

Din sökning på "*" gav 532234 sökträffar

Automated bone segmentation in computed tomography using deep learning with distance maps

3D-models of bone structures from computed tomography (CT) data can be used for surgical planning, education and a wide range of other purposes. They can also be used in both digital and 3D-printed format. The currently used process to obtain such models consists of a combination of thresholding, morphological operations and manual adjustments. This can be very time-consuming. Deep Learning (DL) c

Molecular dynamics and keratin structure in human nails, and comparisons to hair and skin

Hud, hår och naglar är utåt sätt olika, men på en mikroskopisk nivå är likheterna stora. Det översta lagret av hud, som kallas stratum corneum, hår och naglar består av döda celler till mestadels fyllda av proteinet keratin. Keratinet i dessa celler bildar cylindriska strukturer; keratinfilament, som består av flera keratinkedjor. Denna uppbyggnad ger materialen både styrka och flexibilitet. LipidThe keratin structure and mobility of protein and lipid components in keratinous materials, and the changes in these properties upon hydration and addition of osmolytes affects the mechanical properties and permeation of skin, hair and nails. In this thesis, the effect of hydration and the addition of solvents and an osmolyte on the structure of keratin filaments and on the mobility of protein an

Riskfördelning vid fel i fastighet

Vid en fastighetstransaktion har säljaren enligt JB 4:19 ett abstrakt felansvar. Detta felansvar infördes när den nya jordabalken trädde i kraft år 1972. Innan dess hade säljaren inte detta abstrakta felansvar, utan endast ett ansvar för sådant som denne gjort direkta utfästelser om. Förändringen medförde därför en förskjutning av risken att behöva stå för ett fel från köparen till säljaren. Ett sIn a real estate transaction, according to chapter 4, paragraph 19, in the Swedish Land Code, the seller has an abstract liability. This liability was introduced when the new Land Code came into force in 1972. Prior to that, the seller did not have this abstract liability, but only a responsibility for things that he made direct commitments to. The change therefore led to a shift in the risk of ha

Urban development consequences of the riverine floods in the Western Balkans: Analysing Belgrade

Rapid urbanisation coupled with unplanned development create the perfect recipe for a disaster, the risk of which has increased with climate change-related uncertainties. Belgrade’s high population growth rate and exposure to riverine flooding presents such a case. This study aims to provide insight into the relationship between urban development and riverine flooding in Belgrade and thereby induc


I got the opportunity to do this Bachelor project together with the consumer electronics company Bang & Olufsen. They gave me a task to design a sustainable Bluetooth speaker. After having many interviews with different experts, within Bang & Olufsen, and reading multiple pieces of literature concerning ecological design, I could define the term sustainability. I used my findings as a base

Utvecklingsarbetet av Easyswitch 2.0

År 2008 påbörjades en förstudie för att införa nya växlar samt växeldriv i Trafikverkets standardsortiment i samband med Innotrack-projektet. År 2009 vann företaget Vossloh upphandlingen med omläggningsanordningen Easyswitch 1.0. Drivet skulle installeras tillsammans med 60E växlar. År 2015 stoppades utrullningen av Easyswitch 1.0 på en bestämd tid på grund av driftstörningar, planen var att återiIn 2008, a feasibility study was started to introduce new railway switches and point machines in the Swedish Transport Administration's standard assortment in connection with the Innotrack project. In 2009, the company Vossloh won the contract with the point machine Easyswitch 1.0. The point machine would be installed together with 60E-switches. In 2015, the rollout of Easyswitch 1.0 was halte

What will be needed in terms of savings and investments to offset the impact of population growth and achieve sustainable development?

Evidence is indicating that human activity within the Anthropocene, the proposed geological epoch of the current time, are causing extraction of natural resources and land, terraforming, climate change and mass extinction of species (Anthropocene: The Human Epoch, 2018). The identified environmental pressure will continue to grow as the global population is expected to reach 11 billion before the

Securing a Competent Workforce! A Comparison of How Tech Companies and Municipalities Work With Competency Management.

The society has gone from production equipment being the most valued asset in the organizations, to today, having the human asset and their competencies as a valuable and critical contributor to business profit. Competency Management has, therefore, received much attention and been a common Human Resource practice in the past decades. However, it is still an unexplored process in many private and

Pulse Electric Field as a Pre-treatment Method of Wastewater Sludge prior to Anaerobic Digestion

This work analyzed the impact caused by different intensities of Pulsed Electric Fields (PEF) pre-treatment on the biogas production from small-scale anaerobic digesters of wastewater sludge under thermophilic conditions. PEF technology consists of passing the substrate through an electric field which generates a potential difference across the cells, resulting in electroporation. Mixed sludge fro

Exploring the Possibilities of Replacing Mechanics with Magnets

Detta examensarbete undersöker möjligheterna att implementera magneter för flera funktioner i en så kallad ”knob”. Projektet utfördes i samarbete med Sigma Connectivity. Under ett tidigare projekt på Sigma Connectivity uppstod ett intresse för att använda magneter i en av deras produkter. Denna produkt används för att välja alternativ genom att rotera en yttre part eller trycka på knappar på toppThis master thesis investigates the possibilities of implementing magnets for several functions in a knob. The project was carried out in collaboration with Sigma Connectivity. During a previous project at Sigma Connectivity, there occurred an interest in using mag-nets in a product called ”the knob”. This product is used to select options by swiveling an outer part or pushing buttons at the top.

