

Din sökning på "*" gav 531459 sökträffar

Between Legal Dogma and Counterfactual Analysis: Exploring Jurisdictional Shifts in EUMR Post Article 22 Guidance

Den Europeiska Kommissionens (’Kommissionen’) jurisdiktion att granska koncentrationer enligt bestämmelserna i koncentrationsförordningen (’EUMR’) fastställs antingen av omsättningsbaserade trösklarna eller systemet för hänskjutande av ärenden. I båda dessa fall fastställs jurisdiktionen genom kvantitativa kriterier, med undantag för hänskjutandemekanismen som föreskrivs genom Artikel 22 EUMR. HiThe jurisdiction of the Commission to review concentrations under the provi-sions of the EUMR is established either by the turnover thresholds or the case referral system. In both of these cases, jurisdiction is established through quantitative criteria, with the exception of the case referral mechanism provid-ed for in Article 22 EUMR. Historically, Article 22 EUMR was designed to enable Member

Measurement of ultrashort laser pulses with a time-dependent polarization state using the d-scan technique

The dispersion scan (d-scan) technique is extended to measurement of the time-dependent polarization state of ultrashort laser pulses. In the simplest implementation for linearly polarized ultrashort pulses, the d-scan technique records the second harmonic generation spectrum as a function of a known spectral phase manipulation. By applying this method to two orthogonally polarized projections of

The comfort of alignment: Mining, green steel, and killjoy desires in Sweden/Sápmi

Denna avhandling fokuserar på svensk extraktivism i Sápmi/Norrbotten genom att studera den planerade järnmalmsgruvan i Gállok/Kallak och den gröna omställningen inom stålproduktionen. Huvudsyftet är att förstå tilltron till resursutvinning som ett sätt att nå en lycklig, grön, och god framtid. Med utgångspunkt i psykoanalys läser jag resursutvinning som ett begärsobjekt som människor söker sig tilThis dissertation deals with Swedish extractivism in Sápmi through the examples of a planned iron ore mine in Gállok/Kallak and the hydrogen-based steel transition. The main aim is to understand the trust that is placed in extraction as a means to arrive at a happy, prosperous, green future. Drawing on Lacanian psychoanalysis and Sara Ahmed’s notion of the promise of happiness, I suggest that extr

Phases of fossil fuel decline : Diagnostic framework for policy sequencing and feasible transition pathways in resource dependent regions

Phasing out fossil fuels requires destabilizing incumbent regimes while protecting vulnerable groups negatively affected by fossil fuel decline. We argue that sequencing destabilization and just transition policies addresses three policy problems: phasing out fossil fuels, transforming affected industries, and ensuring socio-economic recovery in fossil resource-dependent regions. We identify the k

Ska Sverige vara ett korporativistiskt samhälle?

Jag vill undvika monopol för kollektivavtalet – eller för någon annan form av avtal, skriver Lars Jonung i ett svar på Håkan Bengtssons krönika.Hur ska den svenska modellen se ut? Ska den vara en korporativistisk modell där organiserade särintressen, parterna med andra ord, i kollektiva förhandlingar bestämmer hyror och löner för sina medlemmar? Eller ska det vara en liberal modell där rätten att

Concordance of X-ray and AlphaFold2 Models of SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease with Residual Dipolar Couplings Measured in Solution

The 68-kDa homodimeric 3C-like protease of SARS-CoV-2, Mpro (3CLpro/Nsp5), is a promising antiviral drug target. We evaluate the concordance of models generated by the newly introduced AlphaFold2 structure prediction program with residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) measured in solution for 15N-1HN and 13C′-1HN atom pairs. The latter were measured using a new, highly precise TROSY-AntiTROSY Encoded R

Four-dimensional NOE-NOE spectroscopy of SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease to facilitate resonance assignment and structural analysis

Resonance assignment and structural studies of larger proteins by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) can be challenging when exchange broadening, multiple stable conformations, and 1H back-exchange of the fully deuterated chain pose problems. These difficulties arise for the SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease, a homodimer of 2 × 306 residues. We demonstrate that the combination of four-dimensional (4D) TROSY-

Probing the quality control mechanism of the Escherichia coli twin-arginine translocase with folding variants of a de novo–designed heme protein

Protein transport across the cytoplasmic membrane of bacterial cells is mediated by either the general secretion (Sec) system or the twin-arginine translocase (Tat). The Tat machinery exports folded and cofactor-containing proteins from the cytoplasm to the periplasm by using the transmembrane proton motive force as a source of energy. The Tat apparatus apparently senses the folded state of its pr

ECG-based Assessment and Therapeutic Implications of AV Nodal Conduction Dynamics During Atrial Fibrillation

The conduction properties of the atrioventricular (AV) node have a significant impact on heart rate during permanent atrial fibrillation (AF), and can be modulated through the use of β-blockers or calcium channel blockers. These drugs have different physiological effects and are often selected empirically. Hence, an improved understanding of how these drugs affect the AV node conduction properties

Reaching net-zero in the chemical industry—A study of roadmaps for industrial decarbonisation

Striving to mitigate climate change, the European Union has adopted net-zero greenhouse gas emissions as a target for 2050. In this paper, European chemical industry roadmaps from the past six years are assessed and compared to uncover how the industry envisions its role in the transition to net-zero emissions. The roadmaps are assessed in terms of ambition level, technology and feedstock strategi

Ett komplext fenomen; Skolpersonals berättelser om arbetet med hemmasittare

The purpose of this paper was to gain an in-depth understanding of the phenomenon of “stay-at-home children” and how the personnel at a school explain their work with pupils who are “stay-at-home children”. We also aimed to explore the opportunities school staff have to prevent pupils from becoming “stay-at-home children” and how they collaborate as a team. This is a qualitative study involving fi

How the characteristics of small and medium-sized enterprises influence product-service systems design challenges

Manufacturing companies can contribute to a resource-efficient society by designing product-service systems (PSS). Despite the increased importance of PSS for the manufacturing industry in their efforts to become sustainable, few studies focus on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The study presented in this article aims to add knowledge on how the characteristics of SMEs influence the cha

Genetic Influence on Osteoarthritis Versus Other Rheumatic Diseases

Objective: We aimed to compare the genetic contribution to osteoarthritis (OA) versus other rheumatic/musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs) in the same population and to explore the role for any shared genetics between OA and other RMDs. Methods: In 59,970 Swedish twins aged 35 years or older, we estimated the heritability (the variance explained by genetic factors) of OA in peripheral joints, back and

Svårigheten med att hantera ohövlighet: hur coping och ohövlighet på arbetsplatsen är kopplat till psykisk hälsa och arbetsplatstrivsel för hbtq-personer och heterosexuella cispersoner

Hbtq-personer rapporterar sämre psykisk hälsa samt trivs sämre på arbetet än andra, något som kopplats till begreppet minoritetsstress. Tidigare forskning har även lyft copingstrategier som en möjlig faktor som påverkar sambandet mellan utsatthet för kränkningar och påverkan på mående. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur copingstrategier och ohövlighet på arbetsplatsen (eng. workplace inLGBTQ individuals report worse mental health as well as lower job satisfaction than others, something that has been associated with the concept of minority stress. Previous research has also highlighted coping strategies as a potential factor that affects the association between experienced discrimination and its effect on mental health. The aim of this study was to explore how coping strategies a