

Din sökning på "*" gav 532871 sökträffar

Utvärdering av det svenska energiverifieringssystemet för byggnader

This study aims to highlight and evaluate current energy policy instruments for supervising the work on energy verification of buildings. The verification is directed to be performed by each municipality. Energy verification is aimed to present a buildings real energy use. It will also confirm or deny that the building meets the requirements in the National Board of Housing’s building regulations

Modeling Life Insurance Guarantees

Insurance contracts with guarantees have been issued by insurance companies for a long time. For example, in the 1970s and the 1980s, when the interest rate in the UK was as high as 15-20%, these contracts were issued with guaranteed rates of as high as 10%, thinking the interest rate levels would stay around the same. However, the interest rate decreased and, as of today, interest rate levels are

Relationen mellan arbetstillfredsställelse och kreativt arbetsklimat

Syftet med studien var att undersöka sambandet mellan arbetstillfredsställelse och kreativt arbetsklimat, vilket mättes med en svensk översättning av Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) och Creativity Climate Questionnaire (CCQ). Hypotesen var att kreativt arbetsklimat korrelerar med arbetstillfredsställelse. Intresse fanns också att undersöka om det gick att finna tendenser till skillnaderThe purpose of this study was to examine the relation between job satisfaction and creative work climate, which here measured by a Swedish translation of the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) and Creativity Climate Questionnaire (CCQ). The hypothesis was that creative work climate correlates with job satisfaction. There was also an interest to examine if a tendency for differences between

Investigation of Nitromethane Combustion Using Laser Induced Fluorescence

Pre-mixed nitromethane/air/nitrogen flames on a heat-flux burner are investigated at atmospheric pressure with equivalence ratios of =0.8 and =1.2. Flame thermometry and chemiluminescence spectrum were used to characterise the flame before carrying out saturated laser induced fluorescence on NO molecules. The temperature profile revealed three zones of nitromethane combustion with maximum temperat

Arbetets arkiv : en undersökning om arkivens roll inom arbetarrörelsens historieskrivning

This thesis is about how social movements write history. Sooner or later most social movements decide to write their own history, even though this is in no way included in their original ambition. Why is that, and what can we learn from it? To make this study possible I have chosen to study the labour movement in Sweden, and its two biggest archives, the ones in Stockholm and Malmö. The periodical

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Kungliga Operan i Stockholm

This report is the result of a fire safety evaluation of the Royal Opera in Stockholm. This report was written as a project by students at the fire protection engineering program at Lund University. The objective of the evaluation is to ensure successful egress of visitors of the Royal Opera in case of fire. No concern has been taken of environmental or economical damage nor the safety of the staf

Museum of Intangible Artworks : Revisiting the relationship between the image and the observer

The thesis focuses on the evolving relationship between art and its reproduction in the digital age on the one hand, and the contemporary observer on the other. The research focuses on art reproduction by means of virtual reality (VR) techniques, and delves into the history of art reproduction from antiquity to modern methods. It adopts a phenomenological approach, scrutinizing two case studies: R

Financial decision-making on behalf of another

Financial decisions that concerns us are not always made by ourselves. In real life, many situations arise when the decisions are taken for us by a third person. Examples of this are when policy makers decide for us and when brokers handle our investments. Others are estimating the risks for us and makes financial decisions from their perception of the situation and perhaps their own risk preferen

Effect of external electron acceptors on the growth of the L. reuteri DSM 17938

The effect of external electron acceptors, i.e. fructose and oxygen, on the growth and metabolism of L. reuteri DSM 17938 was analysed using spectrophotometry, HPLC, carbon balance, metabolic flux analysis, enzyme assays and bioinformatics. This strain does not produce much hydrogen peroxide even when 400ml/L air is sparged through the culture. The results revealed that oxygen is not a superior el

Human Capital and Cash Holdings of Foreign Companies: An Evidence from Developing Economies

This study investigates the relationship between human capital investment opportunities in developing economies and cash holdings of foreign firms. Using a sample of 1838 foreign firms operating in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, I find a positive relationship between cash holdings of foreign firms and human capital investment opportunities, measured by human capital opportunities i

Elektroniska dokumenthanteringssystem och slutanvändaren: Hur användaren upplever systemets påverkan

För att organisationer ska kunna ta del av organisatorisk information på ett effektivt och strukturerat sätt har det elektroniska dokumenthanteringssystemet etablerat sig allt mer hos företag. Akademiska studier har kartläggt de för- och nackdelar som dessa system medför till ett företag och vikten av slutanvändarens involvering i implementationsprocessen för deras upplevda för- och nackdelar. Vi

Föräldrars upplevelser av prematurvården. En litteraturstudie.

