

Din sökning på "*" gav 531139 sökträffar

Radiospanarna om Susanne Schötz och Meowsic

Radiospanarna om Susanne Schötz och Meowsic Radiospanarna om Susanne Schötz och Meowsic Published 30 November 2016 Spanarna i Radions P1 talar om Susanne Schötz' forskningsprojekt om kommunikation mellan människor och katter (ca 35 minuter in i programmet) Programmet är från den 25 november 2016.  https://sverigesradio.se/sida/avsnitt/810120?programid=516

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/radiospanarna-om-susanne-schoetz-och-meowsic/ - 2025-03-11

Renewed certification and name change for the Humanities Lab Clarin Knowledge Centre: MULTISENS

Renewed certification and name change for the Humanities Lab Clarin Knowledge Centre: MULTISENS Renewed certification and name change for the Humanities Lab Clarin Knowledge Centre: MULTISENS Published 28 January 2022 The Humanities Lab has been a CLARIN K-centre since 2017. Every three (or so) years the status as a K-centre is reviewed by CLARIN's Knowledge Infrastructure Committee . The lab's K-

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/renewed-k-centre-certification-and-name-change/ - 2025-03-11

Researchers reconstruct house from old Pompeii using 3D-technology

Researchers reconstruct house from old Pompeii using 3D-technology Researchers reconstruct house from old Pompeii using 3D-technology Published 12 October 2016 Lund University Humanities Lab have contributed to the development of the material and 3D work. By combining traditional archaeology with 3D technology, researchers at Lund University in Sweden have managed to reconstruct a house in Pompeii

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/researchers-reconstruct-house-from-old-pompeii-using-3d-technology/ - 2025-03-11

Säg det på rätt sätt med dina händer

Säg det på rätt sätt med dina händer Säg det på rätt sätt med dina händer Published 9 July 2014 TT intervju med Marianne Gullberg, publicerad bl a i Blekinge läns tidning Marianne Gullberg intervjuad av TT Att byta språk räcker inte för den som vill kommunicera på utlandsresan – gesterna är också viktiga. Men akta så att händerna inte säger något annat än du har tänkt. Share http://www.humlab.lu.s

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/saeg-det-paa-raett-saett-med-dina-haender/ - 2025-03-11

Second workshop "Unravelling the multilingual mind" in Stellenbosch

Second workshop "Unravelling the multilingual mind" in Stellenbosch Second workshop "Unravelling the multilingual mind" in Stellenbosch Published 18 December 2017 The second workshop of the project "Unravelling the multilingual mind" (funded by STINT/NRF) took place last week in beautiful Stellenbosch, South Africa. Marianne Gullberg, Stefan Lindgren, Victoria Johansson and Peer Christensen attend

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/second-workshop-unravelling-the-multilingual-mind-in-stellenbosch/ - 2025-03-11

Sjunkande läsförmåga i centrum på ny konferens

Sjunkande läsförmåga i centrum på ny konferens Sjunkande läsförmåga i centrum på ny konferens Published 28 May 2014 Nils Holmberg berättar om ett nytt projekt om barns läsförståelse som ska starta i år. Hur påverkas inlärningen av för lite sömn? Olika typer av ljud? Hur läser man text i tryckt media respektive digital media? Det var några av frågorna på agendan. Konferensen Readme samlade 300 pers

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/sjunkande-laesfoermaaga-i-centrum-paa-ny-konferens/ - 2025-03-11

Stefan Lindgren 3D-scanning Vadstena abbey

Stefan Lindgren 3D-scanning Vadstena abbey Stefan Lindgren 3D-scanning Vadstena abbey Published 29 May 2017 Bild: Emmilie Engström Cut from Motala Vadstena Tidning: Share http://www.humlab.lu.se?id=62865&tx_news_pi1[news]=517 Latest News 2025-02-03 Article in Sydsvenskan! 2025-01-24 New Publications in Bilingualism Research 2024-12-19 Season's greetings! 2024-10-21 The Humanities Lab has been offi

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/stefan-lindgren-3d-scanning-vadstena-abbey/ - 2025-03-11

Still more about Susanne Schötz's cat communication project

Still more about Susanne Schötz's cat communication project Still more about Susanne Schötz's cat communication project Published 24 November 2016 Share http://www.humlab.lu.se?id=62865&tx_news_pi1[news]=1213 Latest News 2025-02-03 Article in Sydsvenskan! 2025-01-24 New Publications in Bilingualism Research 2024-12-19 Season's greetings! 2024-10-21 The Humanities Lab has been officially designated

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/still-more-about-susanne-schoetzs-cat-communication-project/ - 2025-03-11

Swedish-Danish workshop on Infrastructures for the Humanities

Swedish-Danish workshop on Infrastructures for the Humanities Swedish-Danish workshop on Infrastructures for the Humanities Published 31 March 2015 Foto: Johan Frid On March 27, the Humanities lab hosted a workshop on Infrastructures for the Humanities, bringing together teams from Lund and from one of the nodes of DigHumLab Denmark, namely the project Interaction and Design Studies, located at th

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/swedish-danish-workshop-on-infrastructures-for-the-humanities/ - 2025-03-11

Teckenspråkstalande avatarer på scen

Teckenspråkstalande avatarer på scen Teckenspråkstalande avatarer på scen Published 26 October 2022 Sveriges Radio har uppmärksammat samarbetet mellan Humanistlaboratoriet och Riksteatern Crea för skapandet av teckenspråkstalande avatarer på scen. Riksteater Crea producerar scenkonst på svenskt teckenspråk. I ett pågående samarbete med Lunds universitet utvecklas en avatar som ska kunna teckentolk

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/teckenspraakstalande-avatarer-paa-scen/ - 2025-03-11

The course ERP Research Methods - Theory and Practice - cancelled!

