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Temperature control of two interacting rooms with decoupled PI Control
Using a simulated model of a house consisting of two adjacent rooms, the temperature of the two rooms is controlled with a PI controller and a decoupled PI controller. This is compared to MPC control. In the simulation example here, both the MPC controller and the decoupled PI controller decreased the interaction between the temperature dynamics of the two rooms, as compared to an independent PI c
Localised deformation patterning in 2D granular materials revealed by digital image correlation
Tests have been performed on an analogue two-dimensional granular material in a special laboratory apparatus that allows the application of general stress or strain conditions. Digital image correlation of pairs of consecutive photographs taken during the tests has enabled fields of displacement and hence strain to be determined. Thus direct observation of internal displacements and strains has be
The xenotransplantation narratives of nine type 1 diabetic patients with renal failure
A virtual haptic-audio line drawing program
A virtual haptic-audio drawing program prototype designed for visually impaired children, has been gradually developed in a design-evaluation loop involving users in five stages. Four qualitative evaluations focused on recognizing drawn shapes and creati
"Jag längtar efter svensk kvalité och tänkande...": Hur vi använder kategoriseringar i samtalet
Vår frågeställning i denna artikel är: Hur talar man om etniska grupper så att de andra samtalspartnerna inte uppfattar det sagda som stereotypi och tecken på dålig bildning? Med utgångspunkt i ett svenskt och två tjeckiska material visar vi med en lång rad exempel hur 'vi'&endash;'dom' kontrasten formuleras av talaren och förhandlas vidare med övriga samtalspartner. I samtalsexemplen illustre
Standing on the shoulders of giants. Trojan Earths and vortex trapping in low mass self-gravitating protoplanetary disks of gas and solids
Efternamns fria rörlighet inom EU
Enabling and Enhancing Potential Absorptive Capacity through the use of ICT
Functional and morphological examination of ganglionic and aganglionic distal gut from the lethal spotted mouse.
An Innovative Bioenergy System In Action
After the oil crises in the 1970s, the local government in the town of Enköping in Sweden was cautioned by the local Swedish military regiment to shift towards domestic energy supplies rather than imported fossil fuels. During the 1980s the local energy companies investigated opportunities in bioenergy. In the 1990s the local energy companies and local government developed an innovative bioenergy
Vertical high mobility wrap-gated InAs nanowire transistors
Nonlinear Interpolation from Video Images to High Quality Printers
Estimation of Revenue Loss due to Disturbances on Utilities in the Process Industry
Disturbances on utilities, such as steam and cooling water, often cause large economic losses at industrial sites. Utilities are often shared between production areas, and a disturbance on a utility is therefore likely to affect a large part of the production site. In addition, production areas are often coupled by the product at the site. Obtaining a dynamic model of a site, with respect to utili
Spindelfobi kan behandlas. Terapi forandrar hjarnans aktiveringsmonster
Quantitative assessment of selected policy instruments using the Western European MARKAL model
Det lästa och det skrivna. Kring Hjalmar Gullbergs bibliotek och poesi
The development of item and source memory in children and young adults: an ERP study
Review of microstructure modeling in solid oxide fuel cell electrodes
Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) are widely studied for their advantages specially at high temperatures. The microscopic chemical reactions that occur in the cells have a strong influence on the cell performance although not much research has been done in this field yet. In order to do so, a numerical model of the microstructure of the electrodes, where the reactions take place, is needed. Different