

Din sökning på "*" gav 535429 sökträffar


Satu.PDF A Minimalist Analysis of Stage Level and Individual Level Predicates SATU MANNINEN 1 Introduction In the same way as nouns come in two types – nouns like dog and cat refer to objects which are countable, while nouns like water and gold refer to objects which are uncountable - it is often proposed that predicates fall into two natural classes: those that express temporary, transient proper

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol01/Satu.pdf - 2025-03-13


Anna.doc Modal constructions? ANNA WÄRNSBY 1 Introduction This paper discusses the possibility of applying a Construction Grammar approach to the analysis of epistemic expressions containing modal verbs in Swedish and English. In case such an approach to modality is possible, a further question is posited - whether this approach to modality is adequate. The present investigation is based on the ev

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol02/Anna.pdf - 2025-03-13


Joe.doc Comments on Vacuous Subject Movement1 JOE TROTTA, DEPARTMENT OF THE HUMANITIES , HALMSTAD UNIVERSITY 1 Introduction In this working paper, I discuss the phenomenon known as VACUOUS SUBJECT MOVEMENT (henceforward also referred to as VSM) in English and the problem posed for VSM by Chomsky’s (1986) VACUOUS MOVEMENT HYPOTHESIS (henceforward also referred to as VMH), ie the idea that overt wh-

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol02/Joe.pdf - 2025-03-13

Microsoft Word - WP3 Fabian Beijer EDITERAD15 aug 2003.doc

Microsoft Word - WP3 Fabian Beijer EDITERAD15 aug 2003.doc Michal Starke’s Move Dissolves into Merge: A Theory of Locality. A Summarizing Review. FABIAN BEIJER 1 Introduction After having presented the main ideas at various seminars, conferences and EGG summer schools1 at least since 1999, Michal Starke completed his doctoral thesis in 2001. The thesis has not yet been published in book format2. I

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol03/Beijer-Starkemovedissolvesintomerge.pdf - 2025-03-13

Microsoft Word - WP3 Fredrik Heinat Editerad 15 aug.doc

Microsoft Word - WP3 Fredrik Heinat Editerad 15 aug.doc Pronouns in a Derivational Syntax FREDRIK HEINAT 1 Introduction Binding theory has been one of the central modules in syntactic theory since the early eighties. However, research on syntax in the last ten years has given binding theory less attention. One problem is that even though core concepts used in binding theory, e.g. governing categor

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol03/Heinat-Pronounsinaderivationalsyntax.pdf - 2025-03-13

WP3 Eva Klingvall EDITERAD 15 aug 2003.doc

WP3 Eva Klingvall EDITERAD 15 aug 2003.doc Aspectual properties of the English middle construction EVA KLINGVALL 1 Introduction The aim of the present paper is to investigate the aspectual properties of middle constructions in English. English middle constructions are non-eventive sentences deno ting a property of the grammatical subject. Middle formation seems to have certain similarities with pa

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol03/Klingvall-AspectualpropertiesoftheEmiddles.pdf - 2025-03-13

Microsoft Word - WP3 Hans Malmström och Carita Paradis EDITERAD15 aug 2003.–

Microsoft Word - WP3 Hans Malmström och Carita Paradis EDITERAD15 aug 2003.– Modelling speech production – evidence from Swedish blends HANS MALMSTRÖM CARITA PARADIS 1 Introduction1 This paper is concerned with a type of speech errors called blends and what they may tell us about speech processing. A blend is a contamination of elements from two different lexical items. Sometime during the process

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol03/MalmstromParadis-Modellingspeechproduction.pdf - 2025-03-13

Microsoft Word - WP3 Carita Paradis EDITERAD15 aug 2003.doc

Microsoft Word - WP3 Carita Paradis EDITERAD15 aug 2003.doc Where does metonymy stop? Senses, facets and active zones CARITA PARADIS 1 Introduction Within the framework of Cognitive Linguistics both metonymy and metaphor are seen as pervasive phenomena in thought and language. They are, however, different conceptualizations of experience. Metaphorization, such as ‘Love is a journey’, involves the

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol03/Paradis-Wheredoesmetonymystop.pdf - 2025-03-13

This is the title of my paper

This is the title of my paper A Note on the Categorization of Nominal expressions FREDRIK HEINAT Abstract This paper argues that the distinction that Déchaine and Wiltschko (2002) make between on the one hand r-expressions, first and second person pronouns, and on the other hand third person pronouns is misleading. If more data is taken into consideration and some of the data that Déchaine and Wil

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol04/heinat-wp-04.pdf - 2025-03-13

This is the title of my paper

This is the title of my paper A longitudinal corpus of Swedish university students’ written English, some problems and some results∗ PHILIP SHAW, UNIVERSITY OF STOCKHOLM Abstract To understand how writing skills are acquired requires longitudinal studies, which should focus not only on correctness, but also on style and vocabulary development. In this project I got first-semester students in the E

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol04/shaw-wp-04.pdf - 2025-03-13