Föräldrar till ett prematurfött barn kan hamna i ett tillstånd av chock, där förväntningar på föräldrarskapet raseras. En bergochdalbana av känslor kan uppstå och föräldrarna är ofta i behov av sjuksköterskans stöd för att hantera situationen. Syftet med föreliggande litteraturstudie är att beskriva föräldrars upplevelser av vården av deras prematura barn. De 12 inkluderade kvalitativa studierna r

The Country of Ownership Paradox

Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to explore how the ownership transfer from a developed country to a developing country influences consumers’ perception of the brand. Design/methodology/approach: After the extensive review of the literature about the concept of country of origin and brand image, three premium automobile brand acquisition cases (Jaguar, Land Rover and Volvo) were investigated.

Fabrication and evaluation of nickel containing nanofibres for solid oxide fuel cell anodes using electrospinning technique

The energy demand of the world continues to increase, while world's resources are exploited over its capacity. One way of facing these demands is to extend the use of fuel cells. A fuel cell converts chemical energy into electrical energy through a series of chemical and electrochemical reactions. A solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) is unique since it only contains solid materials and the cell has

Ett enklare exploateringsavtal? - En studie av PBL 6:40

Sen den 1:a januari 2015 regleras för första gången innehållet i exploateringsavtal i Plan och bygglagens 6 kap 40 §. Hur paragrafen ska tolkas och tillämpas i praktiken råder det stor oklarhet kring. I arbetet utreds hur paragrafen ska tolkas, med fokus på vad som är ”nödvändiga åtgärder” för genomförandet av en detaljplan samt vad som är ett ”rimligt förhållande” mellan en exploatörs åtaganden oSweden’s Planning and Building Act has been updated several times since it was introduced, and the most recent updates entered into force on 1st January 2015. One of the changes is that for the first time, in the 6th chapter 40th section, the contents of land development agreements are regulated in law. However, how the new law section shall be interpreted and used in practice is unclear. This mas

Multifunktionella dagvattendammar - Utformningens möjligheter och begränsningar

Multifunktionella dagvattendammar - Utformningens möjligheter och begränsningar Dagvatten är regnvatten som i städer hindras från att infiltrera marken på grund av hårdgjorda ytor så som gator och byggnader. Kraftiga skyfall gav under sommaren 2014 upphov till stora dagvattenflöden som ledde till överbelastade ledningssystem och att många hushåll runt om i Skåne drabbades av källaröversvämningar.In recent years, stormwater ponds have become a common feature in urban environments to manage an increasing amount of stormwater caused by densification of cities combined with increased precipitation due to climate changes. Stormwater ponds can be multifunctional, by providing several ecosystem services and functions as water purification, recreation and habitats for biodiversity in addition to

Optimizing the sealing of tubular heating elements

Tubular heating elements, produced by Backer AB are today commonly used, serving as systems for intelligent heating in automotive, medical and household industries. Tubular heating element consists of a mantle, resistance wire, electrical insulation (magnesium oxide) and a sealing. When active, an electric current transfers heat from the resistance wire of the heating element to the surroundings w

Sista avrättningen i Skåne

Klockan fem på morgonen den 23 augusti år 1900 avrättades den dödsdömde fången Lars Nilsson på länsfängelset i Malmö genom halshuggning. Det var sista gången i Skåne och tredje sista gången i Sverige som staten ansåg sig ha rätten att verkställa det ultimata kroppsstraffet: att en dömd mördare fick plikta med sitt liv. Nilsson hade mördat butiksbiträdet Katarina Romare i Löderup utanför Ystad två

Individsamverkan- En kvalitativ intervjustudie om förutsättningar och hinder i samverkan

Organisational collaboration among clients – a qualitative interview study about opportunities and obstacles in collaboration. The purpose of this qualitative study was to, from a new institutional theory, examine how five different organisations cooperate with work rehabilitation to help individuals with complex difficulties reach employment or studies. The collaboration is more precisely called

Resursstarka mammor och osynliga pappor - en diskursanalys av synen på föräldraskap och familjebildning i svensk lagstiftning om assisterad befruktning

I den här uppsatsen lyfts synen på föräldraskap och familjebildning i det samtida Sverige. Med fokus på den nya lagstiftningen om assisterad befruktning för ensamstående syftar uppsatsen till att klarlägga rådande normer kring moderskap, faderskap och familjepraktiker. Vidare utforskas på vilket sätt lagstiftningen är del i samhällets förändrade syn på familjebildning. Studien är en diskursanalys