The course ERP Research Methods - Theory and Practice - cancelled! The course ERP Research Methods - Theory and Practice - cancelled! Published 12 January 2015 Unfortunately, due to unexpected problems with assigning teachers for some of the lectures and lab sessions of the ERP course, we are unable to give this course this semester. However, we are planning to give the course as soon as possible,

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/the-course-erp-research-methods-theory-and-practice-cancelled/ - 2025-03-11

The Humanities Lab highly rated in RQ20

The Humanities Lab highly rated in RQ20 The Humanities Lab highly rated in RQ20 Published 15 February 2021 The university's infrastructure receives much praise in the RQ20 evaluation. Not least at the intermediate level, there are many fine laboratories, equipment and facilities. The Humanities Lab is highlighted as an exemplary example of good infrastructure that also works universally - for and

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/the-humanities-lab-highly-rated-in-rq20/ - 2025-03-11

The lab at the LU 350 anniversary party!

The lab at the LU 350 anniversary party! The lab at the LU 350 anniversary party! Published 19 September 2017 Susanne Schötz about Meowsic at the big LU 350-year anniversary party, in front of an audience of 7000! Share http://www.humlab.lu.se?id=62865&tx_news_pi1[news]=1512 Latest News 2025-02-03 Article in Sydsvenskan! 2025-01-24 New Publications in Bilingualism Research 2024-12-19 Season's gree

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/the-lab-at-the-lu-350-anniversary-party/ - 2025-03-11

The Lab awarded 4,500000 SEK!

The Lab awarded 4,500000 SEK! The Lab awarded 4,500000 SEK! Published 31 January 2017 Lund University Humanities Lab has been awarded a 4,500 000 SEK grant by Lund University to upgrade and maintain the facilities. The new grant will help us stay cutting edge and provide scholars in our disciplines and across LU more broadly with the best possible tools for tackling research challenges ahead. We a

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/the-lab-awarded-4500000-sek/ - 2025-03-11

The Lab closed for experiments but ongoing review for partial access in the autumn

The Lab closed for experiments but ongoing review for partial access in the autumn The Lab closed for experiments but ongoing review for partial access in the autumn Published 10 June 2020 Due to covid-19 Lund University Humanities Lab stopped all experimental activities and participant testing on March 16. However, we are currently working to review which facilities might open in the autumn under

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/the-lab-closed-for-experiments-but-ongoing-review-for-partial-access-in-the-autumn/ - 2025-03-11

The Lab has been awarded 5735 000 SEK!

The Lab has been awarded 5735 000 SEK! The Lab has been awarded 5735 000 SEK! Published 13 December 2016 Lund University Humanities Lab has been awarded  5735 000 SEK from the LMK Foundation to upgrade the Digital Classroom, which opened in 2012. The new grant will help to maintain a unique environment and adapt it to the new challenges we face. The Lab is deeply grateful for the Foundation's supp

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/the-lab-has-been-awarded-5735-000-sek/ - 2025-03-11

The lab in various activities about bilingualism and interculturalism

The lab in various activities about bilingualism and interculturalism The lab in various activities about bilingualism and interculturalism Published 5 May 2017 Annika Andersson gave a presentation about the brain and multilingualism at the conference "Swedish as a second language" in Stockholm, March 23-25, 2017, with 250 participants from all parts of Sweden. Annika Andersson's presentation mate

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/the-lab-in-various-activities-about-bilingualism-and-interculturalism/ - 2025-03-11

The Lab is part of the newly launched fund raising campaign

The Lab is part of the newly launched fund raising campaign The Lab is part of the newly launched fund raising campaign Published 24 January 2014 Today, Lund University launched a fund raising campaign for the university's 350-year anniversary "For a better world". The Humanities Lab is part of this campaign with a project on a new experimental classroom at Campus Helsingborg. In this classroom re

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/the-lab-is-part-of-the-newly-launched-fund-raising-campaign/ - 2025-03-11

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences visited the Lab

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences visited the Lab The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences visited the Lab Published 29 August 2022 Last week the LU Humanities Lab welcomed the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences , Class for humanities and for outstanding services to science, as part of their visit to Lund University. Share http://www.humlab.lu.se?id=62865&tx_news_pi1[news]=3669 Latest News 2025-02

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/the-royal-swedish-academy-of-sciences-visit-to-the-lab/ - 2025-03-11