

Din sökning på "*" gav 529676 sökträffar

Expanding Field-Archaeology Education: The Integration of 3D Technology into Archaeological Training

Expanding Field-Archaeology Education: The Integration of 3D Technology into Archaeological Training Expanding Field-Archaeology Education: The Integration of 3D Technology into Archaeological Training Published 7 July 2021 This contribution analyses and discusses the use of 3D technology in education and learning. Basing the discussion on a case study performed during two seasons of a field schoo

https://www.darklab.lu.se/article/expanding-field-archaeology-education-the-integration-of-3d-technology-into-archaeological-training/ - 2025-03-11

Fancy for fire cracked stone heaps?

Fancy for fire cracked stone heaps? Fancy for fire cracked stone heaps? Published 31 October 2018 Amanda Jeppsson presents her research: "The Shoreline remains; A landscape study of the fire cracked stone heaps in Uppland". Share http://www.darklab.lu.se?id=62963&tx_news_pi1[news]=2210 Latest News 2024-10-17 AI-based tool for detecting archaeology in Scandinavian forestland 2024-10-07 Back to the

https://www.darklab.lu.se/article/fancy-for-fire-cracked-stone-heaps/ - 2025-03-11

Going Underground: The hidden Monuments of the Republican Forum Romanum

Going Underground: The hidden Monuments of the Republican Forum Romanum Going Underground: The hidden Monuments of the Republican Forum Romanum Published 1 December 2020 Have you ever explored the underground structures of the Forum Romanum? This system allows exploring in great details archaeological structures of the Basilica Sempronia and Basilica Fulvia. Through the web system published by DAR

https://www.darklab.lu.se/article/going-underground-the-hidden-monuments-of-the-republican-forum-romanum/ - 2025-03-11

Gribshunden and 3D visualization! 3D Prototyping in Support of Archaeological Reasoning.

Gribshunden and 3D visualization! 3D Prototyping in Support of Archaeological Reasoning. Gribshunden and 3D visualization! 3D Prototyping in Support of Archaeological Reasoning. Published 12 November 2020 During the fall semester Brendan Foley, Domenica Dininno and Carolina Larsson have been working on the Gribshunden main gun battery. They 3D-modeled the gun carriages at Blekinge Museum using str

https://www.darklab.lu.se/article/gribshunden-and-3d-visualization-3d-prototyping-in-support-of-archaeological-reasoning/ - 2025-03-11

MA theses in Digital Archaeology available through the DARKLab website

MA theses in Digital Archaeology available through the DARKLab website MA theses in Digital Archaeology available through the DARKLab website Published 7 October 2020 front page of few MA thesis produced by MA students at Lund University Since 2012, MA students in Digital Archaeology at Lund University developed great theses. Now you can read and download PdF versions of several of these works thr

https://www.darklab.lu.se/article/ma-thesis-in-digital-archaeology-avaiabile-through-the-darklab-website/ - 2025-03-11

New article on Inference to the Best Explanation (IBE) and Archaeology

New article on Inference to the Best Explanation (IBE) and Archaeology New article on Inference to the Best Explanation (IBE) and Archaeology Published 7 April 2021 The last decades have seen a renewed interest in the study of argumentation in archaeology. This study shows a novel Inference to the Best Explanation-based model for recording archaeological argumentation and tackling issues of transp

https://www.darklab.lu.se/article/new-article-on-inference-to-the-best-explanation-ibe-and-archaeology/ - 2025-03-11

New course in Critical Archiving, Paris, September 13-17, 2021. Join us!

New course in Critical Archiving, Paris, September 13-17, 2021. Join us! New course in Critical Archiving, Paris, September 13-17, 2021. Join us! Published 30 October 2020 Photo: Sara Perry The course is organized by Dialogues with the Past. The Nordic Graduate School in Archaeology. Sep. 13, 2021–Sep. 17, 2021, Centre Universitaire de Norvège à Paris. Lecturers: Sara Perry Museum of London Archae

https://www.darklab.lu.se/article/new-course-in-critical-archiving-paris-september-13-17-2021/ - 2025-03-11

New video interview from the LMK‑stiftelsen!

New video interview from the LMK‑stiftelsen! New video interview from the LMK‑stiftelsen! Published 10 June 2021 The LMK‑stiftelsen interviewed Nicolò Dell'Unto about how new technology can open up completely new possibilities in archaeology.  Nicolò Dell'Unto joined the 2019 edition of Idéforum along with other promising young researchers at Lund University. In the film, he talks about why he thi

https://www.darklab.lu.se/article/new-interview-from-the-lmk-stiftelsen/ - 2025-03-11

New Publication from the Lab! Congratulations, Paola Derudas et al., for this fantastic work!

New Publication from the Lab! Congratulations, Paola Derudas et al., for this fantastic work! New Publication from the Lab! Congratulations, Paola Derudas et al., for this fantastic work! Published 28 April 2021 Sharing archaeological knowledge: The Interactive Reporting System. Journal of Field Archaeology, 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1080/00934690.2021.1911132 available in Open access https://www.t

https://www.darklab.lu.se/article/new-publication-from-the-lab-congratulations-paola-derudas-for-this-fantastic-work/ - 2025-03-11

Our new article about the Dynamic Collections is out in open access!!

Our new article about the Dynamic Collections is out in open access!! Our new article about the Dynamic Collections is out in open access!! Published 11 June 2021 Archaeological collections are crucial in heritage studies and are used every day for training archaeologists and cultural heritage specialists. This article presents the preliminary results from our experiment. The recent developments i

https://www.darklab.lu.se/article/our-new-article-about-dynamic-collections-is-out/ - 2025-03-11

Students testing digital techniques in Uppåkra!

