

Din sökning på "*" gav 534711 sökträffar

Digital revolution changes work environment

Published 21 April 2017 How does digital technology affect our work situation? Could data collected to measure our performance lead to old-fashioned micromanagement? Should higher education take after healthcare with regard to the boundary between work and spare time? These are some of the questions discussed by researchers involved in the research theme Digiworks at the Pufendorf Institute. Resea

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/digital-revolution-changes-work-environment - 2025-03-09

LU provides education against violent extremism

Published 24 April 2017 How we deal with people who return from terrorist groups – not just those who have travelled to ISIS but also those who have joined right-wing groups in, for instance, Ukraine – is crucial to our own safety, says Dan-Erik Andersson, one of the people behind a new national contract education course on violent extremism. From the left: Dan-Erik Andersson, Tina Robertsson and

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/lu-provides-education-against-violent-extremism - 2025-03-09

We need a protein shift

Published 24 April 2017 The climate cannot handle the amount of animals we eat. There needs to be a protein shift, according to researcher Karolina Östbring who is involved in the Sustainability Week. Her vision is to create a platform for research on vegetable proteins at LU. Karolina Östberg  Photo: Kennet Ruona. The human population is growing, while our ecological footprint needs to become muc

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/we-need-protein-shift - 2025-03-09

She knows what makes a design classic

Published 2 June 2017 Why is the Stringhyllan bookshelf considered a design classic but not the Billy? And what makes the Lamino armchair into the furniture design of the century while Norrgavel’s Länstol chair isn’t even considered a classic? “I believed, rather naively, that it was quality that determined whether a piece became a Anna Wahlöö has her personal favourite among the design classics i

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/she-knows-what-makes-design-classic - 2025-03-09

A calmer phase after turbulence for centres moving to faculties

Published 2 June 2017 The relocation of the specialised centres to the faculties which is currently underway within LU has generated concern and discussion. “But once you know where you are moving, a calmer and more constructive phase begins”, says Bo Ahrén, chair of the University’s specialised centres. But Merle Jacob, professor of research policy, finds the path to the right faculty to be rathe

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/calmer-phase-after-turbulence-centres-moving-faculties - 2025-03-09

Research community deplores threat of closure of Hungarian CEU

Published 2 June 2017 Andra Jugånaru comes from the threatened CEU university in Hungary. After three months as a visiting doctoral student at LU, she is not sure whether she will have any university to return to. Andra Jugånaru and Samuel Rubenson. Photo: Jenny Loftrup “If the university is closed down, it is a very big step backwards, a step towards the higher education of the Communist era in t

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/research-community-deplores-threat-closure-hungarian-ceu - 2025-03-09

The pros and cons of crowdfunding

Published 2 June 2017 Antonio Cordero hoped that crowdfunding would help him when he wanted to focus on his secondary research project on the box turtle. No money ever showed up, but he did gain lessons in both marketing and how to disseminate his research. Antonio Cordero. Crowdfunding, is a way of using the internet to finance anything from the production of single products to academic research.

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/pros-and-cons-crowdfunding - 2025-03-09

Heat exhaustion behind mysterious kidney disease

Published 2 June 2017 In Chichigalpa, Nicaragua, almost half of all male deaths are attributable to a mysterious kidney disease. In El Salvador, it the second most common cause of death among men. In Sri Lanka, it is believed to have caused about 25 000 deaths over the past decade. Working in heat is a common factor, so the problem is expected to increase along with global warming. The condition i

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/heat-exhaustion-behind-mysterious-kidney-disease - 2025-03-09

Mummified bishop is revived in book and exhibition

Published 2 June 2017 Peder Winstrup was a man with many irons in the fire. Founder of Lund University, bishop, Renaissance man, architect, scientist, author, powerful political player, printer, poet and much more. Even long after his death, he continues to fascinate us as a uniquely well-preserved mummy. Now his life has been turned into an exhibition and a book. Andreas Manhag and Per Karsten wa

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/mummified-bishop-revived-book-and-exhibition - 2025-03-09

What a party!