This is the title of my paper

This is the title of my paper Syntactic autonomy and result clauses* JONATHAN R. WHITE, HÖGSKOLAN DALARNA Abstract In this paper I look at whether the syntactic properties of the result clause construction in English can be predicted from its semantic properties. I adopt the semantics of Meier (2000, 2003) which treats the construction as having a hidden conditional meaning. The structure she prop

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol04/white-wp-04.pdf - 2025-03-13

Microsoft Word - katrin och satu formated-14pt.doc

Microsoft Word - katrin och satu formated-14pt.doc Some thoughts on Balto-Finnic passives and impersonals KATRIN HIIETAM (INDEPENDENT SCHOLAR) & SATU MANNINEN (LUND UNIVERSITY) Abstract This working paper focuses on the question of whether the Balto-Finnic impersonal construction can be classified as active or passive. We contrast it with the criteria for impersonal active constructions, listed in

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol05/Hiietam-Manninen-wp05.pdf - 2025-03-13

Microsoft Word - klingall-formaterad-14pt.doc

Microsoft Word - klingall-formaterad-14pt.doc A secret agent in the middle? EVA KLINGVALL (LUND UNIVERSITY) Abstract This paper is concerned with agentivity in middle constructions in English. More specifically, it investigates what the reported “agentive flavour” is. The paper argues that there is at least some evidence for an Agent argument being structurally present in some way in the middle. I

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol05/klingvall-wp05.pdf - 2025-03-13

No title

Probing phrases, pronouns, and binding1 FREDRIK HEINAT (MALMÖ UNIVERSITY) Abstract One claim in this paper is that all labels with unvalued features are probes, in other words, phrases, too are probes. The second claim is that the difference between pronouns and reflexives is an effect of the syntactic derivation; personal pronouns are formed with all ϕ-features valued and need only case, which i

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol06/Heinat_06.pdf - 2025-03-13

ParadisandWillners WP06-revised

ParadisandWillners WP06-revised Selecting antonyms for dictionary entries: methodological aspects1 CARITA PARADIS (VÄXJÖ UNIVERSITY ) & CAROLINE WILLNERS (LUND UNIVERSITY ) Abstract This paper investigates the treatment of antonymy in Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary (2003) in order to find out what kinds of headwords are provided with antonyms as part of their definitions and

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol06/Paradis_Willners_06.pdf - 2025-03-13

English is a global language

English is a global language Engelska är ett globalt språk Engelska är ett världsspråk på ett sätt som inget annat språk någonsin varit tidigare i historien. Latin användes visserligen som ett internationellt språk under medeltiden, men bara inom Europa. Engelska används idag på samtliga kontinenter och i nästan alla världens länder. Man talar ibland om de tre cirklarna: Den inre cirkeln, som omfa

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/amnen/engelska/English_is_a_global_language.pdf - 2025-03-13

No title

Publication Series VOL.2 From so far to so close: Stories from the present and the past *This publication is licenced under a CC BY-NC License for free access. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ @SoCloseEU @socloseeu SO-CLOSE Project www.so-close.eu Enhancing Social Cohesion through Sharing the Cultural Heritage of Forced Migrations https://twitter.com/So_close_eu https://twitter.com/So_

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/amnen/europastudier/SO-CLOSE_Publication_VOL.2.pdf - 2025-03-13

Microsoft Word - Anvisningar Uppsats LV.docx

Microsoft Word - Anvisningar Uppsats LV.docx   Anvisningar  för  uppsatsskrivning  i   litteraturvetenskap,  svenska  med   litteraturvetenskaplig  inriktning,   barnlitteratur  och  teatervetenskap   på  grundnivå  och  avancerad  nivå       Avdelningen  för  litteraturvetenskap,  Språk-­‐  och  litteraturcentrum,  Lunds   universitet         2   Innehåll       Att  skriva  uppsats      3   Uppsa

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/amnen/littvet/anvisningar.pdf - 2025-03-13

Del 1

Del 1 Lunds universitet ÖCK 650 Institutionen för Öst- Kandidatuppsats och Centraleuropastudier vt 2006 Handledare: Karin Sarsenov Moskva är inte Sodom! En diskussion om nationell identitet, maskulinitet och synen på homosexualitet i dagens Ryssland Författare: Emil Persson Innehållsförteckning 1. Uppsatsen presenteras 3 1.1. Inledning 3 1.2. Mitt problem 3 1.3. Tillvägagångssätt och material 4 1.

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/amnen/ocek/EmilPersson650.pdf - 2025-03-13


LUNDS UNIVERSITET LUNDS UNIVERSITET Språk- och litteraturcentrum, Ryska RYS 053 / HT 2006 Delkurs 5. Uppsats (4p) Handledare: Jens Nørgård-Sørensen Andreas Bryngelson - Какое кенгуру? - Такая кенгуру! Om genusanvändning hos oböjliga substantiv Innehåll 2 1. Inledning 3 1.1 Mål 3 1.2 Material 3 1.3 Metod 4 1.4 Avgränsningar 4 2. Presentation och urval 5 2.1 Jämförelse av läroböcker 6 2.1.1 Offord 6

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/amnen/ryska/AndreasBryngelsson.pdf - 2025-03-13