

Din sökning på "*" gav 533079 sökträffar

The Competing Mechanisms of Phosphate Monoester Dianion Hydrolysis

Despite the numerous experimental and theoretical studies on phosphate monoester hydrolysis, significant questions remain concerning the mechanistic details of these biologically critical reactions. In the present work we construct a linear free energy relationship for phosphate monoester hydrolysis to explore the effect of modulating leaving group pKa on the competition between solvent- and subst

Dynamics of the blood plasma proteome during hyperacute HIV-1 infection

The complex dynamics of protein expression in plasma during hyperacute HIV-1 infection and its relation to acute retroviral syndrome, viral control, and disease progression are largely unknown. Here, we quantify 1293 blood plasma proteins from 157 longitudinally linked plasma samples collected before, during, and after hyperacute HIV-1 infection of 54 participants from four sub-Saharan African cou

Promiscuity in the Enzymatic Catalysis of Phosphate and Sulfate Transfer

The enzymes that facilitate phosphate and sulfate hydrolysis are among the most proficient natural catalysts known to date. Interestingly, a large number of these enzymes are promiscuous catalysts that exhibit both phosphatase and sulfatase activities in the same active site and, on top of that, have also been demonstrated to efficiently catalyze the hydrolysis of other additional substrates with

Capturing the Role of Explicit Solvent in the Dimerization of RuV(bda) Water Oxidation Catalysts

A ground-breaking empirical valence bond study for a soluble transition-metal complex is presented. The full reaction of catalyst monomers approaching and reacting in the RuV oxidation state were studied. Analysis of the solvation shell in the reactant and along the reaction coordinate revealed that the oxo itself is hydrophobic, which adds a significant driving force to form the dimer. The effect

Associations between bioaerosols, lung function work-shift changes and inflammatory markers : A study of recycling workers

Objective We investigated associations between bioaerosol exposures and work-shift changes in lung function and inflammatory markers among recycling workers. Methods Inhalable dust was measured with personal samplers and analyzed for endotoxin, bacteria, and fungi (incubated at 25 °C and 37 °C) levels. Lung function (FEV1, FVC) was measured before and after work-shifts and serum concentrations of

Synchrotron-Based Phase-Contrast Micro-CT Combined With Histology to Decipher Differences Between Hereditary and Sporadic Pediatric Pulmonary Veno-Occlusive Disease

Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease (PVOD) is a lethal variant of pulmonary hypertension. The degree of pulmonary arterial involvement varies. Here, we compare two PVOD patients who were transplanted at 8 years of age, whereof one is a homozygous EIF2AK4 mutation carrier. Tissue was imaged with synchrotron-based micro-CT and the results were compared with clinical data and sectioned tissue was analyz

G-Quadruplexes in Nuclear Biomolecular Condensates

G-quadruplexes (G4s) have long been implicated in the regulation of chromatin packaging and gene expression. These processes require or are accelerated by the separation of related proteins into liquid condensates on DNA/RNA matrices. While cytoplasmic G4s are acknowledged scaffolds of potentially pathogenic condensates, the possible contribution of G4s to phase transitions in the nucleus has only

Bacterial growth and antimicrobial resistance in urinary Escherichia coli isolates among men with lower UTI in Swedish primary healthcare: retrospective data over a 4 year period

Background: Escherichia coli, the most common bacterium causing urinary tract infections (UTIs), is increasinglyreported as resistant to multiple antibiotics. Swedish surveillance data from hospital and primary health care(PHC) report a 17%–19% prevalence of resistance to ciprofloxacin in E. coli from urine cultures in men over20 years of age. Surveillance data may include nosocomial infections. HBackground: Escherichia coli, the most common bacterium causing urinary tract infections (UTIs), is increasingly reported as resistant to multiple antibiotics. Swedish surveillance data from hospital and primary health care (PHC) report a 17%-19% prevalence of resistance to ciprofloxacin in E. coli from urine cultures in men over 20 years of age. Surveillance data may include nosocomial infections

Ungdomsfängelse: En lösning eller ett nytt problem?

Ungdomskriminaliteten har särskilt under de senare åren varit ett ämne som ständigt uppkommit i den kriminalpolitiska debatten. Regeringen gav under 2021 en särskild utredare i uppdrag att genomföra en översyn av regleringen om frihetsberövande påföljder för barn och att utifrån denna presentera förslag på lämpliga förändringar. Detta resulterade i SOU 2023:44 som presenterades i augusti 2023. I dJuvenile delinquency has in recent years been a topic that has constantly arisen in the justice policy debate and in 2021 the government appointed an inquiry chair to carry out a review of the regulations on custodial penalties for children, and on the basis of this investigation present proposals for suitable revisions. This resulted in SOU 2023:44 which was presented in August of 2023. In this,

Food Assistance in Nordic Welfare states – Questions of Ambiguity and Dignity

Forsa conference 2024: Social Work as Emancipatory Practice (17-19 juni)Abstracts to Symposium to Conference theme Social welfare and povertyGeneral abstract [Pollari, Salonen, Leo Sandberg, Söderberg, Linde]Food Assistance in Nordic Welfare states – Questions of Ambiguity and DignityMilja Pollari, Anna Sofia Salonen, Elinn Leo Sandberg, Maria Söderberg, Stig Linde (corresponding author/symposium

Lönetransparensdirektivet och dess påverkan på arbetsgivare: Utmaningar och möjligheter - En analys av hur det nya lönetransparensdirektivet förändrar arbetsgivares förutsättningar i Sverige

Lönediskriminering med kön som grund är en problematik som alltid har präglat arbetsmiljön och som har varit en utmaning att motverka. Sedan 1960-talet har det gjorts försök att bekämpa denna genom konventioner, lagar och andra rättsliga insatser. År 2023 antogs EU-direktivet (2023/970) “om stärkt tillämpning av principen om lika lön för kvinnor och män för lika eller likvärdigt arbete genom insynGender-based pay discrimination is a problem that has always characterized the work environment and has been a challenge to combat. Since the 1960s, attempts have been made to combat it through conventions, laws and other legal measures. In 2023, the European Union adopted the Directive (2023/970) “on the strengthening of the application of the principle of equal pay for male and female workers fo

Choroid plexus extracellular vesicle transport of blood-borne insulin-like growth factor 1 to the hippocampus of the immature brain

Reduced serum level of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), a major regulator of perinatal development, in extremely preterm infants has been shown to be associated with neurodevelopmental impairment. To clarify the mechanism of IGF-1 transport at the blood–cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) barrier of the immature brain, we combined studies of in vivo preterm piglet and rabbit models with an in vitro tra

Is Green Steel Socially Beneficial? A Cost-Benefit Analysis of SSAB’s Green Steel Investment

This article aims to undertake a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis of SSAB's investment in green steel production under the HYBRIT initiative, focusing on the implications of operating within the EU Emission Trade System and an illustrative scenario employing a carbon tax. The study evaluates profitability and social benefits, utilizing time series models to forecast electricity prices in di

Portfolio Optimization using Deep Reinforcement Learning models

Portfolio optimization involves selecting assets to maximize risk-adjusted returns, typically using linear methods like Mean-Variance Optimization (MVO). However, such approaches may not fully capture the complexities of financial markets. This study leverages recent advances in machine learning, specifically reinforcement learning with deep neural networks, to identify alternative methods that ma