

Din sökning på "*" gav 533107 sökträffar

The Yearbook 2019-2020 is now launched

Published 9 November 2020 The first issue of the yearbook was published in 1996 and the release have continued every year since then. The yearbook collect texts and pictures from the graduation students. Each year we also make a digital verision where works from the school's other students are highlighted. The Yearbook 2019-2020 is now launched! You can find the digital version of the Yearbook her

https://www.khm.lu.se/en/article/yearbook-2019-2020-now-launched - 2025-03-10

Alumni: Fucking Boring

Published 10 November 2020 Fucking Boring Gallery 21, Malmö http://www.galleri21.com/g21/ Opening 14 November, last day is 13 December, 2020. Opening hours: Thursday 15-18/3-6pm , Friday-Sunday 12-16/Noon-4 pm Participants:Körner & MoreauMaria NorrmanBruno WeibeltElla TillemaRuno LagomarsinoMonika Larsen DennisDitte EjlerskovBeck & Jung 

https://www.khm.lu.se/en/article/alumni-fucking-boring - 2025-03-10

Gertrud Sandqvist hands over to Maj Hasager

Published 13 November 2020 As of January 1, 2021, Maj Hasager will be the new Rector at Malmö Art Academy. Gertrud Sandqvist, who has been Rector at Malmö Art Academy since 2011 (she also held the post between 1995 and 2007), then becomes vice rector at the school. Below, Gertrud herself writes about the handover of the post. After 22 years as the Rector of Malmö Art Academy, I’m now leaving and h

https://www.khm.lu.se/en/article/gertrud-sandqvist-hands-over-maj-hasager - 2025-03-10

Maj Hasager elected as new Rector at Malmö Art Academy

Published 15 November 2020 Maj Hasager Maj Hasager is herself educated at Malmö Art Academy and has for the past nine years been teaching at the Master's Program. From January 1, she will take on the role as Rector. What are your feelings about your new assignment?-I feel great joy, recognition and trust being elected as Rector, and I look forward to entering the role. Trust is key when it comes t

https://www.khm.lu.se/en/article/maj-hasager-elected-new-rector-malmo-art-academy - 2025-03-10

Alumni: Repose

Published 16 November 2020 Repose Anna Andersson & Gabriel Karlsson November 20 - December 6 Canopy, Malmö Opening: Friday November 20, 17:00 - 21:00 Welcome to the exhibition Repose by Anna Andersson & Gabriel Karlsson; a dialogue forming around two sculptural practices. Due to the current situation, a limited number of visitors will be allowed in the space at the same time. Hand sanitizer and fa

https://www.khm.lu.se/en/article/alumni-repose - 2025-03-10

Remembering Marion von Osten

Published 16 November 2020 Foto: Wolfgang Stahr Marion von Osten, who recieved her doctorate with 'In The Making: Traversing the project exhibition In the Desert of Modernity. Colonial Planning and After' at Malmö Art Academy 2018, tragically died of cancer last weekend. Her colleagues in the doctoral student group and her supervisors have written a few words of remembrance for Marion. Read below:

https://www.khm.lu.se/en/article/remembering-marion-von-osten - 2025-03-10

Heimo Zobernig appointed honorary doctor

Published 20 November 2020 Heimo Zobernig, Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, has been appointed honorary doctor of the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts 2021. Since his debut in 1978, Heimo Zobernig has been one of Europe's and the world's most interesting and influential artists. In his field, he works with the equivalent of art to basic research, as he challenges our notions of the center and th

https://www.khm.lu.se/en/article/heimo-zobernig-appointed-honorary-doctor - 2025-03-10