'Too few of us', again? The Fertility Discourse in Finnish Media in 2019

This qualitative study examines the dominant fertility discourse in Finnish media in 2019, when the total fertility rate dropped to an all-time low level, spurring media debate and political attention. The study analyses the representations and framings of fertility, and the underlying norms, assumptions, power-structures and silences in the dominant discourse using discourse analytical tools, mor

Passion för nation - En kvalitativ studie om motivation till ideellt engagemang inom studentnationer

Nyckelord: Agentteori, Motivation, Studentnationer, Ideellt arbete, Hierarki. Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka vilka motivationsfaktorer som ligger bakom ideellt arbete på studentnationer. Studien ämnar därmed att utveckla det område inom agentteorin som berör icke-monetära incitament, det vill säga hur man kan skapa motivation till att följa direktiv och riktlinjer mot principalens mål när monetärKey words: Agency theory, Motivation, Student nations, Volunteer work, Hierarchy. Purpose: The purpose is to examine which motivational factors are the underlying reasons for volunteer work at student nations. The purpose is also to develop the area within agency theory that regards non-monetary incentives, in other words how to create motivation towards following directives and guidelines towards

Multitask Convolutional Neural Network Emulators for Global Crop Models - Supervised Deep Learning in Large Hypercubes of Non-IID Data

The aim of this thesis is to establish whether a neural network (NN) can be used for emulation of simulated global crop production - retrieved from the computationally demanding dynamic global vegetation model (DGVM) Lund-Potsdam-Jena General Ecosystem Simulator (LPJ-GUESS). It has been devoted to elaboration with various types of neural network architectures: Branched NNs capable of processing in

Designing a Global Manufacturing Network for Local Final Assembly

This master’s thesis explores how a Global Manufacturing Network can be designed with predefined requirements for local final assembly at an overseas plant. This was done in collaboration with Alfa Laval, where the global manufacturing network of Freshwater Generators (FWGs) was analyzed. The study evaluated options of sourcing directly from suppliers and via the main factory to different extents.

Hjälpsamhet och transparens – Styrning av de självstyrande

Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att nyansera och bidra till en djupare förståelse kring vilka former horisontell styrning kan ta, genom att analysera medarbetares upplevelser av den. Metod: För att adressera syftet har en kvalitativ intervjustudie gjorts med anställda på ett självstyrande företag. Semistrukturerade intervjuer gjordes med sju av tio anställda på företaget. Studien har ett social

Effect of biofilm thickness and carrier type on the performance of anaerobic moving bed biofilm reactors (AnMBBRs)

Biofilmer finns på ytor överallt runtomkring oss: på våra tänder (plack), på våta ytor i t ex. badrummet och på stenar i vattendrag. Biofilmer är ytterst tunna (vanligtvis mindre än 1 mm) och består av aggregat av mikroorganismer, såsom bakterier, vilka omges av en skyddande hinna. Dessa aggregat bildar ett ”supersamhälle” av mikroorganismer som gör det möjligt för dem att lättare samarbeta med vaThe anaerobic moving bed biofilm reactor (AnMBBR) is a wastewater treatment process that has shown effective for the treatment of industrial wastewaters. As the AnMBBR is a biofilm process, nutrients, products, etc. must be transported through the biofilm. The thickness of the biofilm may, therefore, impact the process. The objectives of this study were (1) to evaluate the effect of the biofilm th

Activity in butterflies and bumblebees in different habitats

Aktivitet hos humlor och fjärilar Vad är egentligen aktivitet? Tänk på det som om när du funderar på att gå och handla. Du vill inte handla när alla andra gör det för då kommer det vara stor konkurrens när du väl ska betala i kassan. Samtidigt vill du inte komma försent till affärerna och riskera att varan du ska handla tagit slut. Så frågar är: När är den optimala tiden att handla? Lite på samBiodiversity of bumblebee and butterfly species in the agricultural landscape are declining and conservation actions are needed. Conservation measures have the potential to be more effective if they are conducted at the right time. Previous studies have investigated the patterns of activity of bumblebees and butterflies. However, they have failed to look at differences in activity depending on spe

First evidence of a phylogeographic pattern in the invasive Cladoceran Penilia avirostris

Konsten att släktforska på en 1mm stor vattenloppa En vattenloppa är ett litet plankton som vanligtvis lever i sjöar, men ett fåtal bor i den marina miljön. En speciell vattenloppa, Penilia avirostris, kommer ursprungligen från varmare områden runt ekvatorn, men har sedan 1990 observerats i Nordsjön och därefter (2003) påträffats i Öresund. Men hur kan en liten vattenloppa, som lever i varmare vaPenilia avirostris is a marine Cladoceran species typically occurring in tropical and subtropical regions. Several studies have revealed a global expansion of the species and an invasion of the North Sea since 1990. By analysing the phylogeny of the species, it could be possible to unveil its origin and direction of expansion. This molecular method has been applied for Cladoceran systematics with

Are you cheap or climate friendly? Applying nudge theory to lower meat purchasing in grocery stores

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether consumer behavior in grocery stores could be affected through nudging by rearranging the product placement and putting up suggestive messages to customers. It also investigated whether nudging is more effective when targeting short-term versus long-term consequences of consumer behavior, as their abstract levels are processed differently. It spe