

Din sökning på "*" gav 531159 sökträffar

Ylva Eggehorn tilldelas Anders Nygrenpriset 2020

Ylva Eggehorn tilldelas Anders Nygrenpriset 2020 Ylva Eggehorn tilldelas Anders Nygrenpriset 2020 Publicerad den 9 januari 2020 Årets Anders Nygrenpristagare Ylva Eggehorn. Foto: Magnus Aronson Teologiska fakulteten vid Lunds universitet har beslutat att tilldela Ylva Eggehorn Anders Nygrenpriset 2020 som ett bevis på fakultetens uppskattning av hennes betydande gärning i svenskt kyrko- och kultur

https://www.ht.lu.se/article/ylva-eggehorn-tilldelas-anders-nygrenpriset-2020/ - 2025-03-11

Ännu en helsida i Sydsvenskan idag!!: I döende språks sällskap

Ännu en helsida i Sydsvenskan idag!!: I döende språks sällskap Ännu en helsida i Sydsvenskan idag!!: I döende språks sällskap Published 23 February 2016 Att föra över material från gamla rullband var lätt. Däremot var det många problem med digitala kassettband som främst användes på 1990-talet, berättar Jens Larsson. Bild: Albin Brönmark Om hundra år har hälften av alla språk som talas nu försvunn

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/aennu-en-helsida-i-sydsvenskan-idag-i-doeende-spraaks-saellskap/ - 2025-03-11

Är det möjligt att snabba på sin lästakt?

Är det möjligt att snabba på sin lästakt? Är det möjligt att snabba på sin lästakt? Published 1 September 2021 Marcus Nyström, research engineer in the Humanities Lab, in an interview about speed reading (in Swedish). Inför semestern matas vi med boktips i tidningar och tv. Men problemet är kanske inte vilka böcker du ska läsa, utan hur du ska hinna med dem du har. Tre experter reder ut sanningar

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/aer-det-moejligt-att-snabba-paa-sin-laestakt/ - 2025-03-11

...and a prize!

...and a prize! ...and a prize! Published 22 January 2019 Kungliga Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien har beslutat att tilldela Marianne Gullberg Ann-Kersti och Carl-Hakon Swensons pris för humanistisk och samhällsvetenskaplig forskning. The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities ha

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/and-a-prize/ - 2025-03-11

...and yet another grant: This time from the Marcus and Amalia Wallenberg foundation to Susanne Schö

...and yet another grant: This time from the Marcus and Amalia Wallenberg foundation to Susanne Schötz! ...and yet another grant: This time from the Marcus and Amalia Wallenberg foundation to Susanne Schötz! Published 17 December 2015 Susanne Schötz has received a grant from the Marcus and Amalia Wallenberg foundation for the project Melody in human–cat communication (Meowsic). The purpose of the

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/and-yet-another-grant-this-time-from-the-marcus-and-amalia-wallenberg-foundation-to-susanne-schoetz/ - 2025-03-11

Annika Andersson interviewed by the Swedish Research Council about bilingualism myths

Annika Andersson interviewed by the Swedish Research Council about bilingualism myths Annika Andersson interviewed by the Swedish Research Council about bilingualism myths Published 2 October 2017 The Swedish Research Council (VR) has interviewed our own Annika Andersson as well as Niclas Abrahamsson, Stockholm University, about myths surrounding bilingualism. They debunk various notions, for exam

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/annika-andersson-interviewed-by-the-swedish-research-council-about-bilingualism-myths/ - 2025-03-11

Annual Report 2016

Annual Report 2016 Annual Report 2016 Published 27 June 2017 The Lund University Humanities Lab Annual Report for 2016 is now available. Share http://www.humlab.lu.se?id=62865&tx_news_pi1[news]=973 Latest News 2025-02-03 Article in Sydsvenskan! 2025-01-24 New Publications in Bilingualism Research 2024-12-19 Season's greetings! 2024-10-21 The Humanities Lab has been officially designated as a Core

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/annual-report-2016/ - 2025-03-11

Annual Report 2018

Annual Report 2018 Annual Report 2018 Published 24 June 2019 The Lund University Humanities Lab Annual Report for 2018 is now here: Share http://www.humlab.lu.se?id=62865&tx_news_pi1[news]=2118 Latest News 2025-02-03 Article in Sydsvenskan! 2025-01-24 New Publications in Bilingualism Research 2024-12-19 Season's greetings! 2024-10-21 The Humanities Lab has been officially designated as a Core Faci

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/annual-report-2018/ - 2025-03-11

Barn drabbas orimligt hårt av internetreklam

Barn drabbas orimligt hårt av internetreklam Barn drabbas orimligt hårt av internetreklam Published 12 January 2017 Nils Holmberg intervjuad. Share http://www.humlab.lu.se?id=62865&tx_news_pi1[news]=1651 Latest News 2025-02-03 Article in Sydsvenskan! 2025-01-24 New Publications in Bilingualism Research 2024-12-19 Season's greetings! 2024-10-21 The Humanities Lab has been officially designated as a

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/barn-drabbas-orimligt-haart-av-internetreklam/ - 2025-03-11

"Big data inom humaniora ger nya möjligheter"

"Big data inom humaniora ger nya möjligheter" "Big data inom humaniora ger nya möjligheter" Published 18 December 2014 Om hur humanister hanterar allt större mängder data i senaste LUM Allt mer forskning hanterar stora datamängder även inom samhällsvetenskap och humaniora. Vad betyder det för metoder, teorier och kunskapssyn? Hur öppen ska den datadrivna forskningen vara? Och kan till exempel fors

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/big-data-inom-humaniora-ger-nya-moejligheter/ - 2025-03-11

British Ambassador visits the Humanities Lab!

