

Din sökning på "*" gav 533979 sökträffar

Numerical calculations of the microwave threshold in the MAX IV 3 GeV ring

Simulations of collective effects in the MAX IV 3 GeV ring were done with the tracking code mbtrack. The code is a 6D macroparticle tracking code performing transformations under the influence of various wakefields. Each bunch is presented by a number of macroparticles which are sorted into bins according to their longitudinal position. The discrepancy in the results for the microwave instability

Preliminary results of the 2001-2002 Gemini sodium monitoring campaign at Cerro Tololo, Chile

In the near future several astronomical observatories in Chile areplanning to use sodium laser guide stars to increase the sky coverageprovided by their adaptive optics facilities. Knowledge of themesospheric sodium layer behavior is crucial to predict the performanceof future laser guide star adaptive optics systems. Whereas the sodiumlayer has been observed quite extensively at several locations

Exploring negotiated determinants of product form

This paper describes work in progress exploring influences of product form in design practice based on interviews with five industrial designers in southern Sweden. Participants were asked to list and compare different designers, and to explain how their respective characteristics affected product form. The findings indicate designers as shaped by traditions and acting not only to serve their clie

The collagen fibrillar network: Sequential degradation of its constituents by tissue metalloproteinases.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Brosk bekläder våra leder och förser dem med en slät yta vilket förhindrar en direkt ben mot ben kontakt. Det fungerar också som stötdämpare i belastade leder och ger glidytan mycket låg friktion. Vatten hålls kvar i broskets matrix på grund av den negativt laddade proteogykanen Aggrecan vilken i sin tur hålls kvar i ett nätverk av kollagenfibrer. När en led belastas prThe cartilage matrix is made up of a fibrillar meshwork comprising type II collagen and other associated proteins. One main function of this network is to retain the large aggregating proteoglycan, aggrecan, a vital component in the regulation of fluid flux in cartilage. In disease such as osteoarthritis, the breakdown of the collagen network appears to be the final step in destruction of cartilag

Moisture penetration in a chair seat as a response to daily RH variations in the indoor air

In the indoor environment there are a number of materials with potential to act as moisture buffers including both building materials and furnishing materials. For daily moisture variations in the indoor air furniture with upholstery can play an important role as moisture buffers. Material properties and calculation models describing the response to moisture variations in the ambient climate for t

A Generalized Software System for Accurate and Efficient Management of Application Performance Goals

A number of techniques have been proposed to provide run- time performance guarantees while minimizing power consumption. One drawback of existing approaches is that they work only on a fixed set of components (or actuators) that must be specified at design time. If new components become available, these management systems must be redesigned and reimplemented. In this paper, we propose PTRADE, a n

Beyond the Product – Enabling design services in small and medium sized enterprises

Popular Abstract in Swedish Många industridesignkonsultföretag har som ambition att anta en strategisk roll i sina kundföretag. Design ses i detta sammanhang som ett viktigt konkurrensmedel med en kreativ process som stödjer en innovationsdriven verksamhet. Samtidigt saknas ofta kunskap, framförallt i små och medelstora företag - SMF, om hur designmetoder och processer kan bidra utöver skapandet aWhile the design industry is moving into new domains, it seems that potential customers do not always understand how the designer can contribute beyond the aesthetically appealing product. The overall purpose of this thesis is to expand our understanding of design as an enabling service in the context of small and medium sized enterprises. Enabling design services have the potential to result in o