

Din sökning på "*" gav 533777 sökträffar

Aemilia Lepida and the imago of Pompey : Female agency and the negotiation of public space in early imperial Rome

In 20 CE, Aemilia Lepida was tried before the senatorial court. When the court recessed for a holiday, she rallied support by referring to her Pompeian ancestry, choosing as her venue the theatre built by her great-grandfather Pompey himself. Accompanied by a group of fellow elite women (clarae feminae), Lepida entered the theatre and invoked the imagines of her great ancestor with tearful lamenta

Uncertainty, Worth, Identity : How Early Career Academics Navigate Evaluative Landscapes

This dissertation explores the interplay between valuation and academic socialization, addressing the question: how do early career academics navigate evaluative landscapes? Having completed their doctoral education but yet to find stable employment, early career academics are generally viewed as the most vulnerable group of academic staff. Comparing how individuals within this group seek to demonThis dissertation explores the interplay between valuation and academic socialization, addressing the question: how do early career academics navigate evaluative landscapes? Having completed their doctoral education but yet to find stable employment, early career academics are generally viewed as the most vulnerable group of academic staff. Comparing how individuals within this group seek to demon

Anhörigbehörigheten i Sverige och Norge - En jämförande utvärdering av de första åren med regleringen

Att ge anhöriga en behörighet att företräda en familjemedlem direkt med stöd av lag är nytt både i Sverige och Norge. Reglerna infördes i Norge 1 juli 2013 och i Sverige 1 juli 2017. Innebörden av de nya reglerna är att en anhörig får hjälpa en familjemedlem att sköta ekonomiska angelägenheter kopplat till den dagliga livsföringen när familjemedlemmen på grund av sitt hälsotillstånd inte kan göra To give a relative a competence to represent a member of the family directly with legal authority is new in both Sweden and Norway. The rules came into effect 1 July 2013 in Norway and 1 July 2017 in Sweden. The effect of the new rules is that a relative can help a member of the family manage financial affairs which concerns the daily living when the family member is unable to do so due to health

Vårdskada eller patientskada? Begreppsskillnader som försvårar patienters och vårdgivares uppfattning om när en vårdskada ger rätt till patientskadeersättning.

I uppsatsen utreds innebörden och tillämpningsområdena av begreppen vårdskada enligt patientsäkerhetslagen (2010:659) (PSL) och patientskada enligt patientskadelagen (1996:799) (PSkL). Syftet är att belysa problematiken och eventuella konsekvenser av skillnaderna mellan begreppen samt att utreda hur systemen bättre kan samordnas. En vårdskada är en fysisk eller psykisk skada som hade kunnat undvikThe purpose of the essay is to investigate the meaning of and differences between a healthcare injury according to the Patient Security Act (2010:659) (PSL) and a patient injury according to the Patient Injury Act (1996:799) (PSkL). The essay pertains to illustrate the problems and possible consequences of the differences as well as to review how the systems could be better coordinated. A healthca

Deconstructing the (E)state - An interpretive content analysis of the Danish government’s 2018 ‘ghetto-initiative’

This thesis seeks to study the connection between space, architecture, city planning, policy and human rights. The case studied is the so-called Danish ‘ghetto-initiative’, focusing on the government’s 2018-plan “A Denmark Without Parallel Societies – No Ghettos By 2030”. The strategy entails initiatives legalizing sales, demolishing and renovation of residential areas that fulfils criteria based

Factors associated with sex differences in viral non-suppression in the Swedish InfCareHIV cohort : An observational real-world study

Objectives: Women living with HIV are underrepresented in clinical trials assessing outcomes of antiretroviral treatment (ART), justifying the need for observational studies. We investigated differences in viral non-suppression between women and men in the Swedish InfCareHIV cohort and analysed results in relation to biological and socio-demographic variables and patient-reported outcome measures

Distribution of intranasal naloxone to potential opioid overdose bystanders in Sweden : Effects on overdose mortality in a full region-wide study

Objectives Distribution of take-home naloxone is suggested to reduce opioid-related fatalities, but few studies have examined the effects on overdose deaths in the general population of an entire community. This study aimed to assess the effects on overdose deaths of a large-scale take-home naloxone programme starting in June 2018, using an observational design with a historic control period. Desi