British Ambassador visits the Humanities Lab! British Ambassador visits the Humanities Lab! Published 27 January 2017 Photo: Carin Brenner This week we had a visit from the British Ambassador David Cairns who took a stroll in virtual Pompeii. Photo: Carin Brenner Share http://www.humlab.lu.se?id=62865&tx_news_pi1[news]=1764 Latest News 2025-02-03 Article in Sydsvenskan! 2025-01-24 New Publications

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/british-ambassador-visits-the-humanities-lab/ - 2025-03-11

COST action workshop

COST action workshop COST action workshop Published 7 April 2017 Plenary speaker day 2: Joost van der Weijer Methods and measures of input and second language proficiency/development On 6-7 April, 2017 Lund University Humanities Lab and the Centre for Languages and Literature host an international workshop for junior scholars and PhD students working on second language acquisition in a study abroa

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/cost-action-workshop/ - 2025-03-11

Course start

Course start Course start Published 23 January 2014 The course Experimental Design (HTXN03) starts on February 5. Teacher is Richard Andersson. More information: www.humlab.lu.se/en/education/course-offerings/course/HTXN03/ Share http://www.humlab.lu.se?id=62865&tx_news_pi1[news]=1871 Latest News 2025-02-03 Article in Sydsvenskan! 2025-01-24 New P

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/course-start/ - 2025-03-11

Crafoord grant to Gullberg

Crafoord grant to Gullberg Crafoord grant to Gullberg Published 2 June 2015 Marianne Gullberg has been awarded a grant from the Crafoord Foundation for a project entitled Cohesion is heard and seen: A crosslinguistic study of gesture articulation in sustained discourse . The grant will fund postdoctoral researcher Emanuela Campisi, formerly at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, the Ne

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/crafoord-grant-to-gullberg/ - 2025-03-11

Crafoord Grant to Maria Graziano!

Crafoord Grant to Maria Graziano! Crafoord Grant to Maria Graziano! Published 30 May 2016 Embodied discourse: cross-linguistic and developmental perspectives on the expression of pragmatic meanings / Diskurs i tal och gest: Pragmatisk betydelse i tvärspråkligt och utvecklingsperspektiv Pragmatic meanings, such as the emphasis of relevant topics or the marking of transitions between information, ca

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/crafoord-grant-to-maria-graziano/ - 2025-03-11

Digital infrastructures for the humanities topic of panel talk at the 2022 ECHIC conference

Digital infrastructures for the humanities topic of panel talk at the 2022 ECHIC conference Digital infrastructures for the humanities topic of panel talk at the 2022 ECHIC conference Published 22 April 2022 Yesterday, the LU Humanities Lab Director Marianne Gullberg led a panel discussion on "Digital infrastructures for the Humanities", as part of the 2022 ECHIC conference. Diverse and engaging p

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/digital-infrastructures-for-the-humanities-topic-of-panel-talk-at-the-2022-echic-conference/ - 2025-03-11

Does language shape the land?

Does language shape the land? Does language shape the land? Published 27 February 2015 Mount Relay, Perak, Peninsular Malaysia / Researcher Niclas Burenhult Landscape influences human existence and experience and it is the spatial backdrop for language, cognition and culture. Dr Niclas Burenhult is working on the relationship between language and landscape in different areas of the planet. Inspired

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/does-language-shape-the-land/ - 2025-03-11

Dokumenterar utdöende språk

Dokumenterar utdöende språk Dokumenterar utdöende språk Published 11 February 2016 Niclas Burenhult är en av forsknings­ledarna i språk­resursprojektet. (Ur LUM, 4 februari, 2016:) Ungefär hälften av jordens 6000 språk kommer att dö ut inom hundra år. I Lund skapas nu ett fönster mot en svunnen tid – här kan man lyssna till språk som inte längre talas tack vare en särskild resurs för digital språk

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/dokumenterar-utdoeende-spraak/ - 2025-03-11

E-science grant to the Lab on Visualising the assembly of the Milky Way

E-science grant to the Lab on Visualising the assembly of the Milky Way E-science grant to the Lab on Visualising the assembly of the Milky Way Published 18 December 2017 Christmas came early this year with a grant to the Lab for a three-year project called "Visualising the assembly of the Milky Way - A Virtual Reality framework for interactive exploration of complex 3D data", coordinated by Stefa

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/e-science-grant-to-the-lab-on-visualising-the-assembly-of-the-milky-way/ - 2025-03-11

Lab project quick look: Measuring eye movements of choir singers in the digital classroom

Lab project quick look: Measuring eye movements of choir singers in the digital classroom Lab project quick look: Measuring eye movements of choir singers in the digital classroom Published 16 June 2022 How do choir singers read partiture? A partiture is a full musical score containing all parts in a musical composition on separate lines. In her doctoral thesis, Maria Timoshenko from the Swedish R

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/experiment-2/ - 2025-03-11