Published 3 October 2017 High spirits, a magnificently versatile show, and long beer queues, as Lund University staff and students celebrated the 350th anniversary with a big birthday bash. But the party came close to not being held on historic ground. Photo: Kennet Ruona. The National Property Board of Sweden, which manages the buildings in Lundagård park, was for a long time sceptical about havi

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/what-party - 2025-03-09

Sylvia Schwaag Serger appointed new deputy vice-chancellor

Published 2 September 2017 Sylvia Schwaag Serger is currently responsible for international strategy at Vinnova, and an adjunct professor at the School of Economics and Management at Lund University. In addition, this Swedish-German-Chinese-American has a PhD in economic history from the London School of Economics. Sylvia Schwaag-Serger. Photo: Vinnova The search for a new deputy vice-chancellor b

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/sylvia-schwaag-serger-appointed-new-deputy-vice-chancellor - 2025-03-09

The gluten riddle – searching for the triggers of coeliac disease

Published 2 October 2017 A new trend among food-conscious Swedes is to adopt a gluten-free diet. However, according to LU researchers studying coeliac disease (gluten intolerance), the trend is not solely a good thing as it may blur the line between illness and health. “The fact that patients with coeliac disease now have more food products to choose from is, of course, a good thing. What is less

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/gluten-riddle-searching-triggers-coeliac-disease - 2025-03-09

Put departments in charge of contract education

Published 2 October 2017 The University’s contract education needs to grow in order to match the skills needed among companies and public authorities in the region. A new report proposes to give the departments the main responsibility for the development of contract education. Employees who work as consultants on the side are to become more involved in the University’s own contract education which

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/put-departments-charge-contract-education - 2025-03-09

How to work actively against gender inequality in academia

Published 1 October 2017 Laurie Cohen, from the Department of Business Administration, on gender inequality in academia and how it won't go away unless we take action. An old story has re-emerged on social media. It goes like this. A father and his son are in a car accident. The father is killed and the son is rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery. Upon entering the operating theatre and se

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/how-work-actively-against-gender-inequality-academia - 2025-03-09

Pilot by remote control

Published 2 October 2017 Drones are becoming a matter of interest for more than just the military and the toy industry. Lund University’s School of Aviation in Ljungbyhed (TFHS) is now launching the first study programme for drone operators in Sweden – and perhaps the world. Drone flying over Ljungbyhed. Photo:Kennet Ruona At the far end of one of the huge hangars in Ljungbyhed, the tables have be

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/pilot-remote-control - 2025-03-09

The employee organisation: “We should be involved from the outset in rehabilitations”

Published 14 November 2017 The number of problematic rehabilitations is increasing at LU, according to the employee organisations which often get involved when things go wrong. Lars-Åke Lööv. Photo: Kennet Ruona “A bad rehabilitation ends up being very expensive”, says Lars-Åke Lööv, elected representative of SACO-s. When it comes to rehabilitation after physical disease, he thinks the process is

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/employee-organisation-we-should-be-involved-outset-rehabilitations - 2025-03-09

Those who are ill should be allowed to be so in peace and quiet

Published 14 November 2017 The manager’s attitude can both facilitate and complicate the return to work of an employee who has been on sick leave. Gunnel Holm has headed a faculty office for seventeen years and she strives to show consideration and provide moderate follow-up without dwelling on the situation when someone returns to work after a period of sick leave. Gunnel Holm Photo:Maria Lindh “

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/those-who-are-ill-should-be-allowed-be-so-peace-and-quiet - 2025-03-09

“I should have been put on the bench a lot earlier”

Published 14 November 2017 A realistic sense of time, mentors at work, body therapy and a manager who welcomed her back. These were important elements in Ingela Steij Stålbrand’s rehabilitation after a severe case of exhaustion. Now she has organised her life in such a way as to prohibit her job from taking up too much time – and is enjoying everyday life more than she has for many years.  Ingela

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/i-should-have-been-put-bench-lot-earlier - 2025-03-09

Occupational Health Service: “Managers must be trained”

Published 14 November 2017 Continual managerial changes and collegial leadership are major challenges for rehabilitation at LU according to Anne Link, head of the Occupational Health Service. Anne Link. Photo: Jenny Loftrup In spring 2016, changes to the Work Environment Act increased pressure on employers to regulate stress, overwork and workplace bullying. Responsibility for the rehabilitation p

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/occupational-health-service-managers-must-be-trained - 2025-03-09

Tandem researchers Smith & Meissner

Published 14 November 2017 Smith & Meissner are two researchers who have been hand-picked to find molecular clues to healing processes in the heart and blood vessels. A cardiologist and a molecular biologist who complement one another and work together to move research forward, Gustav Smith and Anja Meissner are one of the “tandem pairs” in a major initiative at the Wallenberg Centre for Molec

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/tandem-researchers-smith-meissner - 2025-03-09