

Din sökning på "*" gav 532445 sökträffar

Universitetets påverkan på samarbete mellan arkitekter och ingenjörer

Samarbetet mellan arkitekter och ingenjörer har berörts och diskuterats under en lång tid. Förhållanden och relationer har förändrats och till följd av struktur och kultur har det uppstått en förskjutning i styrkeförhållandena. Ett mönster av attityder och beteenden har stabiliserats över tid och dessa samt förhållanden kan därför även ses vara förankrade genom institutionalism i branschen. En for

"Att vara kyrka är ett hoppets tecken"

This MA thesis aim has been to examine what it means to be a church in a multi-cultural and multi-religious environment. The research question posed is: how is a churchly identity being described in contexts characterized by multiculturalism and multi-religiosity? This has been examined by semi-structured interviews with seven ordained ministers and one ordained deacon in four different churches w

International diversification from a Swedish perspective

This study aims to investigate whether, and in that case how, international diversification gain exists in equity investment from a Swedish perspective. From a long-term perspective and with exchange rate taken into consideration, several attempts to find how a Swede should invest internationally and what impact it will have on the Swedish portfolio are made. To find evidence for which countries a

PMSM diagnostics and prognostics - Evaluation of an on-line method based on high frequency current response

This thesis covers and evaluates a stator insulation fault detection method for Permanent Magnetised Synchronous Machines (PMSMs). The method could be implemented on-line and is based on using the power converter in an electric or hybrid vehicle to measure the State of Health (SoH) of the stator insulation of the PMSM. This is done through measurements of the high frequency current response that o

Homosexuality through the eyes of Lebanese students: A qualitative exploration of attitudes

This thesis is an explorative qualitative study based on interpretative phenomenological analysis, utilizing the social-psychological theory of functional attitudes to explore the attitudes of Lebanese university students toward homosexuality and the motivational bases of such attitudes. Five core groups of such attitude motivations were identified. Perceptions of the way one’s society relates to

Econometric Features of Models Used in Aid Allocation Studies

Research of aid allocation deals with a dependent variable, received aid expressed in absolute or relative terms, that is equal to zero for numerous observations. This is because donor countries tend to target specific countries for their allocation, leaving the rest of the countries without any development assistance. The special characteristic requires non-linear methods with censoring, truncati

Design of an Autonomous Weeding Vehicle

This thesis describes the development of an autonomous weeding vehicle for the agricultural industry. It has been done as a project at RMIT University in Melbourne and the aim was to develop a design for the vehicle which could later be used to develop a commercial product. The current trend in the agricultural industry is larger machines that can benefit from economies of scale. These heavy mac

Utländska avkastningskurvors prediktion av svensk ekonomisk tillväxt

This thesis extends Chinn & Kucko`s (2015) article which examines if a country's yield curve can predict its economic growth. The results show that Sweden's yield curve is not a particularly good predictor of the Swedish industrial production growth. In order to develop the article, the purpose of this thesis is to determine if the German and US yield curves can be used in order to pre

Flygmekanik i sidledsmanöver hos Svartvit flugsnappare (Ficedula hypoleuca)

There is not much research done regarding maneouvering flight on Birds. What has been done surrounding the area usually involves steady flight and not maneuvering. For the most part studies concern bats, insects or hummingbirds. What makes research on maneuvering on birds important is that in a bird’s everyday life, very little of it consists of steady flight. This study has looked on the Pied fly

Are edible insects the new black? An exploratory study assessing Danish children’s perception of edible insects

The consumption and production of livestock have a negative impact on the environment and climate. In many Western countries, the consumption is particularly high and it is expected to increase globally. This increase will lead to further pressure on already stressed planetary boundaries. Recently edible insects have been proposed to be an alternative to conventional meat, because they have a lowe

Customer flow data visualization for retail analytics

This master thesis collaborates with Axis Communications, which is a Swedish video camera company. The mission for the thesis was to take advantage of Axis developed or developing technology to explore the data value in the retail industry and design a data visualization interface. Shopping via online shopping platforms, customers will leave their shopping journey data and the data can be recorde

