

Din sökning på "*" gav 534735 sökträffar

Sustainable Development and Creative Start-ups. Creativity and the uniting and splitting implications of its perceptions.

Sustainable development is currently a topic of great interest due to United Nations’ Brundtland report in which a strong case is made for the need to transform societies towards a more sustainable orientation. Despite relatively few studies on the subject, sustainable entrepreneurs are claimed to play a significant role as change agents in sustainable development. For this reason, we chose to mak

Foreign Bank Participation in Mexico: A performance analysis for the period 2000-2017

Many economists agree that financial development and economic growth have a positive relationship, that financial structures have been critical for many countries to achieve modern economic growth. In the past decades, foreign investment has become more widespread in the entrepreneurial world, and the banking sector has not been an exception. Mexico experimented during the late 1990’s an unprecede

UPPSALA UNIVERSITETSHUS - Brandteknisk riskvärdering

Uppsala University building was built in the 19th century. A larger renovation was conducted in 2016, when the buildings fire protection systems was improved. This report investigates and evaluates the existing fire protection with consideration to both human safety and economic damage. After conducting a risk scenario analysis, two scenarios where determined to be more crucial to investigate than

Inkluderande kommunikation för mångfald i byggbranschen

Currently, there is a lack of qualified workers of all categories in the construction industry in Sweden and it is difficult to recruit people with the right skills. Therefore, it's important that the construction industry works to increase its diversity and change the way people communicate with each other at the construction sites. This study is designed to investigate what the challenges of

How Do Family Planning Policies and Economic Factors Relate to the Imbalance of Sex Ratio at Birth in China?

The high sex ratio at birth and its gradual increase are one of the most significant demographic changes in China in the past 30 years. The sex ratio at birth first increased until 1994 and then stayed fluctuating before it decreased from 2000 on. Regarding the issue of whether or not China's current family planning policy affects and to what extent it affects the sex ratio at birth, starts wi

Determinants of Hedging Maturity: An Empirical Study in American Oil and Gas Companies

This study analyzes hedging maturity structure and examines the relation between the maturity structure of corporate hedging and debt characteristics. The purpose of the study is to provide new insights in what determines the hedging maturity and discover new aspects of companies hedging positions, which still is an unexplored area of modern risk management theory. The objective of the paper is to

Attraktiv stad med spårväg - En litteraturstudie

Internationally there has been a growing interest of tramways the past decades. Swedish cities have taken notice of the positive characteristics that tramway have on cities and many of them has also begun investigations for future projects including tramway. The purpose of this study was to investigate in which ways tramways can contribute in creating attractive cities. The work consists mainly of

Implementering av IoT på kurvsmörjningsapparatur

In addition to various switch and track materials, Vossloh Nordic Switch Systems AB have a wayside lubrication device, Clicomatic© in their product range. Clicomatic© is a lubricator intended for fixed installation to mainly lubricate the railway track at exposed sections. Its purpose is to apply grease in the active interface between the vehicle and the track. Clicomatic© was developed decades ag

Road modelling using LiDAR-data

The purpose of our master thesis is to locate and find a mathematical model of the road surface from data obtained using LiDAR measure- ments. A LiDAR is an optical instrument that generates a point cloud of its surroundings by measuring distance and intensity. Some LiDARs also generate additional metrics, but for our road model only the distance will be used. However, we will discuss how the inte

Development of protocols for high-efficiency cloning for production of bispecific antibodies and soluble single-chain variable fragments

In the field of molecular biology, the cloning of DNA is a vital process. Through cloning, researchers can design new DNA strands which can be used for a number of applications. One of these applications is the creation of synthetic antibodies for cancer treatments. Alligator Bioscience is developing a high-throughput chain to significantly speed up the process. Traditional cloning techniques rely

Att möta de ensamkommande: En narrativ studie om civilsamhället och mötet mellan de frivilliga och de ensamkommande

Dagens flyktingkris är världens största sedan andra världskriget. Idag flyr människor sina länder från förtryck, krig och förföljelser och hälften av dem är barn. Antalet ensamkommande barn har ökat under de senaste åren och under januari – oktober 2015 sökte 23 349 ensamkommande barn asyl i Sverige.1 Regeringen har lyft fram betydelsen av det civila samhället både generellt och inom integrationso

