Din sökning på "*" gav 534754 sökträffar
Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) Technologies for Industrial IoT Applications
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is part of the well-known IoT concept where a large number of devices need to be interconnected in order to collect and exchange data. Companies’ aim is not only to minimize cost during product design, operation and maintenance but also to enable remote monitoring on the efficiency of the devices-assets through the utilization of cloud services. Low Power Wide
Infinite-Dimensional Linear Stochastic Systems with Random Coefficients and Local Interactions
In this thesis some results for a model that is a merge between the random coefficient autoregressive model of order one and a stochastic process with local interaction in time and space are presented. The first part of the thesis deals with some result from the random coefficient model. The second part of this thesis deals with the random coefficient model with local interaction. Results such as
Interpretation of geophysical and geochemical data in a 3D geological model construction of a contaminated site
The Alingsås dry-cleaning facility is one of the heavily halogenated hydrocarbon contaminated sites in Sweden. The source of contamination dates back to the 1970s when a large scale tetrachloroethylene leakage outbroke inside the dry-cleaning building. After years of propagation and dissemination, the tetrachloroethylene together with its degradation products was widely found in soil and groundwat
Driverless Cars and Merciless Robots – a comparison between the legal frameworks of autonomous driving and weapon systems.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology advances quickly through society, with driverless cars presented as a revolutionary technological advance that can make roads safer and transport more efficient, whereas automated weapons are either viewed as undesirable, or as an unavoidable development. The objective of the present work is to, through the comparison between automated driving and automated
Hate Speech on Social Media: Implications of private regulation and governance gaps
Hate speech on social media hardly remains unnoticed. Contents involving hateful messages vary from “kill a Jew day” to “kick a ginger day” and could target anyone irrespective of their status, identity, location and so forth. Even when hate speech is not materialized into a hate-motivated crime, the damage is done – victims are being labeled, marginalised and exposed to negative stereotyping. The
Immobilization of Calidocellulosiruptor species mediated by chitosan
Caldicellulosiruptor species are regarded as the best microorganisms to produce hydrogen due to their ability to break down many types of sugars and hydrogen yields near the theoretical maximum. The major drawback is their low volumetric hydrogen productivity (QH2), which makes the current process setup economically non-viable. In this study, the natural capability of Caldicellulosiruptor species
#metoo har förskjutit ansvaret och skammen - en intervjustudie om hur kampanjen #metoo har påverkat inställningen till sexuella övergrepp
Denna kvalitativa studie har haft som syfte att förstå hur den globala kampanjen #metoo har påverkat intervjupersonerna och deras inställning till sexuella övergrepp. Avsikten med #metoo har varit att uppmärksamma omfattningen av kvinnors utsatthet för sexuella övergrepp. Tidigare undersökningar och statistik visar på ett stort mörkertal när det kommer till offer för sexuella övergrepp och det är
The Utilisation of Strategic Buyer-Supplier Relationships to Effectively Manage Supplier Quality: A Supplier Categorisation Approach
Swedish trade during the Scandinavian Monetary Union
The effects of monetary union on the trade of member countries have been debated. Economists have suggested that monetary unions can significantly increase trade with other member countries in the monetary union and even outside it. This thesis investigates the Swedish membership in the Scandinavian Monetary Union (SMU) from 1875-1910. Using collected data and a tailor made data set on the bilater
The limitations of national innovation systems in transition economies. Evidence from Albania
Albania is an eastern European and post-socialist country which has shown interesting patterns in terms of economic growth and innovative activity. At the beginning of the 90s, the country shifted from a centrally controlled and isolated economy to an open market economy. The GDP growth in Albania, prior to the 2008 financial crisis was one of the highest in Europe at 6 percent and during the past
Ger striktare krav enligt detaljplaner bättre eller sämre arkitektur?
