

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

A parallel Monte Carlo code for planar and SPECT imaging: implementation, verification and applications in I-131 SPECT

This paper reports the implementation of the SIMIND Monte Carlo code on an IBM SP2 distributed memory parallel computer. Basic aspects of running Monte Carlo particle transport calculations on parallel architectures are described. Our parallelization is based on equally partitioning photons among the processors and uses the Message Passing Interface (MPI) library for interprocessor communication a

Den medeltida byns sociala dimensioner

This PhD thesis is made up of five independent studies and a comprehensive synthesis. The first three studies are published 2001 in the book Vem behöver en by? Kyrkheddinge, struktur och strategi under tusen år (pp. 1-95) (Who needs a village? Kyrkheddinge, Structure and Strategy During a Thousand Years). The remaining two parts and the synthesis are published in the volume Den medeltida byns soci

Predissociation of the 4p pi L-1 Pi Rydberg state of carbon monoxide

Time-domain and frequency-domain spectroscopic experiments have been performed on the (4ppi)L(1)Pi, v = 0 Rydberg state in three isotopomers of carbon monoxide. Accurate values for the excited state lifetimes of the f-parity components have been determined: tau((CO)-C-12-O-16) = 1.08 +/- 0.05 ns, tau((CO)-C-13-O-16) = 72 +/- 10 ps and tau((CO)-C-13-O-18) = 29 +/- 6 ps. The spectral resolution in t

Higher Education for Girls in North American College Fiction 1886-1912

Twenty years after Vassar College welcomed the first American female undergraduates in 1865, the experiences of women college students began to be fictionalized in so-called college stories. This thesis shows how higher education is presented in the novels, collections of short stories, and serialized stories for female readers published before the United States was involved in the First World Wa

Wave propagators for transient wave in one-dimensional media

Wave propagators are introduced for transient wave propagation in a general one-dimensional medium. The definition of wave propagators is based upon a wave splitting technique. Several properties for the propagators are given and the relations between the method of propagators and the invariant imbedding method and the Green function approach are discussed.

Förändringar i utbredningsbilden hos Parmelia elegantula och Parmelia laciniatula i Skåne och Blekinge.

The Swedish localities for Parmelia eleganrula (Zahlbr.) Szat. and Parmelia laciniatula (Oliv.) Zahlbr.wers outlined in denil by Almborn (1948) in a work on the distribution and ecology of some south Scandinavian lichens. In the summer of 1987, I revisited Ahnborn's renumerated localities in Sklne and Blekinge. Several new localiries were also registrated. Both species, as prcsumed, turned out to

Influence of bondline brittleness and defects on the strength of timber finger-joints

Numerical finite element results on the mechanical behaviour of finger-joints for laminated timber products are presented. Simulations are based on a nonlinear fracture mechanics description of the bondlines in the finger-joints. It is shown that, for a commonly used resorcinol–phenol adhesive, there is potential of increasing substantially the finger-joint strength by increasing the fracture ener

Prospective randomized controlled study of Hydrofiber(R) dressing containing ionic silver or calcium alginate dressings in non-ischaemic diabetic foot ulcers.

Aims Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) are at risk of infection and impaired healing, placing patients at risk of lower extremity amputation. DFU care requires debridement and dressings. A prospective, multicentre study compared clinical efficacy and safety of AQUACEL (R) Hydrofiber (R) dressings containing ionic silver (AQAg) with those of Algosteril (R) calcium alginate (CA) dressings in managing out-

Om darrningar. Emanuel Swedenborgs iatromekanik

On the basis of his daily life experiences of water waves the Swedish natural philosopher Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) could use the wave metaphor to transfer the qualities of these waves to other physical phenomena such as sound waves and light waves. In the last issue of his scientific journal Dædalus Hyperboreus (1718), he published an overview of a new theory of tremulations. Swedenborg's mo