Alumni: Martine Flor - The Still

Published 17 November 2020 Martine Flor - The Still Galleri Obra Vernissage 20.11 4pm-7pm 20.11-21.12 Mon-Fri 11am-4pm Stora Varvsgatan 12-14 SE-211 19 Malmö Opening hours may change due to the current Covid-19 situation, please find updated information on www.obra.se.   Martine Flor (b.1989 Trondheim, Norway) lives and works in Malmö, where she graduated from Malmö Art Academy in 2018. In 2019 sh

https://www.khm.lu.se/en/article/alumni-martine-flor-still - 2025-03-10

A Malmö Trilogy: Shepherdess and Other Exilic Vernaculars

Published 20 November 2020 A Malmö Trilogy: Shepherdess and Other Exilic Vernaculars Sara Lindeborg, Selma Sjöstedt, Angelica Falkeling 21 november–13 december 2020 & 14 januari–14 februari 2021 Signal, Malmö One single scene is told from a number of different perspectives. We recognise this approach from the world of cinema, theatre, literature, but what if we were to present an exhibition this w

https://www.khm.lu.se/en/article/malmo-trilogy-shepherdess-and-other-exilic-vernaculars - 2025-03-10

Nina Roos has been awarded the command of the Order of the Lion of Finland

Published 7 December 2020 Nina Roos, external supervisor at Malmö Art Academy of the Art for many years, has been awarded the command of the Order of the Lion of Finland. Congratulations Nina! On Independence Day, 6 December, Nina Roos was awarded Finland's finest order: the commander's mark of the Order of the Lions of Finland. You can read more about this in Vasabladet.

https://www.khm.lu.se/en/article/nina-roos-has-been-awarded-command-order-lion-finland - 2025-03-10

COVID Symptom Study bidrar med data till Helsingborg stad

Publicerad 26 januari 2021 Under vintern har Helsingborg haft omfattande smittspridning och hög belastning på vården. Tack vare våra dagliga resultat som vi gör öppet tillgängliga har Helsingborg stad kunnat följa utvecklingen i kommunen bättre. Förändringar i andelen deltagare med symtom har kunnat användas som en tidig indikator för förändringar i smittspridning. Vi har under de senaste veckorna

https://www.covid19app.lu.se/artikel/covid-symptom-study-bidrar-med-data-till-helsingborg-stad - 2025-03-10

Stora variationer i landet

Publicerad 5 mars 2021 Sedan vecka 26, 2020, har COVID Symptom Study varje vecka sammanställt en veckorapport där vi markerar vilka områden som har högst och lägst uppskattad förekomst av symtomatisk covid-19 och i vilka områden förekomsten verkar öka snabbast. Dessa veckorapporter publiceras på vår hemsida och skickas bland annat till Sveriges smittskyddsenheter och Folkhälsomyndigheten. Vi bevak

https://www.covid19app.lu.se/artikel/stora-variationer-i-landet - 2025-03-10

Diabetes och covid-19

Publicerad 18 mars 2021 LUND UNIVERSITY DIABETES CENTER OCH UPPSALA UNIVERSITET FOKUSERAR PÅ ATT ÖKA KUNSKAPEN OM DIABETES OCH COVID-19   Bild skapad av ZOE Ltd Forskarna vid COVID Symptom Study Sverige (Lunds universitet och Uppsala universitet) kommer framöver att fokusera bland annat på om typ 1 diabetes och typ 2 diabetes medför ökad risk att bli svårare sjuk i covid-19, och om eventuella samb

https://www.covid19app.lu.se/artikel/diabetes-och-covid-19 - 2025-03-10

COVID-19 Data Portal Sweden

Publicerad 30 mars 2021 COVID Symptom Study är glada över att i samarbete med Dataportalen arbeta för att göra data från forskningsstudien tillgänglig för svenska forskare. Dataportalen har lagt upp information om studien och hur vi delar data på sin hemsida. Läs hela "highlighten" här Den svenska dataportalen för covid-19 tillhandahåller information, riktlinjer, verktyg och tjänster för att stödj

https://www.covid19app.lu.se/artikel/covid-19-data-portal-sweden - 2025-03-10

Webinar om långdragna covid-19-symtom (postcovid)

Publicerad 15 april 2021 Den 29 april anordnar COVID Symptom Study Sverige, med hjälp av UppTalk, Uppsala universitet ett lunchwebinar med fokus på att diskutera långdragna symtom vid covid-19. Vi välkomnar alla att delta. Zoom-eventet tillåter max. 500 deltagare och det är "först till kvarn" som gäller på dagen då ingen förregistrering är möjlig. Du kan dock be om en påminnelse 30 minuter innan w

https://www.covid19app.lu.se/artikel/webinar-om-langdragna-covid-19-symtom-postcovid - 2025-03-10