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No beneficial effect of two-layer storage compared with UW-storage on human islet isolation and transplantation
Background. Shipment of pancreata between distant centers is frequently associated with prolonged cold ischemia time (CIT) that leads to poorer outcomes for islet transplantation. Clinical pilot trials have indicated that oxygenation of explanted human pancreata utilizing the two-layer method (TLM) allows the use of marginal donor pancreata for islet transplantation. The present study aimed to cla
Alpha1-antichymotrypsin/Alzheimer's peptide Abeta(1-42) complex perturbs lipid metabolism and activates transcription factors PPARgamma and NFkappaB in human neuroblastoma (Kelly) cells.
Amyloid-beta peptide (A) and the serpin proteinase inhibitor 1-antichymotrypsin (ACT) are components of the amyloid plaques associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD). A exists in soluble monomeric and oligomeric forms and in an insoluble polymerised fibrillar form, but it is not clear which of these plays the most important role in the etiology of AD. In vitro, A1-42 interacts with ACT, and as a re
Lectotypifications of names of species of Hieracium known from the Swedish provinces Gotland and Ostergotland
Twenty-eight names of taxa of Hieracium, occuring in, and in most cases described on the basis of material from, the SE Swedish provinces of Gotland and Ostergotland are lectotypified.
Transient hypertriglyceridemia of infancy
A premature boy who had suffered from IRDS, bronchopulmonary dysplasia and retinopathy of prematurity developed massive hypertriglyceridemia (48.1 mmol/L) together with moderate hypercholesterolemia (12.6 mmol/L) at 5 months of age. Lipoprotein electrophoresis revealed a marked elevation of the level of the very low density lipoprotein fraction. There was a moderate decrease in the activity of a l
Signifying Substance: A Cultural Analysis of Early Modernist Language Practice.
The brown fruticose species of Cetraria.
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Fantasin och museernas vilkor : glömska, minne och framtid
Industrial organization and the spatial organization of industries
Popular AbstractSyftet med avhandlingen är att bidra med ny kunskap till det forskningsområde inom ekonomisk geografi som behandlar problem kopplade till industriell dynamik, rumslig organisering av industriell verksamhet och regional näringspolitik. Genom att studera företags strategier och relationer till andra aktörer i och utanför hemmaregionen bidrar avhandlingen till en ökad förståelse för dThe dissertation aims at making a contribution to the field of industrial organization/dynamics, spatial organization of industries and regional policy. This has been done by paying more attention to the strategies of the firm and to the link between the firms, the industry as well as the region and the implications for regional policy. More specifically, the dissertation makes a contribution to e
Wavefront detection from intra-atrial recordings
The present study deals with detection of intra-atrial wavefronts from atrial activation times in adjacent bipolar electrograms. A statistic of the delays within each wave-front was calculated and served as a basis for quantifying the wavefront consistency as well as the propagation of the electrical activity along the catheter. The database consisted of 19 patients for which five electrograms wer
First Identification and Shell Model Structure of 92Rh
Excited states in the N=47 nucleus Rh-92 were populated via the fusion evaporation reaction Ni-58(Ca-40,alpha pn)Rh-92 at 180 MeV beam energy. A level scheme reaching up to about 7 MeV and probable spins of (19(+)) and (21(-)) was established and interpreted with the shell model in the (p(1/2), g(9/2)) model space.