The Swedish perfect and periphrasis

This paper investigates the apparent near-optionality of the perfect auxiliary ha (‘have’) in Swedish. Restrictions on the near-optionality of ha-omission are typically recognized in the previous literature as lexical or structural. The paper scrutinizes the viability of these restrictions by means of corpus data. Most of these restrictions are shown not to hold. Instead, the paper defends the vie

Grassroots mobilization for a just, green urban future: Building community infrastructure against green gentrification and displacement

Municipal climate resiliency and re-naturing plans are promoting greening and green (re)development, such as the inclusion of new parks, greenways, or rehabilitated shorelines, frequently as a-political, win-win solutions for all residents. Greenwashing and (re)development of green amenities in vulnerable neighborhoods—those often most in need of support toward resilience and adaptation—expose res

Teaching Creatively in Higher Education : The Roles of Personal Attributes and Environment

The aim of this study was to explore university teachers’ perceptions of creative teaching and other factors that may influence academics’ efforts to teach creatively in higher education in Sweden. A qualitative case study was employed, interviewing 14 university teachers in three focus group interviews. The results show that the university teachers’ perceptions of creative teaching differed sligh

Hybrid heterogeneous phantoms for biomedical applications: a demonstration to dosimetry validation

Phantoms simultaneously mimicking anatomical and optical properties of real tissues can play a pivotal role for improving dosimetry algorithms. The aim of the paper is to design and develop a hybrid phantom model that builds up on the strengths of solid and liquid phantoms for mimicking various anatomical structures for prostate cancer photodynamic therapy (PDT) dosimetry validation. The model com

Tomorrowland : Critical Social Theory of Planetary Politics

We live in ‘Tomorrowland’; a land at the nexus of social science and natural science where the solution to our problems will be found tomorrow. The paper addresses the impossibility of international relations by proposing an alternative approach located in critical social theory. The paper utilises critical social theory to critique contemporary liberal assumptions and rationalisations of cultures

Feasibility of 177Lu activity quantification using a small portable CZT-based gamma-camera

Background: In image processing for activity quantification, the end goal is to produce a metric that is independent of the measurement geometry. Photon attenuation needs to be accounted for and can be accomplished utilizing spectral information, avoiding the need of additional image acquisitions. The aim of this work is to investigate the feasibility of 177Lu activity quantification with a small

Måla hela området rött - en studie av dörrknackning som retorisk situation

Denna studie undersöker den politiska kampanjmetoden dörrknackning (canvassing) med syftet att få en inblick i hur dörrknackarna upplever den retoriska situationen ute i fält. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom tio kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer och analyserats med Lloyd F. Bitzers modell “The Rhetorical Situation” (1968). Slusatserna är att dörrknackning som metod är situationell i sThis study examines the rhetorical situation of door-to-door canvassing through qualitative research interviews with partisan canvassers from the Social Democratic Party in Malmö, Sweden, with the theoretical framework of Lloyd F. Bitzer's "The Rhetorical Situation" (1968). The study concludes that door-to-door canvassing is situational in its form, and must therefore respond to audi

The Covid-19 lesson from Sweden: Don't lock down

Covid-19 triggered a wave of lockdowns across the world, contributing to a severe downturn in economic activity. Governments responded by introducing expansionary fiscal and monetary measures. We compare the health and economic outcomes in Sweden, commonly viewed as an outlier relying more on recommendations and voluntary adjustments than on strict lockdowns, with those of comparable European OECDCovid-19 triggered a wave of lockdowns across the world, contributing to a severe downturn in economic activity. Governments responded by introducing expansionary fiscal and monetary measures. We compare the health and economic outcomes in Sweden, commonly viewed as an outlier relying more on recommendations and voluntary adjustments than on strict lockdowns, with those of comparable European OECD

E-Waste Prevention in Sweden: Fostering Computer Refurbishment and Reuse

The thesis at hand aims to provide an overview of the reuse market(s) for desktop and laptop computers in Sweden in order to support policy-makers and computer reuse organisations in developing strategies and measures to foster computer reuse and thus reducing the volume of related e-waste as outlined in the national Waste Prevention Plan 2014-2017. Existing types of computer reuse organisations,