This bachelor’s degree project focuses on the subject of urban development, where the intention is to compare the approaches of the development of new districts in Copenhagen and Stockholm. In order to enable urban development, there are many underlying processes and documents that must be handled by the municipality. Among these documents, the detail- and overview plan are two of the main topics
A Revolutionary or a Man of his Time? - A Numismatic Iconographical Study of Julian the Apostate
Julian the Apostate’s short rule has left in the historical records a clearly divisive picture. This thesis starts with that divisive nature of the reign of Rome’s last pagan emperor and aims to analyse some of the Apostate’s coinage iconography. Can the symbols used on the coins minted during his reign say something about his allegedly revolutionary rule? By choosing to focus on a set of ten symb
Walking a Tightrope in Organisational Ambidexterity
Title: Walking a Tightrope in Organisational Ambidexterity: Ambidextrous Micro-Balancing as a Prerequisite for Managerial Success Authors: Tizian Hoppen & Susanne Jeppsson Supervisor: Merle Jacob Submission Date: 27th of May 2018 Keywords: Organisational Ambidexterity, Exploration versus Exploitation, Efficiency and Flexibility, Managerial Challenges, Strategic Management Purpose: Responding t
Returns to schooling and potential signalling effects: Estimates based on ISSP data on Sweden
This thesis estimates the returns to schooling in Sweden for working individuals by applying the Mincer equation on three datasets from the International Social Survey Programme and compare the results to assess potential trends. It also investigates if there is any difference in returns to schooling for men and women and if there seem to be any signalling effects present. The estimates indicate t
Skonsam föryngringsmetodik för bok- och ekskogar - En studie med fokus på Bruces skog i Helsingborg
Skonsam föryngringsmetodik för bok- och ekskogar i naturreservatet Bruces skog Ädellövskog är ett vackert inslag i den svenska naturen och är viktig för rekreation och människors välmående. Lövskogar och särskilt bok och ek är viktiga för den biologiska mångfalden och skogens ekosystem. Genom att ha mycket lövträd blir skogarna mer levande och hyser fler och mer sällsynta arter. Dessa arter är berDeciduous forests and especially oak (Quercus robur) and beech (Fagus sylvatica) are very important for biodiversity and provide habitats for many threatened species. They are also good environments for recreation. Bruces forest in Helsingborg is a nature reserve where rejuventation of deciduous forest is a main objective. Hence, this study examined factors influencing rejuvenation, different reju
Browsing Lawns in a Landscape of Fear - The impact of wolves on browsing lawn structure in the Białowieża Primeval Forest, Poland
The Białowieża forest is one of Europe’s only remaining lowland broadleaved forests still containing a complete contemporary assemblage of browsing ungulates and predators. The presence of gray wolves (Canis lupus) causes behavioural responses in browsing ungulates, the result of which has an impact on lower trophic levels. The impact of this top-down control on browsing lawns (areas of trees main
The individual inventor as a driver of social and sustainable innovations in Sweden: Understanding their motivations, the invention process, and why patents matter less
Individual inventors have played an important role in shaping modern economic growth with their inventions. However, the upsurge in corporate and institutionalised research and development (R&D) has overshadowed the individual inventor in both academia and policy research. In Sweden, the individual inventor continues to provide socially and environmentally beneficial innovations that solve pro
(Re)Articulating Sexual Citizenship: Between Queering the Urban Space and Subjugating the Queer
In today’s post-industrial cities, how urban citizenship is defined and performed have been ambiguously positioned in their relationship with the urban societal space. While the cities become more commodified and privatized with the inter-urban competition, the concept of citizenship is put into a tentative position between being participatory political subjects and passive consumers. Sexuality, i
Molecular weight distribution, impact on morphology, crystallinity and mechanical properties
I dagens samhälle har vi en ofantligt hög konsumtion av förpackade drycker. För att ständigt förbättra kvalitén och korta ner produktionstid krävs en ständig utveckling av produkter. I applikationer för öppningsbarhet och skruvkorkar till förpackningar används bland annat plasten polypropen. Målet med studien som har gjorts har varit att undersöka hur plasten varierar i vissa utvalda egenskaper soThis master thesis is the result of cooperation between Lund University and Tetra Pak, performed by a student at Engineering Nanoscience, LTH. The aim is to explain how different molecular weights and molecular weight distribution of isotactic homo-polypropylene affect resulting properties. Examined properties are mechanical properties by tensile testing and tensile impact, shear viscosity by capi