

Din sökning på "*" gav 534164 sökträffar

Firm Inequality and The Employment Tax: A Quantitative Study of Northern Sweden

This paper quantitatively studies how firm inequality (society-wide firm concentration) in Northern Sweden was impacted by a 2002 deduction to the employment tax. The paper constructs Gini and Theil’s T indices as measurements of firm inequality for 29 Swedish municipalities for the years 1998-2007, where the net sales and number of employees are used as two measurements of firm size. This results

Att älska sitt jobb : Passion, entusiasm och nyliberal subjektivitet

Bör vi sträva efter att älska vårt jobb? Har det rent av blivit en förväntan som många arbetsgivare har? På en tuff arbetsmarknad som alltmer kräver individens hängivenhet och engagemang uppstår en problematik i vem det är som har makten över de personliga valen.I Att älska sitt jobb för etnologen Magdalena Petersson McIntyre ett angeläget samtal om passion och styrningen av den. Om känslor betrak

Vi såg det inte komma! Nutida skolattacker och varningssignaler

Att förutse kommande hot är en komplex procedur. Det fordrar hög detekteringsförmåga och strukturerat samarbete mellan aktörer. I Sverige har det under de senaste åren förekommit flertalet skolattacker. Dessa attacker har upplevts som överraskningar och initierat åtgärdsprogram för förebyggande av presumtiva attacker. En bidragande orsak till att dessa attacker kunnat genomföras har varit en brist

Processuell editionsplikt - En undersökning av den processuella editionspliktens förhållande till skyddet av personuppgifter

Editionsinstitutet och den processuella editionsplikten möjliggör för en part att med domstolens hjälp, under vissa förutsättningar, avtvinga motpart eller tredje man skriftliga handlingar som kan tänkas äga betydelse som bevis i en pågående tvist. En hel del har skrivits om editionsinstitutet och den processuella editionsplikten. Trots detta är rättsläget i många avseende fortfarande oklart. HögThe procedural duty of disclosure enables a party, with the assistance of the court and under certain conditions, to compel the opposing party or a third party to produce written documents that may be deemed significant as evidence in an ongoing trial. Much has been written about the procedural duty of disclosure. Nevertheless, the legal landscape remains unclear in many respects. In recent years

Hantering av missbruk av skatteavtalsbestämmelser i svensk rätt – Efter införandet av the Principal Purpose Test

Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda och analysera hur införandet av the Principal Purpose Test(PPT-klausulen) i svenska skatteavtal kommer påverka den svenska hanteringen av missbruk av skatteavtalsbestämmelser. Eftersom PPT-klausulen, genom den Mulitlaterala konventionen för att motverka skat-teflykt, har införlivats i skatteavtalet mellan Sverige och Storbritannien, kommer analysen göras med The purpose of this paper is to examine and analyse how the introduction of the Principal Purpose Test (the PPT clause) in Swedish tax treaties will affect the Swedish handling of abuse of tax treaty provisions. Since the PPT clause, through the Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures, has been incorporated into the tax treaty between Sweden and the United Kingdom, the ana

Loudspeaker Concept Design

In this master’s thesis, it is explored in what directions a market leading company with an established product portfolio can expand. Thereafter a concept is developed as an example of a niche product. Firstly, a market screening is performed with regards to trends, competitor products and needs in different market segments. Moreover, the company’s strategy is taken into consideration with the s

The Re-mediation of Legacy and New Media on Twitter : A Six-Language Comparison of the European Social Media Discourse on Migration

Scholarly literature has demonstrated that hybridity transforms both legacy and new media, but that this change is not even. We treat social media platforms as arenas of remediation, where users share and add their own context to information produced by both media subtypes and compare social media conversations about migration in six European languages that include links to either traditional or n

Reality Check: En studie kring motivationsfaktorer för konsumtion av reality-TV

Reality-TV har uppstått som en prominent genre med en engagerad och stor publik. Denna studie syftar till att utforska motivationsfaktorer bakom individers konsumtion av reality-TV och att även undersöka potentiella skillnader i motivationsfaktorer jämfört med fiktiva program. En enkät utformades med utgångspunkt i de fem motivationskonstrukten i the Uses and Gratifications Theory (Blumler & KReality TV has emerged as a prominent genre with a dedicated and sizable audience. This study aims to explore the motivations behind individuals' consumption of reality TV and investigate potential differences in motivations compared to fictional programs. A questionnaire was created based on the five motivational constructs of the Uses and Gratifications Theory (Blumler & Katz, 1974): aff

