies in Swedish communities after re-regulating the market

In this empirical essay, I explore how the distribution of pharmacies has altered for the Swedish population since the re-regulation of the pharmacy market in 2009. I first review the current situation on the pharmacy market in Sweden and the conditions regarding the change in market structure from a previous state-run monopoly to a less regulated market. Further, I describe outcomes in other coun

Lufttätning av utfackningsväggar på JM

Today it is a matter of course to build airtight buildings both in terms of obtaining a good indoor climate as well as meeting the energy requirements. In the near future the energy requirements will be even tougher which demands for even better solutions than there are today. JM is one of the leading companies in its line of building energy efficient buildings but despite this they have been expe