A potential for democratic emancipation? : Policy and discretionary practices in probation service
Hvordan kan kriminalforsorgens tilsynsarbejde integrere tilfælde af demokratisk emancipation (: frigørelse, selvstændiggørelse) og dermed inspirere til deltagende medborgerskab for marginaliserede klienter? Dette forskningsprojekt balancerer en interesse i socialt arbejde og dets muligheder for at levere emancipationgennem motivationsarbejde med en opmærksomhed på den senere tids udviklinger i skHow can offender supervision in the execution of state-sanctioned punishment integrate instances of democratic emancipation and thereby inspire participatory citizenship for disenfranchised clients?This project balances an interest in social work and its prospects for delivering emancipation through motivational agency, on the one hand, with an attentiveness to recent developments in Scandinavian