

Din sökning på "*" gav 529424 sökträffar

Morphological characters and SNP markers suggest hybridization and introgression in sympatric populations of the pleurocarpous mosses Homalothecium lutescens and H. sericeum

Hybridization in bryophytes involves a fusion of gametes produced by haploid parental gametophytes of different species. The primary hybrid is thus the short-lived diploid sporophyte, which soon undergoes meiosis prior to the formation of large amounts of haploid spores. We compared morphology of gametophytes (branch leaves) and sporophytes (capsule inclination) from sympatric populations and allo

Validation of TEKNOsim 5: Verification Against Different Standards and Building Energy Simulation Tools

The growth of building energy simulation tools has provided users with a variety of alternatives to model and simulate buildings. The algorithms used in each building energy simulation software are different and range from simple to highly complex. TEKNOsim is a simple design tool based on analytical and empirical algorithms. It is used for calculating building thermal loads and simulating indoor


Globally, agrifoodsystems are in constant evolution. In such a context, agronomists have the critical task to act as change agents, enabling agricultural innovation and facilitating the transition towards sustainability. Hence, agronomists should develop a new professional mindset that goes beyond the prescribed roles and fixed duties of a bounded professional. However, it is questionable whether

A scintillation camera technique for measurements of the reticuloendothelial function -Comparison of different methods for measuring RES function

A highly standardized 99mTc-sulphur colloid was used to evaluate reticuloendothelial system (RES)-function in the normal rat and after RE blockade by gelatin (Haemaccel). Activity distribution in the animals was measured with a scintillation camera technique. Total uptake of activity in the liver was estimated. From the time-activity curves over the liver, the phagocytic index (kphag) was evaluate

Resilience in the periphery: What an agency perspective can bring to the table

In this chapter, we study the relationship between regional economic resilience and agency. Especially since the 2008 recession, regional resilience has raised a lot of interest in economic geography. However, the resilience research has focused mostly on the structural perspective and the role of agency has gained less attention. Intentional and purposeful human actions can have an effect on regi

Upadacitinib tartrate in rheumatoid arthritis

In rheumatoid arthritis (RA) there is an unmet therapeutic need, as a substantial proportion of patients does not achieve low disease activity or remission despite the use of conventional synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (csDMARDs) and/or biological DMARDs (bDMARDs). The Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors are the most recently added drug category in the therapeutic armamentarium in RA. U

Where’s the well : DNA evidence, personal narratives and unpredictability in Finnish family reunification

For people on the move, family reunification has become a major ‘channel’ to Europe and the ‘right to family’ is a widely recognized principle in international human rightsprotection and domestic legislations. Yet in practice exercising this ‘right’ is oftendifficult and migration buraucracies leave applicants unsure not only of the outcomeof their applications but of the criteria that are relied

Four-jet double parton scattering production in proton-nucleus collisions within the pythia 8 framework

We present our studies of four-jet double parton scattering production in proton-nucleus collisions within the framework of the pythia8 event generator. We demonstrate that double absorptive processes in pA generated by the Angantyr model in pythia8 give an enhancement of the total double parton scattering cross section similar to the predictions by Strikman and Treleani in 2001. Additionally, we

EGFR modulates complement activation in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma

Background: The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is pivotal for growth of epithelial cells and is overexpressed in several epithelial cancers like head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). EGFR signalling is also involved in diverse innate immune functions in epithelia. We previously found a role for EGFR in modulating the complement system in skin, this prompted an investigation into

Ett ovälkommet hopp? : Om gästfrihet och teologisk integritet i kristen eskatologi

This article is written in the intersection of eschatology and theology of religions. It argues that apart from the well-known discussion of "Who will be saved?", there is a related question that is often overlooked. The Jewish theologian Jacob Neusner articulates this question in the following way: How can I form a theory of the other in such a way that within my own belief I can respect the othe