

Din sökning på "*" gav 530798 sökträffar

Nonordsrepetitionstest för barn i åldern 24 – 36 månader

Syfte: Denna pilotstudie hade som syfte att utveckla och testa ett nonordsrepetitionstest för svenskspråkiga barn i åldern 24-36 månader. Metod: I studien deltog 20 barn som rekryterades från förskolor. Barnen filmades då de testades med ett nytt framtaget nonordsrepetitionstest innehållande 18 stycken nonord, som hade en, två eller tre stavelser. Nonorden var anpassade efter barnens ålder och and

Biochar: a win-win-win solution for sustainable small-scale farming in Sweden?

Hur ser framtidens jordbruk ut? Hur ska utmaningar som klimatförändringar och försämrade jordbruksmarker kunna hanteras samtidigt som tillräckliga mängder mat produceras för att föda den ständigt växande mänskliga befolkningen? Genom pyrolys, det vill säga upphettning av biomassa utan tillgång till syre, skapas biokol, ett stabilt material med hög porositet och mycket hög kolhalt. Biokol kan plöjaBiochar is a recalcitrant carbon rich solid product widely praised for the ability to improve soil fertility and sequester carbon, thereby improving crop yields and mitigating climate change. In addition to this, gaseous by products from production can be combusted for energy. Despite the recent global peaks in biochar research, studies focused on temperate regions are relatively scarce and few Eu

Understanding the Complexity of Emerging Markets from a Multinational Company Perspective - A Case Study of the Nigerian Dairy Sector

Reduced growth rates in saturated developed economies have put increasing pressure on multinational companies (MNCs) to expand to rapidly developing emerging markets and capitalize on their value potential. Yet, this value potential comes with several challenges which are very different from what firms experience in developed countries, especially with regards to the bottom of the pyramid. The Tra

Pay-for-Performance i svensk primärvård- effektiv ersättningsmodell eller slöseri med resurser?

Denna studie undersöker om införandet av Pay-for-Performance-program (P4P) i Sveriges primärvård har påverkat antal undvikbara slutenvårdstillfällen. I Västernorrland och Västerbotten har man använt sig av P4P med kvalitetsindikatorn undvikbar slutenvård under åren 2012-2014. Dessa län definieras som behandlingsgrupp i studien, och resterande län definieras som kontrollgrupp. Studien genomförs medThis study examines if the implementation of Pay-for-Performance-programmes (P4P) in Swedish primary care has had an effect on avoidable hospitalizations. In the counties Västernorrland and Västerbotten P4P has been used with the quality indicator avoidable hospitalization included in the programme during 2012-2014. These counties are defined as the treatment group in the study, and the remaining

Understanding Value-based Pricing: Conceptualising Customer Value in a B2B Industrial Context

The aim of this study is to define and conceptualise the dimensions of customer value for value-based pricing strategies within a B2B industrial context. Furthermore, this study advances theory and knowledge in research about pricing and B2B relationships between customers and sellers. Prior research findings were incorporated in order to develop a multidimensional and multifaceted framework showi

Investigating the effect of good schools on surrounding housing prices in London

In this paper we have looked at the effect good schools have on surrounding house prices, focusing on London. We consider both the effect of “% of students that meet expected standard in math, reading, and writing”, and the new “progression score” that the UK government has introduced. These two scores are used as the basis of how a school is defined as ‘good’. We used two different propensity sco

Anticipated Events’ Impact on FX Options’ Implied Volatility

Understanding events’ impact on financial instruments are crucial for the participants in the financial markets. Here we propose an approach to model an anticipated event’s impact on the prices of FX options, represented in implied volatility. The model is implemented for anticipated event’s with both Black and Scholes and SABR as the assumed underlying dynamic. The model generates an implied vola

Job Creation in Global Value Chains: An Assessment for the Period of 2000-2014

Globalization has led to the emergence of global value chains (GVCs) and most of the world’s trade is now in intermediate inputs. This has raised questions about employment in GVCs and attracted the interest of researchers and policymakers alike, but is difficult to study empirically. This paper investigates job creation in simple and complex GVCs for 43 economies between 2000 and 2014 on the basi

Digitala brevlådors bristande användning?