Characterization and localization of cysteine-rich secretory protein 3 (CRISP-3) in the human male reproductive tract
Mammalian members of the cysteine-rich secretory protein (CRISP) family are expressed predominantly in the male reproductive tract and are implicated in the process of reproduction from spermiogenesis, posttesticular sperm maturation, and capacitation to oocyte-sperm fusion, and possibly also penetration of the zona pellucida. Rodents express only 2 CRISPs (CRISP-1 and CRISP-2) in their male repro
The predictive value of microbiologic diagnostic tests if asymptomatic carriers are present
If a proper gold standard is not available, then the predictive value of a test cannot be estimated. In this paper the concept of etiologic predictive value (EPV) is introduced. It is a quantity that will yield the predictive value of a test to predict presence of a specified disease in situations for which no proper gold standard is available. This is achieved by using information obtained from a
Pancreatitis-Associated Pulmonary Injury
Popular Abstract in Swedish Akut bukspottkörtelinflammation (akut pankreatit ? AP) är en akut inflammation som kan resultera i en självdestruktiv process i bukspottkörteln. 70-80 % av fall med AP klassificeras som lätta-måttliga och är självbegränsande, medan cirka 20 % klassas som svåra och karakteriseras av utvecklingen av nekros (vävnadsdöd) i bukspottkörteln och omkringliggande vävnad, utvecklIn acute pancreatitis (AP), lung injury is an early occuring and important part of the multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. The mechanisms underlying the development of lung injury though still largely remains unclear. The aim of the present study was to study mechanisms of the systemic and secondary pulmonary inflammation and injury, with an emphasis on the involvement of immune cells, inflammato
Two chromones from Peperomia vulcanica
Two chromones: 5-hydroxy-2-(14'-(E)-nonadecenyl) chromone (1) and 5-hydroxy-2-[12'-(3",4"-methylenedioxyphenyl)dodecanyl] chromone (2), together with six known compounds have been isolated from Peperomia vulcanica Baker & C. H. Wright (Piperaceae). Their structures were determined by spectroscopic analysis including 2D NMR techniques.
Shape coexistence at high spin in the N = Z+2 nucleus Se-70
The nucleus Se-70 was studied using the Ca-40(Ca-40, 2alpha2p) reaction at a beam energy of 185 MeV. Gamma rays were measured with the EUROBALL III spectrometer. The known positive-parity bands have been extended and one new band of positive parity and two of negative parity have been identified. These bands are interpreted in terms of the cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky approach. Calculations suggest
Att våga flyga: Ett deltagarorienterat projekt om samtalets potential och förskolepersonals konstruktion av det professionella subjektet.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling tillhör området professions- och skolutvecklingsforskning. Avhandlingen tar upp hur förskolepersonal konstruerar sig som professionella subjekt, dvs hur förskolepersonal skapar sitt professionella jag, sin identitet, utifrån individuella såväl som kollektiva erfarenheter. Avhandlingen tar också upp på vilket sätt reflekterande samtal bidrar till denna sA major aim initially was to create a forum for reflective dialogue on the preschool professions and how it is experienced on a daily basis, so as to be able to investigate how members of the preschool staff construct their professional subject. The following are major questions that were posed: How do preschool staff members talk about themselves, their profession and their work? In what way does
No association between the alpha2-macroglobulin (A2M) deletion and Alzheimer's disease, and no change in A2M mRNA, protein, or protein expression
A polymorphism consisting of a deletion near the 5' splice site of exon 18 on the alpha2-macroglobulin (A2M) gene (A2M-2) has been suggested to be associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD) in family-based studies. We studied the A2M-2 allele together with the ApoE alleles in a large series on patients with AD (n = 449) and age-matched controls (n = 349). Neuropathologically confirmed diagnoses were
How substantial are ultraviolet-B supplementation inaccuracies in experimental square-wave delivery systems?
Square-wave (SQW) ultraviolet-B (UV-B: 280–315 nm) radiation supplementation systems continue to be used in outdoor experimental locations due to the economically restrictive installation and maintenance costs, and technical expertise required to effectively operate more advanced modulated (MOD) delivery systems. However, continued yet contentious criticisms of SQW delivery systems risk creating p
A digitally controlled PLL for SoC applications
A fully integrated digitally controlled phase-locked loop (PLL) used as a clock multiplying circuit is designed and fabricated. The PLL has no off-chip components and it is made from standard cells found in most digital standard cell libraries. The design is, therefore, portable between technologies as an IP block. Using a 0.35-mum standard CMOS process and a 3.0-V supply voltage, the PLL has a fr