

Din sökning på "*" gav 535961 sökträffar

Organisationsförändring - är inte så lätt som man kan tyckas tro!

Trots det väldiga överflöd av forskning som finns om organisationsförändring är det idé att börja titta på förändring ur ett mer långsiktigt perspektiv. Detta mot bakgrund av den tidigare forskningen som konstaterar att omkring 70 procent av alla förändringsinitiativ som görs misslyckas. Därför är det väsentligt att förstå förändring och dess implementeringssvårigheter på en djupare dimension. Den

Endometriosis as a part of life: A survey of available psychological treatments and their benefits on function and quality of life

Endometriosis is a chronic gynecological illness affecting 10% of all women in childbearing age, 200 000 of them in Sweden, causing abdominal inflammation and adhesion formation, all of which inflicts pain. It affects every aspect of a woman’s life, not the least psychologically, leading to anxiety, depression and decreased function and decreased quality of life. This online survey explored what p

Combining Solar Thermal and Membrane Technologies. Sustainable fruit preservation in developing countries – a case study in laboratory

This work investigates how the heat produced by a solar dryer can improve the drying process of newly developed breathable membrane bags for drying and thus preserving fruits in developing countries and the increased efficiency of the process. For that purpose, a solar dryer was built and tested in an indoor solar simulator with similar irradiation as the sun. Due to a limited time span, only one

Twin peaks: Skuggor ur det förflutna

Syftet med uppsatsen är att reda ut förekomsten av intertextuella och intratextuella referenser i Twin Peaks. Med detta menas de filmlanskaps som kommenteras i serien Jag försöker i texten kartlägga deras härstamning, beskriva hur de dyker upp i serien och förklara deras förekomst. Till sist avser jag att ställa referenserna i relation till Lynchs bakgrund. Även denna utgör en fond mot vilken seri

The Relationship between Industrial Ownership and Environmental Pollution: Panel Data Evidence from China 2000-2010

This paper empirically investigates the relationship between industrial ownership and environmental degradation in the People’s Republic of China, with specific focus on two environmental indicators: volume of SO2 emissions and volume of industrial wastewater deemed unsafe for discharge. Sulfur dioxide and untreated wastewater emissions are considered some of the most problematic environmental and

Income Inequality and Natural Resources

The observation that countries highly endowed with natural resources often struggle with undesirable economic (e.g. low growth) and social problems has produced a large body of literature on the so-called resource curse over the last decades. One possible relationship that has been investigated is, whether resource abundance affects income inequality. This has been scrutinized to a much lesser ext

Paratexten - en guide till den korrekta läsningen? : en undersökning av för- och efterord i samtida utgivning av översatt litteratur

Den förefintliga uppsatsen ämnar undersöka utvalda paratexter på bokmarknaden i form av för- eller efterord. Samtliga undersökta paratexterna tillhör översatta titlar författade av översättaren. Uppsatsen syftar till att söka utröna paratexternas funktion på bokmarknaden samt deras förhållande till läsaren. I avsikt att uppnå syftet samt besvara frågeställningarna appliceras Gérard Genettes metod

Systemic Risk of China’s Financial Sector: Evidence from the Stock Market

China, with the fast developing financial market, experienced two dramatic stock market crisis in recent ten years under government constrains. Thus, monitoring the systemic risk in China is crucial and meaningful. This paper applies CoVaR methodology to measure the dynamic systemic risk of China’s financial market from 1996 to 2016. The financial market is divided into bank and non-bank sectors.

Peak Detection in Data Independent Acquisition Analysis

The analysis of peptides using mass spectrometry produces signals, where intact and fragmented peptides are observable as specific signal peaks. This report investigates how signal processing and supervised learning, along with specialized peak detection algorithms, can improve the analysis of such peptide signals in a mass spectrometry technique called Data Independent Acquisition. To make this i

Studenters och revisorsbranschens aktörers syn på förväntningsgap och hållbarhetsrapportering

Ämne/kurs: FEKH69, Examensarbete i redovisning på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Karl-Oskar Elf, Patrik Lundström och Can Telmen Handledare: Niklas Sandell Fem nyckelord: Förväntning- och prestationsgap, Isomorfism, Hållbarhetsrapportering, Hållbarhetsredovisning, Revision. Syfte: Uppsatsen syftade till att utreda ifall det kunde uppstå förväntningsgap efter att lagförslaget Ds 201

Ventilation i höga trapphus vid händelse av brand

This thesis investigates possible problems due to pressurization of high staircases. The main problem arising when high enclosures are not pressurized in sections in the event of fire is that an imbalance of the pressure profile in the building occurs. Pressure difference between the stairwell and adjacent rooms becomes large enough that the doors to the stairwell may be difficult to open and clos

Efterlever företag IFRS 3 i redovisningen av immateriella tillgångar och goodwill? - Utifrån ett storlekskriterium

Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att beskriva och analysera efterlevnaden av IFRS 3 utifrån ett storlekskriterium. Uppsatsen diskuterar vidare om de utvalda företagen möter kraven som ställs upp i IFRS 3 för redovisning av immateriella tillgångar i samband med rörelseförvärv. Metod: Uppsatsen har ett deskriptivt och hypotesprövande tillvägagångssätt. Materialet har framställts utifrån tidigare studier Objective: The aim of this thesis is to describe and analyze compliance with IFRS 3 based on a size criterion. Furthermore the paper discusses whether the selected companies meet the requirements set in IFRS 3 for recognition of intangible assets in connection with business acquisitions. Method: The thesis has a descriptive and hypothesis-driven approach. The material has been prepared on the bas

Olive polyphenols (OPP) as a substitute of nitrite in ham

Cooked ham is a particularly popular cured meat product. Nonetheless, meat consumption constitutes a controversial issue, as researchers correlate red and cured meat with the development of colorectal cancer. One of the main compounds of the cured cooked ham is nitrite. Although, its residual amount in products is considered as responsible for the formation of N-nitrosamines and the provocation of

The potiential of the probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii to produce bioethanol in lignocellulosic conditions

Today, bioethanol is predominately produced with conventional feedstock that may not be desired for ethanol production due to their primary food and animal feed value. Therefore, lignocellulosic biomass, a relatively cheap and non-food competitive biomass has received attention. However, the complexity of lignocellulosic biomass poses challenges to developing a large-scale production process compe

Corporate Restructuring through Spin-offs: Evidence on Shareholder Wealth from Western Europe

This paper investigates and quantifies shareholder wealth effects arising through spin-off announcements in Western Europe. Building on existing research the study seeks to add recent results and to further investigate whether the effect of spin-off announcements on shareholder value has altered in current times. In order to find out to what extent abnormal returns around the announcement date for

Multi-active Façades for Renovation of Million Program Houses

Sweden faces an upcoming period where thousands of buildings built during the million program period will be in need of a façade renovation. There is a large energy-saving potential in these buildings, since they are often poorly insulated and often have a ventilation system without heat recovery. Performing energy-efficient renovation measures to a building are expensive, which results in that th

The role of management accountants. A study of contextual factors and changes in the role over time.

The aim of the thesis is to analyse the current role of management accountants, how it is affected by contextual factors, and how it has changed over time. A quantitative content analysis of job advertisements is conducted. The factors of analysis are identified based on a combination of deductive and inductive approach. First, reporting, planning, budgeting, forecasting, cost accounting, MS Offi