Denna rapport undersöker vilka anledningar det finns till varför privatpersoner i Sverige väljer att inte använda tjänsten digital brevlåda. Studien använder Diffusion of Innovation och Technology Acceptance Model (TAM3) för att skapa en undersökningsmodell. Undersökningsmodellen används sedan för att lyfta fram vilka anledningar det finns till att privatpersoner i Sverige inte i större utsträckni

Application of convolutional neural networks for fingerprint recognition

Fingerprint recognition is a well-known problem in pattern recognition and widely used in contemporary authentication technology such as access devices in mobile phones. The subject of this thesis is to investigate the applicability of convolutional neural networks for fingerprint recognition. This is accomplished by designing various network architectures for this task. Our starting-point is an a

Födas, åldras, låna

Hushållens skuldsättningsgrad är av intresse för en mängd instanser i samhället eftersom denna bland annat kan ge en bild av hur allvarligt en ekonomisk kris skulle drabba hushållen. Om man kan hitta en modell som väldigt väl förklarar hushållens skuldsättningsnivå kan man eventuellt också upptäcka potentiellt farliga situationer i ekonomin tidigare och då ha möjlighet att sätta in åtgärder mot deHousehold debts is interesting for a number of institutions in society. One reason for this is that it gives a picture of how severely a potential economic crisis might affect the country. If a model can be found which precisely explains the household debt levels, it can be used to predict dangerous situations at an earlier stage, so that resources to counteract the situation can be employed befor

How 140 Characters can be related to the Stock Market Movements: Sentiment Analysis of Twitter

Stock market movements forecast based on sentiment analysis is certainly a field worth investigating. Being able to build future investment strategies based on forecasted stock returns would be of tremendous importance for individual investors and high-frequency trading firms. This thesis aims to closely investigate the impact that tweet sentiments in Twitter have on stock market movements; it int

Hållbar utveckling av vägsektorn

To create a society with sustainable development the use of our planets finite resources has to change, this is no less true for us in infrastructure. Every year thousands of tonnes of asphalt paving is ground up and most of it is not reused. The knowledge regarding the recycling of asphalt has gone forward recent years and today there is a couple of different dopes that claim to be able to reduce

The influence of ethical climate and leadership on basic psychological needs within the construction industry

During the last decades, the construction industry has struggled with negative press concerning an unethical work environment and inadequate management. The unethical work environment leads to unsatisfied employees, and both internal and external activities are rising to solve this problem. There are limited research understanding of how an ethical climate and ethical leadership are associated to

Statistical Modelling of Individual Substations in a District Heating System

Den snabba utvecklingen av nya digitala verktyg leder till nya möjligheter för fjärrvärmebranschen inom områden som laststyrning och feldetektering. För dessa ändamål behövs tillförlitliga modeller som beskriver centralerna. Syftet med denna studie är att utveckla en grupp matematiska modeller som beskriver uppmätta värden och deras utveckling över tid, för en väl fungerande fjärrvärmecentral. FörIn the rise of digitalization, new possibilities are being discovered for district heating in areas like demand side management and fault detection. For these purposes it is necessary to have reliable models describing the substations. In this thesis, the aim is to develop a group of mathematical models to describe measured quantities and their progress through time, for a well performing substati

Investigation of the Relationship between Mood and Divergent Thinking

This study investigated the link between mood which was induced with music and fa- cial expression, and divergent thinking. A total of 377 participants from two different univer- sities and one company in Germany were allocated to either the control group or to one of the two experimental groups “happy” or “sad”. Participants in the happy and sad group watched a power-point presentation including

Challenges and opportunities with using cognitive computing for mapping personal data in order to help comply with the GDPR

As the world is becoming more digital, the use of data is rapidly increasing. To protect all EU citizens from privacy and data breaches, the regulations will become stricter. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will become effective on the 25th of May 2018. This will mean big structural changes for organizations, but it will also mean tougher requirements for gathering and maintaining pe

English Influence in Swedish Advertising: A Comparative Study of Recent English Loanwords and Swedish-English Code-Switching in the Printed and Online Versions of Five Magazines and Newspapers

This paper investigates to what extent Swedish-English code-switching and recent English loanwords occur in the printed and online versions of five newspapers and magazines. The newspapers and magazines that were included are Aftonbladet, Amelia, Elle, Café, and Helsingborgs Dagblad. The study shows that English was the most common in the printed media, while the hypothesis was that it would be mo

Virtual Production Line

This master thesis has been conducted at Alfa Laval in cooperation with the division of Production and Materials Engineering at Lund University. The objective has been to investigate virtual production with regards to its required resources, benefits and limitations of the technology. Work with production analysis, literature studies, creating a prototype, benchmarking led to our conclusion. Virt