Students testing digital techniques in Uppåkra! Students testing digital techniques in Uppåkra! Published 24 September 2020 Students in the Master’s course of Field Archaeology making practice with tools for field survey. During this 3-week in the archaeological site of Uppåkra, they have been engaged in various activities including excavation, field walking and introduced to the most advanced too

https://www.darklab.lu.se/article/students-testing-digital-techniques-in-uppaakra/ - 2025-03-11

The WEB3D 2021 call for papers is out!

The WEB3D 2021 call for papers is out! The WEB3D 2021 call for papers is out! Published 31 March 2021 The WEB3D 2021 call for papers is out! Special track: "ONLINE LEGACIES AND CULTURAL HERITAGE". Plus: interactive posters, tutorials, Go and check the details. https://web3d2021.isti.cnr.it/submissions/ Web3D 2021 is organized by  ACM SIGGRAPH  and  Web3D Consortium  in cooperation with  CNR-ISTI V

https://www.darklab.lu.se/article/the-web3d-2021-call-for-papers-is-out/ - 2025-03-11

Two years Postdoc in Artificial Intelligence and Landscape Interpretation!

Two years Postdoc in Artificial Intelligence and Landscape Interpretation! Two years Postdoc in Artificial Intelligence and Landscape Interpretation! Published 11 September 2019 It with great pleasure to announce that LMK stiftelsen will support 2 years postdoc at the Lund University Digital Archaeology Lab (DARKLab) in Artificial Intelligence and Landscape Interpretation! Share http://www.darklab

https://www.darklab.lu.se/article/two-years-postdoc-in-artificial-intelligence-and-landscape-interpretation/ - 2025-03-11


Contact | Division of Ergonomics and Aerosol Technology Skip to main content Lund University LTH, Faculty of Engineering Student website LTH PhD website LTH LTHin Swedish website Listen Search Search Division of Ergonomics and Aerosol Technology Department of Design Sciences | LTH, Faculty of Engineering Swedish website Listen Search About Education Research Airborne particles and health People at

https://www.eat.lth.se/en/accessibilitystatement/contact - 2025-03-11

2013 års Kerstin Hesselgrenprofessor till Filosofiska institutionen

2013 års Kerstin Hesselgrenprofessor till Filosofiska institutionen 2013 års Kerstin Hesselgrenprofessor till Filosofiska institutionen Publicerad den 31 oktober 2012 Ulrike Hahn , professor i kognitionspsykologi vid Cardiff University i Wales , blir innehavare av Kerstin Hesselgrenprofessuren år 2013. Ulrike Hahn är en internationellt framstående professor i kognitionspsykologi. Vid Lunds univers

https://www.fil.lu.se/article/2013-aars-kerstin-hesselgrenprofessor-till-filosofiska-institutionen/ - 2025-03-11

Årets Humanist- och teologdagar blickar in i det okända

Årets Humanist- och teologdagar blickar in i det okända Årets Humanist- och teologdagar blickar in i det okända Publicerad den 11 april 2018 ”Okänd, ökänd, misskänd – förintelsen 1941-2018”, ”Turist bakom järnridån – en resa in i det okända” och ”Jack the Ripper – världens mest okända kändis?”. Det är några av de populärvetenskapliga föreläsningar på temat ”Okänt” som ges under fredagens och lörda

https://www.fil.lu.se/article/aarets-humanist-och-teologdagar-blickar-in-i-det-okaenda/ - 2025-03-11

Årets Pufendorf-föreläsare Amie L Thomasson – se de filmade föreläsningarna

Årets Pufendorf-föreläsare Amie L Thomasson – se de filmade föreläsningarna Årets Pufendorf-föreläsare Amie L Thomasson – se de filmade föreläsningarna Publicerad den 1 juli 2022 Årets Pufendorfföreläsare Amie L Thomasson, Daniel P. Stone Professor Of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy vid Dartmouth College, besökte Lund 1-3 juni och höll tre föreläsningar på temat Rethinking Metaphysics. Nu finns

https://www.fil.lu.se/article/aarets-pufendorffoerelaesare-amie-l-thomasson-se-de-filmade-foerelaesningarna/ - 2025-03-11

Agneta Gulz i Utbildningsradion om "Analoga föräldrar och digitala barn"

Agneta Gulz i Utbildningsradion om "Analoga föräldrar och digitala barn" Agneta Gulz i Utbildningsradion om "Analoga föräldrar och digitala barn" Publicerad den 25 november 2021 Agneta Gulz, professor i kognitionsvetenskap vid Filosofiska institutionen, medverkande i programmet "Analoga föräldrar och digitala barn" i Utbildningsradion i P1 om digitala och analoga lärresurser. Lyssna på programmet 

https://www.fil.lu.se/article/agneta-gulz-i-utbildningsradion-om-analoga-foeraeldrar-och-digitala-barn/ - 2025-03-11

Agneta Gulz i Vetenskapsradions seminarium – Du sköna digitala värld

Agneta Gulz i Vetenskapsradions seminarium – Du sköna digitala värld Agneta Gulz i Vetenskapsradions seminarium – Du sköna digitala värld Publicerad den 4 november 2015 Hur påverkar datorer och mobiltelefoner vårt lärande, vårt arbetsliv och vårt sociala samspel? Är det verkligen sant att eleverna lär sig mindre ju mer datoranvändning som ingår i undervisningen? Hur förändras forskarrollen och kun

https://www.fil.lu.se/article/agneta-gulz-i-vetenskapsradions-seminarium-du-skoena-digitala-vaerld/ - 2025-03-11