Application of an energy sensitivity analysis when refurbishing buildings in Sweden

The European commission have set targets regarding the reduction of emission of greenhouse gases, the improvement of the energy efficiency and the use of renewable resources of energy respectively by 20 % by the year of 2020. Swedish targets are even more ambitious compared to the European Commission that aims to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions by 40 %, improve the energy efficiency by 20 % an

Kristallen i Mellanrummet

In the fall of 2007 a collective of artists in southern Sweden made waves for themselves by attempting to construct a rather unique ‘club-format’ unlike any other in the [then] current Swedish underground club scene. Guided mainly by a self-proclaimed ‘notion of confusion’ as its foundational principle, the collective behind Klubb Kristallen branded itself as an aspiring anti-club by seeking to ch

Empatins olika sidor

Denna studie undersöker om det finns en relation mellan empati och arbetsrelaterat välmående bland socialarbetare i Skåne. I arbetet utformades två hypoteser: socialarbetare med högre grad av personligt obehag antogs ha lägre arbetsrelaterat välmående, och socialarbetare i den yngre åldersgruppen antogs ha högre grad av total empati än den äldre. Socialarbetarna som deltog i frågeformuläret var to

The Black Swan Theory-How to outperform the OMXS30 index by using an investment strategy based on the Black Swan Theory

The purpose of this thesis is to answer the question: is it possible to outperform the OMXS30 index by using an investment strategy based on the Black Swan theory? With increased globalization and technological development, the world has become more and more complex and economic models and theories cannot capture all the sources to risk. There are also several limitations to the human mind which m

Identification of mechanisms behind tissue destruction in chronic infection/inflammation with focus on the regulation of MMP-8 and IL-6 production

Identification of mechanisms behind tissue destruction in caries Caries is a common problem in everyday life and the disease is characterized by destruction of the hard tissues of the teeth allowing for bacteria to enter the cavities formed and finally reach the pulp tissue. There are two types of bacteria: gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria where gram-positive bacteria are thought to be th

Resistivitets- och markradarmätning i Ängelholmsområdet : undersökning av korrosiva markstrukturer kring vattenledningar

Ett fungerande vattennät är vitalt för ett idag fungerande samhälle. Då ~55 % av Sveriges Vattenledningar är gjutjärnsledningar och har en ålder på upp emot 100 år, är korrosion av ledningar idag ett stort problem. Undersökningar av dessa ledningar är tidskrävande och kostsamma då det sker genom uppschaktningar. Denna studie är en del av ett s.k. Vinnova-projekt, där Lunds tekniska högskola (LTH) An operational water system is vital for a modern working community. In Sweden ~55 % of the water pipes are made up by cast iron and has a wide age-variety, some in excess of 100 years. Corrosion is fatal for these pipes and need thorough inspections for maintaining their functionality. Today the method for inspection of these pipes is conducted through expensive and time consuming excavations. Th

Risk för postoperativ desaturation vid obstruktiv sömnapné

Bakgrund: Obstruktiv sömnapné är ett dolt problem som två till fyra procent av befolkningen lider av. Detta kan leda till perioperativa respiratoriska- och cirkulatoriska komplikationer. Den vanligaste postoperativa komplikationen är desaturation. Syfte: Syftet var att granska och sammanfatta om det föreligger ett samband mellan obstruktiv sömnapné och postoperativ desaturation. Metod: En systemat

Physical Surroundings and Their Effects on Employee Turnover in Humanitarian Assistance Service

Aim of the study: Understand the effects of physical surroundings on humanitarian assistance service workers’ satisfaction, and develop a first step conceptual model explaining the effects of physical surroundings on employee job satisfaction and turnover rate in humanitarian assistance service. Methodology: Qualitative multiple - case study design was adapted for this study to understand the eff

Down the yellow brick road : youth engagement and intergenerational equity at the Global Landscapes Forum

This paper examines youth engagement within the Global Landscapes Forum, a conference that took place in Paris, December 2015, and its contribution towards moving intergenerational equity forward. Youth are considered one of the main stakeholders when it comes to decision-making in long-term environmental issues as they are part of the current generation that are likely to face the implications of