Framtidens möten

Framtidens möten handlar om nya modeller för affärer, interaktion och kommunikation inom mötesindustrin. Rapporten undersöker hur pandemin påverkat mötesindustrin och om krisen fört med sig nya möjligheter. Fokus ligger på förändringar av branschens värdeerbjudande, hur gäster i fysiska, hybrida och digitala möten och konferenser interagerar och vilken roll värdskap och gästfrihet spelar i dessa. The Future of Meetings is about new business models, interaction, and communication in the meetings industry. The report examines how the pandemic has affected it and whether the crisis has brought new opportunities.It focuses on changes in the industry's value proposition, how guests in physical, hybrid and digital meetings and conferences interact and the role of hosting and hospitality in these

Konsulters arbetstillfredsställelse relaterat till upplevt ledarskap, arbetsengagemang och motivation

Denna undersökning undersöker hur uppfattat ledarskap, arbetsengagemang, och motivation förutsäger och predicerar konsulters arbetstillfredsställelse på de konsultbolag de är anställda på. Detta gjordes genom en kvantitativ undersökning där data samlades in via en enkät som utvärderade arbetstillfredsställelse, uppfattat ledarskap, arbetsengagemang, och motivation; där det var 84 respondenter som This study investigates how perceived leadership, work commitment and motivation impact consultant’s job satisfaction at the consulting firm where they are employed. This was conducted through a quantitative survey where data was collected through a questionnaire assessing job satisfaction, perceived leadership, work commitment, and motivation. The sample of respondents consisted of 84 consultants

Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior to Predict Electricity Consumption: A Longitudinal Study

The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) is a widely applied theory to assess the impact of attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control and intention on behavior. The aim of this study is to analyze the impact of intention on actual electricity consumption as well as the relative impact of the underlying factors on intention to save electricity. This separates the study from most previou

Feeling Seen and Heard: Qualitatively Exploring Queer Women’s Experiences of Identity and Sex Life

This study explored the lived experience of sexual satisfaction among eleven queer women, recognizing its multifaceted nature and the challenges in defining and measuring it. Through qualitative methodology, the research investigated factors such as sexual desire and satisfaction, self-esteem, body image, sexual identity, relational influences, consent, and negative experiences. The study involved

Ålanders Knowing Finnish : A Necessity or a Threat to Autonomy? The Ålandic Language Debate of 1968

The autonomy created for Åland in 1920 along with the linguistic and cultural guarantees stipulated in the 1921 Åland Agreement established Åland as a monolingual Swedish-speaking province within otherwise bilingual Finland. In particular, the Ålandic municipalities could themselves decide whether Finnish was to be taught in their primary schools. One hundred years later, Åland is still monolingua

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Anmeldelse af Ægteskabets 15 glæder, ukendt forfatter

Museet som levande genbank : fyra fallstudier av svenska friluftsmuseers arbete med att bevara biologisk mångfald i form av lantraser, kulturväxter och vilda växter.

Museums as cultural heritage institutions have an ability when it comes to determining what is and is not a part of a cultural heritage. Many Swedish open-air museums work with conveying knowledge about what can be called biological cultural heritage. An important part of the biological cultural heritage is the old Swedish livestock breeds, cultivated plants and wild plants. These animals and plan

Vi måste prata om aktivisten i rummet : om museet som arena för klimataktivism

By taking a starting point in the climate action, implemented by the climate activist group Återställ Våtmarker, in the summer of 2023 at Nationalmuseum in Stockholm this thesis explores the topic of climate activism and climate actions set within the museum room. The purpose of the study is to gain a deeper understanding of climate activism and climate actions in museums by gathering knowledge on

Can we show you the skeletons in our closet? : Museum exhibitions with human remains in different European settings

Mänskliga kvarlevor förstås inte längre bara som föremål utan också som avlidna individer. Utställda mänskliga kvarlevor kan ha en suggestiv kraft som ger dem liv genom mötet med besökare, tillspetsat skulle man kunna säga att de befinner sig i ett slags limbo mellan liv och död. Denna studie jämför museiutställningar som innehåller mänskliga kvarlevor mellan tre europeiska länder. Syftet med uppHuman remains are nowadays understood not solely as objects but also as deceased individuals. Exhibited human remains may possess a suggestive power that gives them life through the encounter with visitors, to the point that one could say that they are in a kind of limbo between life and death. This study seeks to compare the museal exhibitions containing human remains in three countries within Eu