Planet migration in evolving protoplanetary discs

En nyfödd stjärna är omgiven av en disk som består till mestadels av gas med en liten andel grus, en så kallad protoplanetarisk disk. Det är i den här disken som planeter bildas, och likt planeter så roterar den runt solen. En viktig egenskap hos den protoplanetariska disken är att den förändras med tiden. Stjärnans gravitation drar till sig material från disken, vilken gör att den blir mindre ochThe rate of migration and accretion onto protoplanets is greatly influenced by the structure of the surrounding protoplanetary disc. This structure changes with time as the disc evolves on a million year timescale, implying that the process of planet formation might look very different depending on when it was initiated. Further on, the evolution of the disc structure is affected on smaller timesc

No Place to Hide: The Impact of Climate Change on Internal Migration Across Six Sub-Saharan Countries

Drawing from 17 rounds of harmonised census data, this paper explores the link between climate variability and internal migration across six Sub-Saharan African countries. This study uses high-resolution precipitation and temperature data to construct two sets of measures capturing climate variability, the intensity of climate anomalies and the exposure to climate extremes. Two complementary hypot

Life cycle assessment of bridges - a case study of the Flackarp-Arlöv rail extension in Sweden

Järnvägslinjen mellan Lund och Malmö upplevs som bland den mest trafikerade linjen i Sverige. För att öka dess kapacitet, mobilitet, tillgänglighet och reducera bullerstörningar finns ett stort behov av att expandera linjen. Av den anledning har Trafikverket börjat expandera de befintliga dubbelspåren som går mellan Flackarp (söder om Lund) och Arlöv (norr om Malmö) till fyra spår. För TrafikverkeThe Swedish Transport Administration (STA) has begun to expand the two lined tracks that run between Flackarp and Arlöv to four tracks. For STA, it is of high importance to manage aspects such as climate and energy issues in big infrastructure projects, especially since they must meet certain requirements. Furthermore, when performing life cycle assessments (LCA) in projects like these, the possib

Klämma, känna och lukta : en studie om vikten av närhet i en vårdgivare- och patientrelation

Klämma, känna och lukta - En studie om vikten av närhet i en vårdgivare- och patientrelation är författad av Louise Wahren och Josefine Sjödén, vid Institutionen för kommunikation och medier vid Lunds universitet. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka om vårdgivare- och patientrelationen utmanas när vårdmötet äger rum i en virtuell miljö. För att ta reda på detta utgår studien från Kry som är en

Two Worldview Perspectives on Death: Mayan & Swedish Attitudes toward Death

Death is life ́s companion, it has existed throughout the history of humanity and of all living things. Mayan culture represents one of the oldest civilizations native to the American continent and is renowned for its traditions and spirituality. Sweden is recognized as a modern-day industrialized, technologically advanced, and secular society. How do these two different cultures handle the subjec

Modeling of ozone and nitrogen oxides pollutions in urban air environments

As the air quality in urban environments is a rising problem, a deeper understanding of how air pollution is dependent on different factors is necessary. In these environments, there are different parameters that effect how the chemical reactions of the pollutants are proceeding. Here the parameters solar radiation, temperature, humidity, emission factors and background concentrations of gaseous a

The Principle of Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value. Closing the Gender Pay Gap in Iceland. "So close, yet so far"

The enunciation of the principle of equality and non-discrimination is of fundamental source in international human rights laws and EU-law and has a prominent place in the Icelandic constitution. The principles of equality and non-discrimination are based on various legal concepts that have evolved mainly in international and regional human rights or equality jurisprudence. International legal pro

Founder CEO Succession in High Growth Ventures How do entrepreneurs perceive their role as a founder CEO as their companies grow, and what impact does this have on their “decision” to remain in that role?

In order to grow, the founder must go. This is the conventional wisdom which states that when entrepreneurial firms enter a stage of rapid growth the new business quickly surpasses the skills and capacity of the founder. In this phase of rapid growth this paper aims to understand how entrepreneurs perceive their role as founder CEO as their company grows, and what impact this has on their “decisio